Firehouse Dog
Firehouse Dog
PG | 04 April 2007 (USA)
Firehouse Dog Trailers

Rexxx, Hollywood's top canine star, gets lost and is adopted into a shabby firehouse. He teams up with a young kid to get the station back on its feet.


Tied for the best movie I have ever seen

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How sad is this?

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A lot of perfectly good film show their cards early, establish a unique premise and let the audience explore a topic at a leisurely pace, without much in terms of surprise. this film is not one of those films.

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Robert Joyner

The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one

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zif ofoz

a delightful non-heavy film of a spoiled Hollywood 'star dog' finding his inner dog through rough work at a fire station and a very strong minded little boy.this movie is not - i repeat 'not' high acting nor does it pretend to be. the characters are not to be believed as real. but are rather charming and a bit goofy. which (for me) drew me into this movie. my favorite is the firehouse cook!PLUS there is a plot of mystery with good & evil characters keeping the story constantly moving. the laughs are plenty with the goofy dog and often silly firemen.for lite entertainment and just a feel good story this is a winner!

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Some of the people commenting on this movie really need to lighten up and learn to enjoy life! They must be awfully unhappy people.Other reviewers need to remember that this movie wasn't made for grown-ups looking for witty repartee and clever insults; it wasn't made for teens looking for sex, violence, and explosions, and it wasn't made for jaded, cynical people of any age. It was made for kids who are still kids, and for the adults who love them, and love seeing them happy.Personally, I loved this movie; it was charming and heartwarming without being saccharine, funny without being stupid. My kids are grown and moved out, but my two dogs sat and watched about 90% of this movie, so I guess they liked it. Sure, it was corny in places, but why does that have to be a bad thing? I will have to put this one on the list for the grandkids when they show up...Bruce Greenwood is a really under-rated actor; and does a great job playing a father who's not perfect, but one you could always count on. Josh Hutcherson also does well, considering he plays second fiddle to the real star of the movie, Rexxx/Dewey the Wonder Dog. The credits say his part was actually played by 4 dogs, and I assume their trainer was a "Lord of the Rings" fan. Regardless, the dogs are impressive with both their stunts and their "acting".Highly recommended film for families with kids and dog-lovers, young and old.

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If you watch this with kids, I bet they will say they like it, and isn't what this is all about? I guess I went in with low expectations. The previous review I read from someone on here sounded like an insane person. The acting was actually rather good. In fact, point a movie out to me where Bruce Greenwood WASN'T good. The guy is always terrific. And here he is back with his "Thirteen Days" costar Steven Culp. This is a long ways from "Thirteen Days", but it is a touching and nicely paced family movie, even at 111 minutes. The dog was great. I wish the kid wasn't so bitter in every movie he appears in, but oh well. Give this one a shot, but don't expect "E.T.".

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Roland E. Zwick

In the utterly unremarkable "Firehouse Dog," a pampered movie star pooch named Rexxx falls out of an airplane and into the lap of a second-rate fire station where he is immediately adopted as the department's mascot. With his natural talent for search-and-rescue missions, Rexxx soon insinuates his way into the hearts and affections of all, including the young, slightly troubled son (Josh Hutcherson) of the station's chief (Bruce Greenwood).Despite all its obvious good intentions, I can scarcely imagine anyone but the tiniest tots in the audience being either intrigued or inspired by this film. Apart from the slight difference that the Timmy-fallen-down-a-well predicament has been replaced by a Shane-trapped-in-a-burning-firehouse sequence, this is a thoroughly conventional "a boy and his dog" tale in which neither the boy nor the dog is really all that appealing. In fact, Rexxx is so un-cute and so un-cuddly that it's hard to believe that he could ever be a true canine superstar sensation in the real world.As for the script, it consists mainly of feeble jokes, broad slapstick and obvious sentimentality ladled out in roughly equal measure. There are a few touching father-and-son moments along the way, but this is otherwise a very long, very uninspired "kid flick." There's nothing overtly wrong with either the values or the morals conveyed by the movie - unless, that is, one considers subjecting innocent and unsuspecting children to bad film-making to be, in and of itself, immoral.

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