Fire Serpent
Fire Serpent
R | 24 February 2007 (USA)
Fire Serpent Trailers

Alien creatures emerge from the sun and attack Earth.


One of the worst movies I've ever seen

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Load of rubbish!!

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The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.

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Anoushka Slater

While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.

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Former TV stars battle for non-careers..As Xander aka Nicolas Brendon post BTVS tries to battle against Chakotay aka Robert Beltran (Star Trek Voyager) battles fort he title of formerly had a career on a hit TV show.Oh wait.. they have new names for this movie? Oh OK my bad..They are jake and Cooke respectively this time around.. though I'd bet most ppl would be far more likely to remember them for their former roles..Hire former stars out of pity or desperate attempt to pass production off as bigger budget? Check! Made for TV? Yep Low budget? Double Check Sub par childish writing? check check & check! Hired local HS geek club for special effects? Running out of checks fast! (Limit of one check for each geek/nerd please!) Syfy managed to not make a 100% disaster unlike most they touch? Check!Actually all things considered not bad.. and "Xander" being notoriously drunk as hell during this time period probably helped I'm's campy at best.. very poor/low budget everything and has a huge # of errors of course.. but scary enough it's actually watchable.. unlike so much crap esp that has been on TV as of late as I've commented elsewhere (including horrid uwe boll crap)Trivia as well as how to cut down on expenses for the script: The "abandoned glass factory" and "local fuel source" actually are exactly that IRL... (Vopak storage for the tanks iirc)The Glass factory (Consumer's Glass Factory, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada locations=Consumer%27s%20Glass%20Factory,%20Hamilton,%20Ontario,%20C anada&ref_=ttloc_loc_5 ) isn't abandoned however.. but it has not operated as such in many decades. I've worked there on set for several films using the same location including "Weapon" (aka Cyborg Soldier (2008)) IMDb tt1151928 , & "The Incredible Hulk" IMDb tt0800080 & many others..Also note Filming at the Glass factory for both Hulk and "Weapon" were taking place at virtually the exact same time. We had to work around the creation of the freshly green painted walls for the "military base" section due to scheduling conflicts.Oh also note.. While I poke fun at Nicolas and Robert as former stars.. it's only in fun and it is true they really are former stars at this point compared to their former status... and they both are still working away in the industry so applause for them on that point :)I'm sure both are very nice guys as have the vast majority of those I've worked with. (I was not on set for this production at all) And I'm sure they would both happily laugh at themselves and this review as well unlike idiots such as uwe boll (whom I'd happily accept his idiotic challenge btw just for the fun of deflating his absurdly over inflated ego)

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Fiery aliens land on Earth from the Sun, intent on causing havoc and destruction. About the only positive thing that I can say about this low budget, made for TV movie is that the acting was reasonable. Everything else - the ridiculous plot, rubbish special effects, etc - make for a very poor viewing experience and several times towards the end found myself nodding off. Did rewind the end to make sure I hadn't missed anything. I hadn't.

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I do admittedly get some novelty value out of SyFy's movies, though most of them are simply terrible. Fire Serpent is not their worst, but when I say that most of their movies are terrible Fire Serpent is not an exception. The scenery is bright and colourful, but that's pretty much it for redeeming values, because everywhere else visually the editing is choppy at best and the effects are mostly artificial-looking, if never quite Titanic II or Mega Piranha bad. The script and characters are cardboard-thin, with the script also cheesy and the characters, even with some attempt at back story and motivations, are still unengaging. Even worse is the story which is contrived and dull for the most part and lacking any sort of suspense or excitement. The actors seem to know the movie is bad and don't really seem to have their hearts in it. That's including Nicholas Brendan, who I liked in Buffy the Vampire Slayer. In conclusion, too contrived and never ignited my fire, sorry. 1/10 Bethany Cox

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My expectations of this movie were agonizingly low, based on 1) the fact that it's a Sci-Fi Channel Original, and 2) according to the trailers, Captain Kirk had something to do with it. (Though I'm not sure exactly what. All the trailer said was, "From the mind of William Shatner." Does that mean they brainwashed him into writing a screenplay, or did he dial up Sci-Fi Channel corporate offices one day and say, "Hi, William Shatner calling. I think you should do a movie about a sun flare that shoots its way to earth and stalks people like a giant snake? Now get to work. Good-bye.") In reality, the movie wasn't as horrible as I suspected. It definitely sucks, but it sucks in such a way that you're kind of laughing yourself through it and waiting for the next scene to ridicule. The opening scene flashes back to 1966, when the Fire Serpent first came down to Minnesota as a spark that ambushed and killed a young female firefighter who was putting out a brush fire with her boyfriend Dutch. Instead of spending the next 40 years terrorizing the world, the Fire Serpent apparently hibernates until this past Saturday night, when some firefighter named Jake (played by Nicholas Brendon) sees the Fire Serpent do the exact same thing to his rookie friend. Brendon runs into Dutch, who tries to explain that this fire wasn't really a fire, it was a living, snake-like monster. Brendan thinks Dutch is on drugs and tells him to go pound sand. Right here, I wanted to slap Brendon upside the head. The last time I saw Brendon in a movie, he spent two hours getting chased all over a secluded island by a killer pinata in "Demon Island," so he should know that if giant pinatas can come to life, so can fire. In the meantime, Sci-Fi Original veteran actor Robert Beltran spends most of his time in a power struggle with a young actress who has a nice figure (can't remember her name but she played Evelyn in last season's "24") about who has jurisdiction over forest fires in Minnesota. The movie leaves you hanging with unanswered questions. For example, why did the Fire Serpent kill a young lady in 1966, take a 40-year hiatus and then re-emerge in the present day to continue it's killing spree? If the Fire Serpent is such a bad-a**, why is there only a cast of a half-dozen people in this whole movie (You'd think the Fire Serpent's reign of terror would've attracted more attention)? Why bother writing the nosy, investigative reporter and her photog into the film when they get killed 20 minutes into the movie? The special effects don't draw you in either, they're horrible and the creature looks like it was drawn by orange crayon. But the movie is just entertaining enough, even if in a laughable way, to get you to keep watching until the end. I give it a 4 out of 10, only because it's better than that "Pumpkinhead" drivel Sci-Fi Channel wheeled out two weeks ago and I gave that movie a 3.

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