| 14 December 2007 (USA)
Fighter Trailers

Aïcha, a high-school student, is a passionate kung fu fighter. Her Turkish parents expect her to get good grades so she can get into medical school, like her brother Ali. But school doesn´t inspire her. Defying her family, Aïcha starts secretly training at a professional, co-ed kung fu club. A boy, Emil, helps Aïcha train for the club championship and they fall in love. But the rules of life are not as simple as the rules of kung fu, and Aïcha is forced to decide who she is and what she wants.


ridiculous rating

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It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional

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This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.

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The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.

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Destroyer Wod

I am a passionate about karate/kung fu/kickboxing movies. My cousin use to be like ten years ago, when he was younger. We have 7 years difference, and i became crazy about this style around 1 year ago... and i gave back the passion to my cousin. When this was released here in Quebec, i talked about it to my cousin, to my surprise he didn't wait to be with me to rent it... like we usually rent these movie together. And when he saw it, he totally dislike it... said to me there was not much fights and the story didn't save it... Well it took me almost 8 months to finally rent it, a night i really didn't know what to pick... and here we are... Glad i did, cause i totally enjoyed it... Sure there is indeed not that much fight and this have nothing to do with grudge match bloodsport style or undisputed style... Its all about the story, about a little girl who want to do what she want and should be allow to do so like every normal north American can do, but sadly she is born in a country and a culture that is way too much old school like its still the 1800s.... I may shock people here but i could never and will never understand the Muslims culture.... I am just SO NOT in religion and old school way of life... So for me that movie was very important, it use a subject i really like(martial arts) to demonstrate a story about racial problems and discrimination... It may not show a lot of fights, and they are very basic too, but its so much more than that.... Im the kind of guy who can appreciate an old school 1995 kickboxing movie about a grudge match between the former and the new champion, but i can also appreciate a good story movie and this is what it is.

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This is NOT like Bend It Like Beckham. In this movie Aicha's father never accepts her Kung Fu, never cares about her happiness. She ends up concealing it from him. He finally accepts her but never shows any interest in her happiness. In Beckham the father finally fully and enthusiastically accepts his daughter's football and her happiness. In Fighter everything is blamed on Aicha even though she is loyal and the troubles at her brother's wedding are not her fault. She gets the blame anyway. She gets blamed for her brother's being mugged by his true love's brother and friends. In Beckham the wedding is not ruined or disrupted by football. The male footballers in contrast welcome Jesminder's playing. They are impressed by her getting on a team. In Fighter Omar is angry and offended by her Kung Fu training. He tries to undermine her. I could go on, but the differences make this comparison problematic at best.The attraction between Aicha and Emil is kept within the confines of Aicha's conservative upbringing. She likes Emil a lot and at the end makes it very clear to him she wishes to have a relationship with him but on her terms. She never rejects her family's values even as she continues Kung Fu. She is happy to finish runner up in the competition and gaining Omar's respect.Does anyone know who sings the song "Shadow" during the end credits?

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i found this little independent gem to be well's about a Turkish girl living in Copenhagen,who wants to do her own thing,but her family being very conservative Muslims have their owns plans for her.the title obviously gives much of the plot away.but there's more to the movie than that.there's the cultural divide,and the gender bias as well.the fighting scenes are very well choreographed and are very elegant,almost balletic.there are no fancy camera tricks here.i was also impressed with the lead actress Semra Turan.i also like the wasn't your typical ending.then again,this isn't your typical movie.i'd say it's well worth a watch.for me,Fighter is a 9/10

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Despite positive reviews and screenings at the international festivals, this movie is not for everyone.The story is very similar to other movies, in which a teenage girl from the family of immigrants needs to overcome many common personal problems of her age, and also to struggle against the pressure of ethnic traditions in her family. She does that by choosing some kind of sport, and with the help of a local boy, that for some reason falls in love with her, she confronts her problems and wins.In Girlfight it's boxing, in Bend it like Beckham it's soccer, and now it's Kung Fu.But Fighter is much inferior product than these two, it was simply embarrassing to watch it. Semra Turan, the "actress" that playing the role of a teenage girl, maybe can do a lot of things, but one thing she can't do is to act. Her presence on the screen is anemic and clumsy, the dramatic situations, in which she tries to show some emotions, are dreadful, her body and facial language are of amateur actress, badly instructed by the director. The rest of the cast is a little better, but they just cannot save this cliché movie with stereotypical characters and shallow plot. Besides a few relatively good moments this movie has nothing new or interesting to offer.Even the kung fu fighting is not a reason to watch this, it's just so boring. The slow motion was really unnecessary, the choreography was basic and lacked the inspiration, and most of the kung fu scenes are just training or standing in all kind of kung fu positions, not actually fighting. Not to mention how ridiculous it looks when a small and skinny girl fights big and muscular boys, and knocks them off their feet. The only reason this movie has been noticed at all is because it's European. It's very easy to publicize this movie - A first martial arts film from Denmark, but don't be fooled, it's not. It's just a drama about stupid teenage girl and her problems, which are, by the way, not really convincing.Bad movie with embarrassing lines, acting and story.

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