| 18 October 2014 (USA)
Exorcism Trailers

In 1963 a young woman was possessed by a demon claiming to be the Devil, a local priest was requested by the girl's mother to perform an Exorcism. No one knows what became of them. 50 years later a group of filmmakers attempt to recreate the Exorcism but they are not prepared for the horror they will encounter. Captured on behind the scenes camera we the audience are now able to see these disturbing and unexplained events leading to the film crew's final hour.


Too many fans seem to be blown away

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The first must-see film of the year.

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Janae Milner

Easily the biggest piece of Right wing non sense propaganda I ever saw.

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Leoni Haney

Yes, absolutely, there is fun to be had, as well as many, many things to go boom, all amid an atmospheric urban jungle.

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The worst film I've seen in a Long, Long time.Non-actors non acting - even tho' it's supposed to be 'Found footage' (Is there a worse film genre?).I wonder how this got made, let alone put out.AVOID - AVOID - AVOID.

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You would be forgiven if you was looking forward to this one,but sadly you would be Mistaken, to say it was bad is such an understatement, the first 2 mins had you Thinking hang on this may be good the noise from family fortune I just made. Where to start on how bad this is ,I suppose the acting which myself and a few Friends would of done better,the script plain silly but I don't think I have ever wanted to fast forward a movie or just see how long was left I had to endure. So sorry guys it's not worth you time effort to sit through this dribble,don't think I will see a worse exorcism movie.exorcism was not a daft idea It was just very badly made.

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Well, where to start? Let's start with the acting. Pathetic, at best. Overacted and fake. Amateurish, high school project rate. The thread of the movie was not woven well at all. It felt disheveled, all over the place. The constant written cues, to explain to us what was going on. Annoying, after a while. ***spoiler alert***There was almost nothing about the previous exorcism, except for a mere mention about it. You would think that there would be more elaboration about it. Considering that it is the backdrop of the movie. And let's talk about those moments in the movie, when the sound was totally absent. Moments that were crucial, to me. Rubbish. Took away from the feel of it all. And an actor performing an exorcism??? Seriously! And near the end, so stupid and predictable. Why is she turning the night- vision camera on herself instead of her surroundings? Again, stupid. Do not waste your time!

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