Evil Things
Evil Things
R | 17 June 2009 (USA)
Evil Things Trailers

On January 9, 2009, five college students left New York City for a weekend in the country. 48 hours later, all five students have simply vanished without a trace. There were no leads and no evidence - until now.


Really Surprised!

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If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.

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Melanie Bouvet

The movie's not perfect, but it sticks the landing of its message. It was engaging - thrilling at times - and I personally thought it was a great time.

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Hayleigh Joseph

This is ultimately a movie about the very bad things that can happen when we don't address our unease, when we just try to brush it off, whether that's to fit in or to preserve our self-image.

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This movie starts out with a familiar enough premise. Friends going on a road trip from the city to the Catskills, in this case to celebrate the birthday of one of the girls and guess what? Yep one of the guys feels the need to film everything along the way and you get the usual "Are you going to film everything"? type complaints which every one of these movies seems to have.Along the way they notice they're being followed by a van (for no apparent reason of course) and they all start to sort of freak out. They stop for food where yes again they see the van. Their destination happens to be this huge house (in a very remote area of course) which belongs to the birthday girls' aunt. When they get there the power is out. The aunt then shows up to turn it back on and at no time do they mention being followed since the girl claims her aunt is "very over protective". Anyway, that night they film themselves eating, drinking and being silly. The next day they go for a walk in the woods where they get lost...only to find their way back. This is where the whining of the girls (one in particular) starts to become insufferable.I won't bother with any other details, suffice to say the intruder(s) show up and bang at the door etc. They leave a video tape which shows that the group was being filmed the whole time.I realize in order to make these film one of the characters usually has to film everything going on. I just wish they gave a better reason why this has to happen. Especially later in the movie when they're running for their lives.Also, I don't like the whole you have to imagine what's going on while the characters are screaming like banshees. I want to see something "scary". Considering the budget apparently was over $300,000 you would think they would have been able to come up with something (how on earth this movie could have cost this much is beyond me). Finally, this movie has more high pitched screaming than any I can remember and man is it annoying. Near the end of the movie I found myself hoping they would get killed just to shut them up as I wished the movie would end. Brutal!

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Dan Rey (Nero_Ravensbruck)

I have never written a review, but I felt I had to after seeing this film. It started a little slowly, which I have no problem with, setting the scene and character intros are important. There actually are some genuinely creepy moments in this film, BUT it goes nowhere and there's no real depth. I don't want to spoil anything so I'm going to be vague but there is nothing close to an ending, there is basically no plot the characters don't have any realness or feeling to them. This is one awful, pointless film. As I said there are a couple of genuinely creepy scenes, but they are completely let down by the other 99.9% of this film. I suggest to avoid this and spend your 80-something minutes on something much more worthwhile. I wish I never bothered with this film. My opinion is one of the worst things I've ever seen, 0.1/10!!!

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Benji Moss

To give you an idea of how unbelievably brain-rotting this film his, here is an example:There are ten minutes of just footage of the furniture. The effing furniture.Oh, it gets better.(Here come the spoilers)There are ten minutes of cars being filmed with little dialogue and nothing much else. During this film, nothing happens at all, then there is a few minutes of banging and screaming, then the credits roll. Hell, the director even makes them feel pretentious. There is no story, no character study, no explanation, no meaning or purpose, no violence, no nudity, no sex, no blood, no acting- skill. You don't find out what happened to half the cast, they just disappear.You get the impression that the murderer is a stalker but you don't get anything more than that at all. He has no ties to the characters, no explanation as to who it could be and if there is some crazy hidden subtext, I sure as hell didn't get it.Films like this shouldn't just get avoided. They should be sent back to the maker with a effing complaint. Can't believe someone got the opportunity to make a film and made this instead.I can honestly say that this is the first film I have seen that manages to have no closure, no twists, no ending and yet also manages to allow no interpretation at all.

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In short, this movie is worthless. It seems like the budget for this film is more like $2,000. Unconvincing, drawn out, boring, disappointing...the list goes on. I was getting so annoyed by what I have to hope to be improv dialog by the actors that I was excited they would get offed, it was getting unbearable. Then, when there is FINALLY some action, you see nothing. While I can appreciate the omission of gore and leaving things a bit mysterious...I don't feel it was well accomplished. The fact that I have never written a movie review ever, but felt the need to just because this movie is so terrible, should say something. Don't even waste your buck twenty at the red box.

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