Evil Bong
Evil Bong
R | 31 October 2006 (USA)
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Straight-laced nerd Alistair moves into a college dorm with hardcore marijuana users, who order an old giant bong that proves to have strange magical powers, which sends people to a bizarre drugged-out alternate realm from which there is no easy escape.

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Very Cool!!!

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One of the best films i have seen

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Roy Hart

If you're interested in the topic at hand, you should just watch it and judge yourself because the reviews have gone very biased by people that didn't even watch it and just hate (or love) the creator. I liked it, it was well written, narrated, and directed and it was about a topic that interests me.

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Straight-laced nerd Alistair (an engagingly geeky portrayal by David Weidorff) moves into a college dorm with hardcore stoners Larnell (likable John Patrick Jordan), Brett (a nicely jerky Brian Lloyd), and Bachman (amiable Mitch Eakins). Brett orders a mysterious giant old bong named Eebee (voiced with sassy aplomb by Michele Mais) with strange magical powers that causes any person who smokes it to become trapped in a bizarre drugged-out alternate realm from which there is no easy escape. Director Charles Band, working from a blithely absurd and inane script by August White, does a solid job of creating a winningly breezy'n'easy laid-back vibe which gives this picture a certain pleasingly light and frothy buzz. The strip club fantasy set pieces deliver a sizable serving of tasty gratuitous female nudity. The crude special effects are appropriately trippy and outlandish. The cast have a ball with the cheerfully asinine material: Weirdorff makes for an appealing hero, Jordan, Lloyd, and Eakins are all suitably spaced-out as the heavy duty marijuana users, Tommy Chong contributes an excellent turn as sage pothead Jimbo Leary, and both Robin Sydney as the snarky Luann and Kristyn Green as the sweet Janet are sexy and attractive. Popping up in nifty bits are Phil Fondacaro, Tim Thomerson (in a cool cameo as his immortal Jack Deth character), and Bill Moseley. Mac Ahlberg's garish cinematography gives the movie a neat bright look and boasts plenty of snazzy psychedelic scene transitions. The groovy chilling soundtrack hits the get-down funky-digging spot. Good dippy fun.

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Lyndsay Page

When I seen and read the cover to the movie I thought it would be funny considering Tommy Chong was in it. Well it failed this movie was nothing but a waste of time to me. The story of the movie just was to chessy for me. To me it just wasn't something I would recommend to people. The plot wasn't very good. It was like it took them a few minutes to come up with the script and film it. It wasn't something I would ever watch again. And Tommy Chong isn't even in the movie that long. But it makes it look like he is in the movie the whole time. The acting was kinda dreadful to watch. Now I am a fan of cheech and chong movies and all that but this wasn't anything like I thought. I will give this movie 2 stars. The movies wasn't like completely dumb it was just almost completely dumb. But if you feel like you would see it go ahead and give it a shot.

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After recently accepting a new room mate, three potheads order a bong from New Orleans. It comes with a warning about dangerous effects. And this warning is real: toking up will take the marijuana enthusiast to Bong World, where they encounter strippers who want nothing more than to take your soul.Charles Band is a strange man. He apparently sits around, looks at random objects in a room, and decades they could be a monster. R. L. Stine had a similar method, I think. In this case, after puffing and passing, Band saw his bong and knew he had struck Acapulco Gold. Except that this film turns out to be completely schwag.The writing is pretty good, as far as the one-liners and conversations go. But there is no plot (unless women grinding on poles is a plot) and the execution is just awful by the main characters. The only actor who was at all convincing was Tommy Chong, who was more or less playing himself (an aged stoner who has become immune to the powers of the weed). The directing? Nothing special.We are given a glimpse of upcoming starlet Kristyn Green, who did alright as the main character's love interest. Michelle Mais does the voice of the Evil Bong, which looks mysteriously like the mushroom from "Troll" (another Band-Buechler film). There's Phil Fondacaro, who you probably just know as "the bearded midget" (another "Troll" actor). He convinced me that he was a bearded midget. The most unusual cameo is from none other than that jerk Bill Moseley as a strip club patron. He appears for about thirty seconds, makes a crack about being in the wrong place (I assume he means this movie) and leaves.One appearance I can't even begin to understand is that of the Gingerdead Man (voiced by John Carl Buechler). Why do we need to have him in this film pleasuring himself in a world full of strippers? An evil bong and satanic strippers weren't enough, so we had to cross the line with a demonic cookie. Thanks, Charles Band. You're either a genius or nearly retarded.I guess I found the film somewhat enjoyable as far as it being one of those "so bad it's almost good" movies. With no plot, poor acting and nothing but naked women, it's not going to be one of those horror films that end up on t-shirts at the next Fangoria convention with quotes we all love. Unless they use a line like "He destroyed the bong, but perished in the attempt." For some reason, that struck me as funny. But please don't watch this film unless you're familiar with Band and need his kind of pathetic film-making to make you happy.

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Who would have thought that a film titled 'Evil Bong' would even be remotely entertaining? After being thoroughly disappointed by Full Moon's last attempt, 'Gingerdead Man', I was skeptical when I heard about this movie. On one hand, I just couldn't get the ridiculous idea of a killer bong out of my head, but I wasn't sure it would be good because of the downward spiral of Full Moon lately.To my surprise, Evil Bong was entertaining, funny, and a return to the roots of what made the Full Moon films so great in the first place.The performances in Evil Bong are all what you'd expect, but the actors in this film deliver just a little bit more. The plot and dialogue are simply preposterous, which is what makes it such a likable movie.If the next Full Moon picture is anything like Evil Bong ended up, I'll be buying the DVD the second it hits the shelves. Don't miss Evil Bong—one of Full Moon's best films to date.

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