Dragon Fighter
Dragon Fighter
| 04 January 2003 (USA)
Dragon Fighter Trailers

The movie begins in Southern England in the Middle Ages and then six knights are seen riding in horses towards a destroyed town. They see the remains of burned buildings and dead people until they come upon a mother and her dead baby. She quickly dies and then a rhino-sized dragon flies overhead, the knights follow right behind, vowing to kill the creature.


Too much about the plot just didn't add up, the writing was bad, some of the scenes were cringey and awkward,

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It’s an especially fun movie from a director and cast who are clearly having a good time allowing themselves to let loose.

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Great movie! If you want to be entertained and have a few good laughs, see this movie. The music is also very good,

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Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.

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Starring: Dean Cain out of Superman Someone gave me a loan of this a long time ago, and even though the cover kind of appealed to me, I've never really gotten round to watching it until last night. I completely regret doing so.Even beer couldn't save this effort, which involves Dean Cain from Superman obviously having a bit of bother trying to find his acting niche after that programme finished. I'm not really sure what he thought a film about a cloned dragon would do for his career, but it obvious from watching the film that Dean probably won't be appearing in any blockbusters any time soon.There's a terribly large of things wrong about Dragon Fighter, and although sometimes an accumulation of bad things can result in a film that is enjoyable, in the case of Dragon Fighter the plot inconsistencies, bad acting and weird direction just make things more frustrating. Worse still, the film lulls you in on the promise that something good MIGHT happen, and when things finally start to happen about forty-five minutes in, it's too late to bother switching the thing off.The film starts of in a kind of Xena fashion with a bunch of knights in 'Southern England' heading off to kick a dragon's a** after it has wiped out a village. After getting their own a**** kicked in pretty short order shortly after entering the dragon's layer, a barrel of gunpowder they brought with them explodes, sending thousands of CGI rocks everywhere, which of course buries the dragon in the cave.Jurrasic Park attack! Some idiot who gets his kicks from DNA has snaffled some dragon cells and is heading off to his underground and pointless lab to grow himself a dragon. His woeful CGI helicopter is flown by Dean Cain, who is joining the team for some reason and really starts to get on the prof's tits from the outset.Then it happens: for most of the boring dialogue parts we get split screen! So instead of one boring shot of someone talking we get about 6 at the one time! And they're not very good! Plus when a character appears (with the exception of the cannon fodder) we get stats on them for some reason. And do you know what all this means? F*** ALL. And why do they have a caption saying 'Helipad -day'? F*** KNOWS. The days aren't even numbered - I was messing around with the settings on my TV but it was the film...There's very little to describe by way of plot. I'll try and do it very quickly: cells-dna extraction-full dragon in three hours - plot of Alien and Aliens stolen - loads of characters killed - no gore - Dean, baddie and love interest survive - blow up lab - and then the only interesting thing happens - they all have some kind of chase sequence in the air with the CGI dragon chasing a CGI helicopter whilst being chased by Fighter jet. It stops being interesting pretty quickly though when you realise how badly constructed and stupid this scene is. FILM ENDS.Sounds good? Don't be a moron. There's nothing that may earn the film extra points. Film crap or unoriginal? Put gore in it. Film boring? Put some nudity in it. Don't put pointless split screen in it. This was a bad film with no potential whatsoever to ever be unearthed as a lost trash classic. It should, to be honest, just be forgotten.

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Laura Seabrook

It's hard to praise this film much. The CGI for the dragon was well done, but lacked proper modelling for light and shadow. Also, the same footage is used endlessly of the dragon stomping through corridors which becomes slightly tedious.I was amazed to see "Marcus Aurelius" in the acting credits, wondering what an ex-Emperor of the Roman Empire was doing acting in this film! Like "Whoopie Goldberg" it must be an alias, and can one blame him for using one if he appears in this stinker.The story might been interesting, but the acting is flat, and direction is tedious. If you MUST watch this film, go around to your friend's house and get drunk while doing so - then it'll be enjoyable.

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First, I love horrible direct to video SciFi movies. Dragon Fighter has all of the typical SciFi standards (crazy scientist, hot chicks, bad cgi, absurd dialogue, predictable plot). Dragon Fighter is not one of the greats bad SciFi greats(that's reserved for Frankenfish), but this film does have a few things that separate it from the pack.*Dean Cain. Yes, he can actually act and is actually quite likable. Despite having to speak some ridiculous dialogue, he does his best and makes it work.*Editing. During the more boring parts of the movie, they do some fancy editing to show the scene from multiple angles. This actually keeps the movie moving along in a much more interesting way.While the deaths aren't particularly creative, this movie did a reasonably good job of entertaining me. Give it a whirl if you love this kind of crap as much as I do.

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Meg Chomskis (monkeysontoast)

I caught this movie on Sci-Fi before heading into work. If you've any interest in seeing Dean Cain dive and avoid being enveloped in flames at least a dozen times, this movie is for you. If that doesn't peak your interest, well, I'm afraid you'll wish that YOU were the one about to be enveloped in flames, because this movie is pretty bad. The acting, to begin with, is awful, awful, awful. The characters are all completely obnoxious, and the dialogue is worse than your typical Z-grade, Sci-Fi movie. Towards the end, the movie began to remind me of 'Hollow Man' (complete with escape via elevator shaft), except with a Dragon, not a naked, invisible man. Unlike other similar flicks, however, this one wasn't even awesomely bad...it was just plain bad.

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