Dracula (The Dirty Old Man)
Dracula (The Dirty Old Man)
| 11 December 1969 (USA)
Dracula (The Dirty Old Man) Trailers

Dracula enslaves Dr. Irving Jekyll, turning him into the lycanthropic JackalMan, demanding that he lure female blood donors to his L.A. cabin retreat.

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Lack of good storyline.

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An absolute waste of money

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Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.

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Arianna Moses

Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.

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There are films that are so bad that they are stupid good. You can't believe it was made and yet, there it is right in front of you. The makers of Dracula (Dirty Old Man) must have said screw it, we don't give a damn after things went wrong, mainly the audio. What they did was dub over the bad part and went totally off world with the dialogue. Dracula Alucard has a Jewish accent or what the person doing the voice over decided to give him. Most of the over dub appears to take place in the cave scenes. There is a woman who is doing the voice overs as well and it seems as if she is doing all the females voice over. She's funny when you see one of the naked chicks rubbing her wrist as the ropes are removed and she replies, "He stole my watch". You have to listen close to what she is saying as with all of the dialogue to catch the stupidity. It seems like they never took themselves too seriously after they messed up the audio. It reminds you of that old cinema parody show, Mystery Science Theater 3000, before there was a Mystery Science Theater. And there is a chase scene towards the end of the film where Dracula and the "Wolfman" is chasing a naked woman around in the cave and they just blatantly rips off the theme from the old TV show, Batman. This is a college frat boy blunt smoking dream. You've got naked chicks, unbelievably bad dialogue, the Wolfman going down on a chick, naked girls tied up and a guy with a chest so hairy it looks like he's wearing the back hair of Seth Rogen 20 times over.

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I haven't seen this film in awhile, but remember it pretty vividly. The film was obviously shot on a really low budget and without any real actors. It has a kind of "Manos" feel to it, but with nudity and even worse special effects. There are bats that are obviously on wires and some pretty cheesy costumes. The guy doing Dracula's voice sounds like an old Jewish man (I don't know where the hell they got the idea to make Dracula Jewish, considering he was Transylvanian). The only thing that I liked about this movie is that it didn't take itself seriously at all.Count Dracula is living in an abandoned mine in the middle of nowhere. He invites a local reporter to visit him (he goes under the pseudonym of Alucard, hee hee hee, like nobody's ever heard that before). When the inept reporter gets there, Dracula turns him into a pretty crappy looking wolf man, named Irving Jackelmann (enough with the Jewish jokes already). Dracula then sends him out to catch beautiful girls for him to tie up, love up and drain dry. Dracula takes a hankering for the reporter's girl friend and ends up chasing her around his cave.The opening ten minutes have some really awful stream of consciousness speech by the reporter involving the blue mountains, behind the blue mountains, behind the blue mountains (we get it already). Dracula's accent is just plain annoying. Irving Jackelmann also proves to be pretty bad. The chase scene, for the love of God, was only a nude woman running around the same set for an excruciatingly long time. The nudity can't save it and the jokes, although trying hard to be campy, are just plain dumb.Avoid unless you can spare a few brain cells.

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This is a really awful "comedy" film about a vampire who turns a guy into a werewolf so wolfie can kidnap girls and bring them back to a cave for his master to feel up. Even the wolf gets to have sex with a couple of them. We do get to see some naked chicks but that's about it.It could have worked as a pretty gruesome movie if it had been played straight (don't ask me how); instead, they opted for the comedy routine, and it's about as funny as a car wreck. The finished product plays like a terrible episode of the MYSTERY SCIENCE THEATER television show, where the original sound seems like it's been turned off so a group of dummies can try to narrate their own stupid dialogue over the action, in between guzzling their six packs. 0 out of ****

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blind Io

Saw this movie a couple of years ago as part of a very very small film festival. I remember we where about 8 or 10 people there, and one of the participants threatent to walk out and have his movie back which kind of scared the arranger since he would loose about 10% of his income on the show. He kept saying that the guy should hold on and wait, the next movie would make everything all right. Sadly this was not so, until Dracula (The Dirty Old Man) was shown (about # 6 in the show I think out of 8). The guy who had complained was, like the rest of us, completely shocked. The completely ridicuoles dialog and everything cramped into the movie to make it appear longer, the sudden scene with no connection to the rest of the plot of older man with a young girl (probably the producer wanting to get something out of the nude girls himself, and also by far the most pretty girl in the film) and the naked women being raped by a fully dressed werewolf saved the festival for that guy complaining, completely taking back everything he had said and praising the show for being so strange he could do nothing else but love it. And the arranger saved is 10% loss.

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