Down and Dangerous
Down and Dangerous
NR | 14 February 2013 (USA)

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An inventive and resourceful cocaine smuggler defends his trade against violent rival traffickers, a monstrous and vengeful killer, and the DEA agents who want to lock him up – all while falling for a stunningly beautiful woman with a taste for danger.


Wonderful character development!

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Good story, Not enough for a whole film

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The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.

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Derry Herrera

Not sure how, but this is easily one of the best movies all summer. Multiple levels of funny, never takes itself seriously, super colorful, and creative.

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Michael Ledo

Our protagonist is Paul Boxer (John T. Woods), an innovative smuggler. He is part old school using simple drug tests and a triple beam balance. Everybody else in the film is a bad guy. After a dealer friend is killed, Paul, who free lances, is approached by some rogue elements within the DEA to work for them for a cut. Paul accepts, although things get twisty. There are some more murders. Paul agrees to do a job for Garza (Ernest Curcio ), the head of a cartel, and gets involved with Garza's woman Olivia (Paulie Rojas).Paul doesn't carry a gun. He uses his fist quite well, even after it has been hit with a hammer a few times.My favorite line from the film: "I have never taken down a cartel before. Can we get high first?"Good crime thriller rental.Parental Guide: F-bomb, sex, and nudity

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Dear Zak ForsmanYour movie in the beginning gave me some kind of excitement that I haven't felt in a long time. Where mans movie is kind of revive in your trailer. I watch the film, and I read everybody else comments of your movie, and all I got to say is screw them. I would like to see those who thought your film suck, make something visually. I think you put as much you can to make this film awesome; though visually, the making of the film, and your two actor who I felt worthy on the acting John T. Woods, and Ross Marquand is what really made the film. I'm sorry but your actress that looks Mexican just didn't do justice on the accent, and that's including the drug-lord. Overall, I would like to know more of this character in the future, maybe a trilogy? Why not, I thought Mr. Woods kick ass.Love the movie Benny.

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Oh yes,Im about to waste even more time in giving it as it is!Please watch it and understand how utterly pointless 5/6ths of this film was.Eh,no please don't waste precious time on this like me.The opening credits were very professional,then we are led to believe that this hero,despot,renegade,whatever you wish,hates guns and would rather 'bare knuckle up' even when a gun is in his hands! The acting award goes to the boarder guard eating his sandwich. The chase in the car,,I fell off the settee laughing,firstly gets away from an inevitable death by bullets,then abandons car, no apparent reason, runs off through a carnival,ensuring its not so fast as to lose the bent Dea agent.Through some corridors then onto a roof,oh yes you guessed it,time for fists not guns again,because people get hurt no doubt! OK, Dea agent with gun gets overpowered...again...trips up off low level roof ,again not enough to really hurt him and our 'hero' goes of to rescue his girl! Enough words on this rubbish,I watched it so you don't have too,please take my advice and run away!

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I saw this film on opening night film at the Phoenix Film Festival. I had followed the film's progress via Facebook and Kickstarter. I was looking forward to seeing what a group of driven filmmakers could do with a budget just under $50,000, which is really NOTHING in the world of film budgets. The film is good, really good for a standard feature length film. But as an independent level's truly great. Solid performances from the cast, high production value, great sound design, top level soundtrack and great twists and turns in a well written script, all contribute to make this a film that holds it's own against some of the uninspired flops that have recently graced the local multiplex. The director, Zak Forsman, does a great job of making the world of drug running come to life. The script, which he also wrote, has some great "tricks of the trade" in the cocaine world and even some choice dialogue which was a refreshing change of pace from other films in this genre. It's well paced and has a really solid twist that I feel not many people will see coming. The film's lead, John T. Woods, holds the role with authority, making him much more than capable of being a Hollywood leading man, which I'm sure he's not far from becoming. One of the great standouts was the performance of Ross Marquand. His subtle rage and understated performance really shows he's got some chops. Please understand that if we're comparing this film to say TRAFFIC or HEAT, even Forsman would say they've got a ways to go. But those films had almost unlimited resources at their disposal. Give Forsman the right budget and a few more stars and I'd say watch out folks...that's a film I'd definitely go see.

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