Doraemon: Nobita and the New Steel Troops: Winged Angels
Doraemon: Nobita and the New Steel Troops: Winged Angels
PG | 05 March 2011 (USA)
Doraemon: Nobita and the New Steel Troops: Winged Angels Trailers

Nobita and Doraemon find a giant robot in pieces which they later assemble. It turns out to be a destructive weapon and the gang must save Earth from an imminent invasion.


Wonderfully offbeat film!

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Please don't spend money on this.

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Janae Milner

Easily the biggest piece of Right wing non sense propaganda I ever saw.

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Kaydan Christian

A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.

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Shivam Murari

Doraemon is a cartoon series that I've watching for years. I have seen many animation movies including most of the Doraemon movies, but no animation movie has ever touched me as deeply as this one did.Even those who do not know Doraemon may watch the movie without feeling out of place. The story is excellent, the script is well-woven. The cinematography is excellent too. The music is emotion-evoking, the lyric of the three line-song are deep. The movie shares a big message for both children and adults and may leave all age groups teary-eyed. Overall, this is a masterpiece, the kind of movie I have not seen in years and may watch over and over again, infinite number of times. Released in 1986, this movie will live forever!

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I was watching this film with a friend of mine. He was a really big fan of Doraemon when he was a youth in China, and he had spent the last few weeks introducing me to the series. I'm not a very big fan of anime, but the cartoons reminded me a lot of the cartoons I used to watch when I was younger, so I found myself enjoying them, on their own goofy level. I watched the movie on his suggestion.The plot concerns Nobita and his friends attempting to stop an invasion of Earth by an alien robot army being spearheaded by a young woman and an electronic bowling ball they met earlier. I wouldn't say it's the most original concept, but it fits very well into the Doraemon universe, and it's well-written and well-directed enough to keep you invested.The thing that struck me the most about this movie was it's somewhat darker, more emotional tone, compared to the TV show. Without giving away the plot, I can say that it is not quite the goofy joke-fest that the TV series was, although it still leaves you feeling good at the end.The animation is quite good. It's not the best I've seen, but everything is quite nice to look at. The copy I was watching was Japanese with English subtitles, so I can't really comment on the quality of the voice acting, although I can't say anything seemed wrong with it.Overall, I would say that I thoroughly enjoyed this movie. It's not anything that I would call 'innovative', but that's not a bad thing. It's simple, but comforting, like chicken noodle soup. Anybody who has a little under two hours to spare and wants to enjoy something pleasant should seek this film out, especially if they are young children*, or fans of the Doraemon cartoons.(For the record, this movie was a remake of a film from 1987. I haven't seen that version, but I've been told that the animation is of lower quality, and the story is a touch different(some say better).)* Quick warning for parents: There is one point in the film where one of the female characters appears without any clothes on. She is rendered with Barbie Doll Anatomy, though, so there isn't really anything to shield your kid's eyes from. Keep in mind that this is not uncommon in Japanese animated works, even ones intended for children.

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Doraemon the Movie: Nobita and the New Steel Troops - Angel Wings were indeed a marvelous remake of the original in 1986. Since 2006, Toho Company has started remaking the originals of Doraemon, turning them into more emotional, educational and more to be the feasts to the eyes.The storyline of this version and the original are much alike, yet Nobita and the New Steel Troops is actually the most altered version comparing to the comics and its original film. The additions was mainly Pippo, who shares the same role as Lilulu to be the center of emotions in this version. This doubled the emotional scenes, thus making the film much more touchy. The cuddly appearance of Pippo, as I believed, shouldn't be something unnecessary, but rather very important to give the film its emphasis of sympathy and compassion to one another, and the meaning of sacrifice oneself for the right reason. The details about Lilulu and Pippo's communication, stars-like hearts and the seemingly developed love between Nobita and Pippo, Shizuka and Lilulu, made the film much more emotional and more educational to watch. I myself adored this film, though I'm not quite the age to watch stuffs like this. In fact, I have to admit that I was stunt watching this, not because it was worse than the 1986, but it indeed improved in many aspects. It was worth crying at the end, when Pippo and Lilulu were disappearing. It's a fact that this film are what you should watch at least once.

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