| 27 September 2003 (USA)
Doppelganger Trailers

Hayasaki is an inventor working on an Artificial Body. It is not going well and he is stressed out and on the verge of being fired from the research division of his company. His doppelgänger appears to help him out of the rut he has created for himself.


Thanks for the memories!

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It's an amazing and heartbreaking story.

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A lot of perfectly good film show their cards early, establish a unique premise and let the audience explore a topic at a leisurely pace, without much in terms of surprise. this film is not one of those films.

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Rosie Searle

It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.

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This is definitely Kurosawa's most overt black comedy that's conveniently disguised as a sci-fi piece. If Kubrick were still alive and happened to marry David Lynch in a surprise gay wedding and then they decided to adopt a Japanese baby, that baby would be Kiyoshi Kurosawa. Blammo! The dark humor and simmering subtext gel nicely here and definitely warrant repeated viewings. You won't find creeps and crawls like in Kurosawa's other films such as Pulse, Retribution, Cure or Seance. I guess Charisma is the closest thing to compare it to, but Doppelganger is Kurosawa's funniest film by far. It's not for everyone, but then again if you're reading this review, it's probably right up your alley.

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One of these days, I'll see one of these so-called "horror" films that Kiyoshi Kurosawa directs. This and "Bright Future" are the only two I've seen thus far and both were completely unexpected. Don't let the American box art deceive you: it's not a "frightening" film. However, it's fantastic. And truly bizarre. Assigning this film a genre is a ridiculous exercise. It shifts seamlessly between moments of high emotional drama, absurdist comedy, and violence. And underneath it all is an interesting exploration of the concept of self: The reconciliation of who one wants to be, who one is trying to avoid becoming, and who one is. As the credits rolled, I laughed, impressed. Don't go into the film with expectations. Just try it.

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Gary-The King-Tooze

Well, where can I start? The first 50 minutes were building well... and then its like they had no story to continue and a 6 year old was making up the plot. I moderately liked Kurosawa's "Cure", but this had absolutely no point to it... certainly not one that I could distinguish. The guys from Mystery Theater 3000 would have torn all those massive plot holes apart at the seams. I began to suspect that it was turning into a comedy.... honestly. I don't think I have ever seen a film fall so abruptly flat on its face. I defy anyone to explain or even remember all the plot instances (how many times did people get bashed over the noggin with a pipe or wrench?). I really don't think there was any organization in this production.... ohh, and those split screens were not particularly innovative or purposeful. The film may be the worst I have seen in many years. It was ridiculous and absurd

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Nothing wrong with this movie, but nothing particularly special about it either. It was a nice little drama, with some action, comedy and scary stuff added in for spice.It is all about one man's struggle to try and get what he really wants out of life (quit his job he hates, getting the pretty girl, etc), but never does. So his doppelganger (not necessarily evil, more like the person he always wanted to be, but was afraid of becoming) comes along and does it for him. Great acting, direction (great split screen usage), and an alright plot line keep you interested and entertained. Well worth seeing.6/10

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