Don Peyote
Don Peyote
NR | 01 May 2014 (USA)
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An ordinary guy delves deep into counterculture, conspiracy theories and the like as he tries to discern the structure of society.


Good story, Not enough for a whole film

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Good concept, poorly executed.

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This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.

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Benas Mcloughlin

Worth seeing just to witness how winsome it is.

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I read all the other user reviews and was afraid this might be a weird rehashing of fear and loathing or something. Not at all.This film is about exactly what it portraits in the film, no metaphors about coming of age or anything. This film is about a man who begins to see through the illusion of society, and loses his grip of what is both real and important. Our protagonist does ayahuasca during a bout of hallucinations, and ends up in a mental hospital. after escaping he does it again with a homeless couple and relinquishes his grasp on society. This is the first review I wrote, I signed up just to review this movie. If you have never partaken of ayahuasca or dmt, it may be very hard to relate to the main character, and this is how these other reviews struggle to find meaning g or lessons in the movie. Take it at face value: this is a story about how those who see through the veil of society are often rejected and cast aside as mentally ill or unstable, all for not following the school, work, buy, die mentality of our times. Extremely well executed bravo.

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Don Peyote is not a stoner comedy with apocalyptic undertones. As a matter of fact, it's actually a rather sweet, vulnerable, and personal film about life, maturity, and ultimately manhood. Now, when you first watch the film none of this may be clear, and maybe it was only so obvious to me because I had my own Don Peyote moment when my wife was pregnant for the first time, but I'll get to that later. The secret to the truth of Don Peyote is to not let your mind drift, simply listen and watch everything as it is laid out. Take the character of Balance. Balance, a childhood friend who is never there when you want him to be, but always when you need him to be. Now think back to your childhood and for most of us balance was there. Stress and drama didn't exist. Our lives revolved around playing baseball, watching Star Wars, and hoping to one day touch a boob. Then came responsibility and bills and jobs and relationships and roles that we are told we have to play. Like a tidal wave crushing us over and over and over every minute we think we have our head above water. Back to the film, Warren has been engaged for 3 years to a woman who desperately wants to have a child right away and wants Warren to finally gain direction and get a job.Don Peyote isn't a film about conspiracies and mind altering drugs, it's a manifestation of all the anxiety and fears that the Warren's of the world feel at times in their lives. I always wanted to have a child with my wife. In fact, I was the one who pushed for it the moment we got married. When my wife got pregnant I was over the moon excited, couldn't wait. Then one day my mother in law, my wife, and myself were at a Babies R Us getting some last minute things for my upcoming daughter. We stepped into the store and I don't remember what preceded it, but my mother in law said to me "You are going to be a dad after all." And like that, I went numb. They walked off to shop and I staggered over to the recliners, sat down, and had a full blown panic attack. I wasn't a father, I was going to ruin this child's life, I could barely go the day without stubbing my toe and this thing was coming into the world who's life and future depended on me. Now, I didn't go on a vagabond drug fueled walkabout, but had you peeked into my mind at that moment it was full blown Don P. This is what independent filmmaking is all about, artistic and fantastical representations of universal experiences. What is more apocalyptic and world altering than getting married, or having a child, or disappointing someone you love? There's a moment in the film, before Warren makes his full turn, where he realizes that all the chaos and anxiety in his life is tempered by Karen. She was the only thing in his life that was true and good and made sense. His biggest fear then, is the total destruction of her in that image, so the next scene we see is just that. Again, it's the manifestation of his biggest fears. And in the end, after dance numbers, mental wards, and tripping with Josh Duhamel, the final scene of the film damn near brought me to tears. A wordless exchange between Don Peyote (formerly Warren) and someone he didn't even know his life was missing. There's no telling how much, if any, of the film is really happening to Warren/Don and no real way to know what his future holds, but the peace and serenity in that scene make all the chaos he goes through worth it. Watch Don Peyote. Whatever your expectations or preconceived notions are going in, just chuck them aside and take a glimpse into the mind of a man processing life's crossroads.

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Liam Blackburn

If you watch alex jones too long, you will start to die inside. We're all dying inside. We don't understand that there is nothing to understand. We do not exist. The Piper's calling you to join him. Dear lady can you hear the wind blow, and did you know. Your stairway lies on the whispering wind. Follow the Pied Piper (reptilian entity) to your damnation. We all know who the reptilians are. They control the media, the lobby, the judicial system. The reptilians exist in the next density, occupying the bodies of their "chosen ones". They thrive off of hurt and pain, they bathe in pools of gold, sterling, and silver. They run the racket. They aren't a Model T. They are the bloodsucking ism. The lecherous mob of traveling swindlers, waiting with baited breath to infiltrate the next unsuspecting society they come across. They are the Pied Pipers casting spells with wands made of Holly.

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Mitchell Gordon

just got finished watching this movie. I don't see how the title fits the name. However, I really enjoyed it. It's not that their were many famous actors throughout the film, but, I really liked it. This film reminded me of the film Train Spotting. It was a very drug induced movie from start to finish. I watched it with an open mind and it ended nicely. Two thumbs up in my book. I really enjoyed it. I too am someone who believes in a lot of the messages that permeated through most of the film. I can't wait to read what other people write as a review. I won't give any spoilers out as you really need to watch this film with an opened mind. You might find some parts of the movie to be confusing, just go with it. Everything will be answered in the end.Ultimately, you will enjoy this movie as much as I had. The message that I got from this movie is that YOU the sheeple need to wake up and stop listening to the main stream media. You need to SEE what our government is really doing. This film solidified my research that I have done about the NEW WORLD ORDER. We need to stand up to the Tyranny and stop being part of the 99%. I faithfully listen to Alex Jones of Info Wars and between this movie and my research......WOW!!!! It's time to start stocking up for the end of the world.I'm glad I saw this movie. Yes, you may think I'm crazy, but, someone had to write this movie and they too had to do their research. Whatever you do, you must SEE THIS FILM!!!

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