Die Sturmflut
Die Sturmflut
| 19 February 2006 (USA)
Die Sturmflut Trailers

Susanne, a meteorologist Hamburg, has detected signs of an incipient sea storm that could devastate the city. Although given the alarm, local authorities do not listen to their warnings. To ensure the magnitude of the tsunami, Susanne decided to move to an oil platform located offshore, which verifies that their dire predictions are to become reality, as the storm will soon reach the coast, threatening the lives of thousands of people.


Such a frustrating disappointment

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Nice effects though.

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it is the rare 'crazy' movie that actually has something to say.

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Scotty Burke

It is interesting even when nothing much happens, which is for most of its 3-hour running time. Read full review

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I really liked the movie and I was surprised to see such quality on a German TV movie. Considering other RTL, Pro7 or Sat 1 produced movies, this one was a big shot. Featuring nearly all of the great German TV and cinema actors (Lauterbach, Götz George, Elmar Wepper and many others) the movie had all it takes for a fine popcorn evening at home. Although the first part tended to get a bit boring, preparing the upcoming catastrophic events the part II was mostly fast paced and exciting. I also think the music helped a lot, also the visual effects guys did an outstanding job. However, I hope that there will be more German movies in that size produced in the future.

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I have watched the movie "Sturmflut" and it was OK. Better than the other stuff "on air" at the same time. It was predictable,full of clichés and sometimes with very bad cgi BUT it was only for a TV audience. And i think for that audience it was entertaining, although the story wasn't clever and the ending was too sudden. On the other hand you have an all-star team of German actors (Jan Josef Liefers,Benno Führmann,Heiner Lauterbach,Götz George just to name a few) who were enjoyable just to see them acting together. If you haven't expected much this flick keeps you entertained for 2 evenings more than the other garbage on TV. Worth a watch on (free) TV...

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I am watching the second part at this very moment and I have to agree with lars. However, I am not that put off by the love story - movies about disasters usually contain that. I am rather put off by the lack in accuracy: 1. Dining scene: the storm hit Hamburg in February but the trees had leafs on - unless climatic conditions in northern Germany were different in the sixties, there trees usually don't have leafs in February. 2. First oil platform scenes: they announce that wind speeds are at about 5 - 6 beaufort, but the waves look rather like 12 beaufort (hurricane strength) + the special effects suck!! 3. Dogs are already howling at the upcoming storm but not even a single hair moves when people are outside. 4. People are looking up at the sky as if they know that something is coming - this is a little ridiculous since we (I am from Bremerhaven which is also near the north sea) are quite used to such wind speeds - no one here cares about wind speeds of 10 or even 12 beaufort !However, the second part - when special effects and the weather circumstances are not that important anymore and the actors can concentrate on acting - it is improving quite a lot.

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lars hanson

After having watched the first hour of this "completely underdeveloped script turned into a movie"-experience I can warn anyone against waisting time for such a cliché-ridden trip. Well, how do you set up your average "if mother nature unleashes her forces of destruction-epic? - You take a tragic love story; - the dog (or any other animal) that gets terribly nervous in face of the upcoming mayhem and ... - The persons that fail to realize and act upon the danger.Some humour added, and you would have the perfect PERFECT STORM / Armageddon / DANTES PEAK / VOLCANO - spoof...Avoid it whenever you can!

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