Dark Descent
Dark Descent
R | 06 August 2002 (USA)
Dark Descent Trailers

Deep in the Mariana Sea Trench, a corporate underwater mining complex has been built - an industrial Atlantis. When an accident in a dry-dock chamber kills several miners an investigator is sent to find the cause and immediately finds out that it was not an accident. He becomes caught in the middle of a deadly conflict between the miners and the corporation, and fights to stay alive and uncover the truth.


Most undeservingly overhyped movie of all time??

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Let's be realistic.

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What a freaking movie. So many twists and turns. Absolutely intense from start to finish.

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Quiet Muffin

This movie tries so hard to be funny, yet it falls flat every time. Just another example of recycled ideas repackaged with women in an attempt to appeal to a certain audience.

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It was like the writers of this movie found out they had Dean Cain cast and said "Well bugger that then, I think we can get by without a storyline". With so little plot you would think it would be easy to make it coherent and yet there were still holes. Cain is forced to carry the whole movie and while his performance isn't that bad his character lacks any depth and consequently is entirely uninteresting to watch. Low production value shines through as you watch bullets fly off what is obviously plastic tubing. If you like watching people walk people walk around and around in circles, this movie is for you, otherwise don't bother.

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Many comments comparing this to Outland, but those commentors either never saw or have forgotten High Noon. Outland used to be called High Noon in outer space, and this one is High Noon under the sea. That being what it is, this actually has a pretty nice B-movie quality about it and is tight, well-paced, and probably one of Dean Caine's best outings. It never lagged, always made sense, no loose ends, and definitely has some decent effects, but not overpowering the story. A much more thoughtful B-movie than most and with good production values. Caine is fun to watch as the Marshall who can get no help, thankfully he's not a pitiful figure, but instead accepts his duty to go one against three. It's what John Wayne would have been like if he'd had the lead in High Noon. Of course he and John Ford hated that film anyway, and thankfully they showed it with their later stuff.

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...when it was called "Outland." Both of which are, as another commenter said, based on "High Noon." Some of the shots are almost identical to the Connery movie, as are the basic scenario and subplot elements. Additionally, some of the plot details they changed, presumably to avoid lawsuits, created huge, unresolved plot holes. And of course Dean Cain can't hold a candle to Connery at his post-Bond peak.As if those failings were not egregious enough, this movie also lacks the cranky charm of Frances Sternhagen.Rend "Outland" and sink this flick in the Marianas Trench.

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Most people that have some regard for sci-fi will have seen the classic Outworld with Sean Connery. This is basically a made for TV (or so it seemed) rip off. It certainly no classic and unfortunately does not have the charm of the original space based version. That said.. It does have it's tense moments and some well executed special effect and action shots. Don't expect too much as the budget obviously wasn't a record breaker, but it does well with what it has.Dean Cain is well, Dean Cain and you do spend the first five minutes of the film (as you do a lot of his other TV work) waiting for him to rip open his shirt to reveal the Superman logo. But that's our problem!If your bored and there's nothing else on the TV, grab a beer and give this a go

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