Crimson Gold
Crimson Gold
| 16 January 2004 (USA)
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For Hussein, a pizza delivery driver, the imbalance of the social system is thrown in his face wherever he turns. One day when his friend, Ali, shows him the contents of a lost purse, Hussein discovers a receipt of payment and cannot believe the large sum of money someone spent to purchase an expensive necklace. He knows that his pitiful salary will never be enough to afford such luxury. Hussein receives yet another blow when he and Ali are denied entry to an uptown jewelry store because of their appearance. His job allows him a full view of the contrast between rich and poor. He motorbikes every evening to neighborhoods he will never live in, for a closer look at what goes on behind closed doors. But one night, Hussein tastes the luxurious life, before his deep feelings of humiliation push him over the edge.


Wonderful character development!

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Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.

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Aubrey Hackett

While it is a pity that the story wasn't told with more visual finesse, this is trivial compared to our real-world problems. It takes a good movie to put that into perspective.

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Allison Davies

The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.

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Jafar Panahi is one of the best directors of Iran,his works are upon the best movies of the world,showing the social problems of Iran,after wards Sohrab Shahid Sales is the best choice for watching movies,Crimson gold is the story of Hossein a soldier in Iran-Iraq war who got toxicated by chemical bombs is a mugger,and he delivers pizzas when doing his job he confronts completely different situations which his within is dazzled by them,he saw his friend which he wad a soldier too ,in a luxurious house,Hossein delivered pizza to his house and the price was 20.5 $,he paid him 21 bucks instead an d told him ,keep the tip,he saw the pain if society,he saw the pain within,every time he went to the jewellery's galleries he confronted with shocking prices, this movie is unrealizable for foreigners because they don't know the picture of our society and it's levels, first our society had three levels but the second level is vanishing and there will be only the level that lives in poverty ,and the level that is vomiting money, this movie is not the best movie,it's good but it has some boring scenes,but the direction,camera angles are good, this movie has somethings hided behind the scenes,you should know Iran to see this movie by the way i give it 7.2 out of 10

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It is regrettable that some comments have described the movie as boring and tedious. In the west, we have been raised with a version of cinema presented by Hollywood that provides quick indulgence and satisfaction; well not only cinema, a lot others as well. Movies that lack this characteristic, being ironically closer to reality and providing an insight into the world we live in, are judged as "weak," and "boring." Allegorical cinema is the strongest cinema no question, and Iranian cinema has been an efflux of such examples during the past decade; "Crimson Gold" is a perfect example.It might come out as strange, but for a change, a movie has been able to capture the real life, the real social struggles of the society; and this doesn't just pertain to the Iranian society, but the description is one of ecumenical. The pace matches the pace of real life, as one other commentator put it so eloquently, it SHOULD be slow, and it SHOULD be agonizing to watch it, simply because that's what the movie is trying to portray, and that's how real life is experienced. The slow pace of the movie, following every move of the main character, makes the movie even more poignant. One can put self in Hussain's shoes, and feel the pain and humiliation he feels when he walks into the Jewlery store, case in point.

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from the director of "The circle" and "The White balloon" comes another revolutionary film from the Iranian cinema, there are aspects in this film that only an Iranian would understand, or someone who is familiar with the situation in Iran, and how it crosses the red line many times. The film shows the huge gap in the society in Iran between the rich and the poor, too bad that this film attracts the wrong audience, some watch this film and expect the film to continue like what it was in the first few minutes. Another factor that makes this movie so great in the Iranian cinema is the techniques used in it, there were camera works that had never been done in the Iranian cinema, refer to the scene in which Hossein was lying in his bed to see this. overall i think this was a great movie and it gets a 10 out of 10 from my unbiased point of view.

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I will not lie, the beginning of the movie was very intriguing and it hooked me into watching the rest of it, but to be honest with you...I kind of regret it.The opening scene is very interesting and it's duration of about 5 minutes is the best part of the whole movie and the rest of the film badly fails to live up to its beginning.Maybe some North American viewers thought this was a great picture because they saw shocking things in Iran such as how a 15 year old boy is already in the army - well that's no news to me, I was born in a country where you get taken to the army at 18 for 2 years whether you want it or not. Another "shock", as I read in a previous comment to this movie, was how there are luxurious jewelry stores in Iran....umm yeah... There are always rich people in big cities such as Teheran and that's what they do - they buy jewelry.Most scenes in this movie were waaaay too long and some were completely useless and meaningless... What am I talking about? about when Hussein gives out pizza slices to the people he doesn't know (don't wanna give away too much) what was the point of that?...they spent like a minute of the movie on the main character walking from car to car giving people pizza slices. Or another scene I completely don't get is when Hussein sees that his co-worker suffered a bad crash on his bike while delivering pizza...A friend of mine tried to tell me that the point of this scene is for Hussein to realize how meaningless his life is and that being rich is better... How does it show that? If a rich guy crashed on a bike same thing would happen...he'd go to a hospital and the homeless guy would steal his helmet (you'll understand what I'm talking about if you watched the movie). The point is - that there is no point in that scene.Twice I looked at my watch during the movie, both times towards the end because I knew it was supposed to be ending soon and didn't understand where it was going.All in all, a disappointment. Great beginning, but everything else was bad. Too long, pointless. It would make a great short film though...shorten each scene by 10 minutes (yes they are very long) and you'll have the same movie without any loss in its message.

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