Contracted: Phase II
Contracted: Phase II
| 05 July 2015 (USA)
Contracted: Phase II Trailers

Picking up directly where the previous film left off, the story follows Riley, one of the last people to come in contact with Samantha, as he scrambles to track down those responsible for the outbreak before the highly contagious disease not only consumes his body, but the world as we know it.


Wonderful Movie

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Plenty to Like, Plenty to Dislike

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At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.

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Nayan Gough

A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.

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Well it went down pretty nice at first with all the gruesome infectious gory details, but then the end was absolutely aweful and common.

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Páiric O'Corráin

Contracted: Phase II: The girl has gone full Zombie took out two friends and her mother before police shot her. Oh and she also infected a guy who shagged her or maybe he was infected by one of her victims who rose and mauled him. Meanwhile we learn that the man sought by police in the first film is a misanthrope out to destroy humanity through spreading the virus,A fun moment when two Mormons walk up the path to a Zombie's house.Once again a gruesome Horror film, not for the faint-hearted or weak stomached. 6/10.

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Paul Magne Haakonsen

I was a big fan of the 2013 "Contracted" movie by director Eric England, and thus I was really anxious to see the continuation of the movie as the first movie left us with on a cliffhanger.Right, well I must admit that my expectations were shot down quite fast here at the hands of director Josh Forbes. Whomever wrote the script for the sequel clearly weren't as intense in their creative writing as those working on the first movie.This 2015 sequel was at best a mediocre movie that fumbled and stumbled all around as it tried to pick up the cliffhanger of the 2013 movie and then turned it into something that was nowhere as interesting or intense as the first movie. No, they took a very good idea and mashed it into something that was laughable and generic at best.While the movie does continue on from where the first movie left, then the storyline in "Contracted: Phase II" just was a scrambled mess of trying to show more infections in people and trying to piece in some background of how this infection came into being at all.The background story was just ludicrous, and it was actually infuriating that they opted for such a ridiculous approach to it all. Especially because it just unraveled everything that the first movie had built up so well.It should be said that the effects in "Contracted: Phase II" are adequate, and they are actually the thing that keeps the movie afloat and saves it from sliding down into a level of being less than mediocre. But effects can only do so much, especially when the storyline is taking a nosedive.The acting in "Contracted: Phase II" wasn't the most memorable of performances, and it certainly wasn't fully up to level with what was seen in the first movie. Perhaps it was because of the ludicrous storyline and script, because I do believe that the actors and actresses were doing fair enough jobs."Contracted: Phase II" is a very dissatisfying sequel, and somehow I wish that I hadn't seen it, because it really was a laughable movie, and it tainted everything built up by the first movie.I will actually go as far as to say that watching "Contracted: Phase II" is definitely not a must, because letting the 2013 movie hang on a cliffhanger is a much more worthy ending to it. I was sorely disappointed with this movie, but stuck with it to the end to see it finished. And anything even remotely zombie is of interest to me."Contracted: Phase II" manages to land a very mediocre five out of ten stars rating from me.

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*spoilers ahead*In the original Contracted, characters lacked even the most basic logic in nearly all of their decisions. I won't recount the details, since they've been thoroughly torn to shreds by others, but shamefully, all of these prior mistakes have been carried over to and made worse in this abysmal sequel. The film begins with Riley (the male who slept with zombie Sam towards the end of the first film), who is talking with a Scottish-accented (wtf) police detective about the body count that amassed in the last day. Instead of revealing what has actually occurred, he provides only the bare minimum. Okay, I guess after sleeping with decomposing maggot-girl and then stabbing a reanimated corpse in the mouth with a kitchen knife didn't cause Riley to stumble a bit in his standoff with the interrogator. He's let free from the police. It's not like his fingerprints, semen, and blood weren't at the crime scene, right? I mean, no worries. Riley goes to a doctor (who is also his brother in law.) He wants to get tested for "everything" but won't give the doc any further details. Good thinking, Riley. I'm sure a blood test one day after sleeping with a zombie will clear everything up for you. Especially if you don't tell your doctor what actually happened. And oh yeah, the claw marks on your back with the fingernail you removed yourself? No biggie. That yellow puss is probably nothing the doctor needs to look at. Carry on!The film continues with the villain, "BJ," stalking Riley for reasons that aren't explained. I mean, why does he care if Riley spoke to the police? The virus is already released and spreading. How could Riley have any info for the police that is worth jeopardizing the entire operation for? So, he saw BJ with Sam in the car. Does that matter so much? Another character that behaves without logic and whose actions serve only to progress the plot. Riley lives with his elderly grandmother. He accidentally infects her with the virus by leaving his toothbrush next to hers in the bathroom. Doesn't take much to spread this, I guess. So why does BJ make such a fuss about sleeping with women to spread it? If he wants to destroy humanity, all he has to do is smear some of the virus in public places where thousands will come in contact with it. But I digress. Riley goes to a memorial service for Alice (the zombie friend he stabbed) attended by friends and family. His sister gives a speech and some dude plays a shitty song on acoustic guitar in her memory. While this was occurring, Riley begins having head pains and bends over in agony. Blood drips in large thick drops from his nose and lands in some kind of dip. Mind you, his doctor/brother-in-law is standing right next to him in the room and even whispers something unintelligible to him while he's doubled over. Does he offer him help? No. Does he go with him to the bathroom to see what's happening? No. Apparently he missed the bloody agony 12 inches away from him. Thanks doc! In the bathroom, Riley sneezes and a massive amount of blood is spewed all over the mirror. He tries to clean it up and while doing so, talks to his date, Harper, through the door. She wants to know if he's OK. He says he's fine and then suggests they go for a drink. Yep, you heard that right. He blew chunky blood out of his nose, barely cleans it up, and then thinks a drink with a date is a good idea.They go to a bar and Harper kisses him before heading to the bathroom. Riley is then drugged by BJ, threatened, and apparently brought home and placed in bed. He wakes up the next day even sicker than before. He goes to Harper's college and pulls her out of class. She is visibly very ill. As ill as Riley. I guess the disease progresses at different rates in different people? One of Harper's classmates tries to intervene and remove Riley, but Harper pukes blood all over him and they leave. Riley is convinced he can find a cure for the plague and enlists Harper to help track down and confront BJ. Harper ends up plucking out her eyeball and Riley tends to his own maggot-infested decomposing body. They then go to their drug-dealer friend's apartment and attempt to buy guns from him. The Riley threatens him with a gun because he thinks he has info that can lead him to BJ. The detective arrives and breaks up the gun deal. Riley and Harper are taken to the hospital, but one-eyed Harper dies. In case you were wondering, no, you won't care if she dies or not. In fact, due to the complete lack of humanity and any believable character development in this film, you won't care about anything or anyone. That's a promise.In the Hospital, BJ shows up with some kind of suicide-zombie vest on and begins revealing his plans to obliterate mankind, like all good villains do. Long story short, a zombified Riley jumps to save the detective who is in a standoff with BJ. After a brief, laughably undeserved montage of our not-hero, the detective shoots zombie Riley and we cut to credits. Midway through the credits, it is revealed that the doctor from the first film was in cahoots with BJ all along. I guess they wanted to make his apparent ineptness in the first film seem more believable. It didn't. OK, so, we're set up for Phase 3. I will watch it. Not because I want to, but because like all good train wrecks, I'm compelled to do so.

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