Command Performance
Command Performance
R | 18 July 2009 (USA)
Command Performance Trailers

When the Russian Premier is taken hostage at a rock concert in Moscow, it's up to a drummer, an ex-biker, to save him.


Boring, over-political, tech fuzed mess

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A bit overrated, but still an amazing film

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This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.

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Sienna-Rose Mclaughlin

The movie really just wants to entertain people.

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When the Russian Premier is taken hostage at a rock concert in Moscow, it's up to a drummer, an ex-biker, to save him. Command Perfomance is the kind of action film i wanna see Dolph Lundgren taking on, it's smart and well made but also has suspense and it's also well written and directed and you know why? cause the man directed it himself and didn't let anyone else to do it. The action was well executed and full of it plus we get a cool fight sequence a man to man fight that was pretty cool. It's fun and action packed and Dolph is great!! (A+)

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Bene Cumb

Although it is not the first (and probably not the last) political hostage movie, it has been capably created and carried out: characters are versatile, events and motives logical, deaths not predictable etc. And unlike Norris, for example, Lundgren is eager to show himself in new (and sometimes unexpected) roles and places. As usual, an international cast is involved and activities take place outside the U.S. - this time in Moscow, Russia.Tensions are always there, but - compared to many of his earlier movies - Lundgren tries to avoid meaningless violence, he enters into fighting and killing only as a response and for the sake of saving people.Well, sometimes does aging make a martial arts expert real good, provides additional value as an actor. This film is a must for all those taking at least kindly to him, if not more :)

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Lundgren won't win any originality awards for the script he wrote for "Command Performance". As you probably guessed by just reading the plot description of the movie, this movie is a rip-off of "Die Hard". But there are also elements of the "Die Hard" rip-offs "Under Siege" and "Sudden Death" - making this movie a rip-off of rip-offs! Also, the climatic action scene rips off the climax of "Commando".So this story of this movie isn't very original. But I was entertained neverless. For starters, the production values are very good. Although this was a low budget movie, it looks very glossy and expensive at times. Lundgren's direction of the movie is good as well. He gives a lot of the movie a cinema-verite look, making it feel like we are seeing something that is "live" instead of staged and rehearsed. As for the action, Lundgren delivers the goods in these scenes as well. A lot of blood gets squirted, there are some exciting moments, and there are a couple of deaths done in ways I've never seen in a movie before.There are a few minor quibbles I have with the movie. Lundgren's character is somewhat thin, speaking very little and not revealing too much of his past. The accents of some of the foreign actors are thick at times and make their dialogue sometimes hard to make out. (And some of the actors are obviously dubbed.) But overall, if you are wanting to see this formula again, this movie does the formula in an above average manner.

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I know you are probably thinking; what in the hell is this guy doing giving a Dolph Lundgren movie a "10" well simple really. Number one I was thinking this movie would be a 5 or 6 simply because "Drago" is showing up, but to my major surprise. I got a big-budget thriller; ala Die Hard flick. Dolph didn't have as many one liners as Bruce Willis had in his films, but Dolph had his own kind of nonchalant coolness at his delivery of lines. I was surprised he was a rock star to be in the movie. Dude must be a musician as a hobby, because he was awesome. Even my girlfriend who watched it with me was blown away at this story, acting and thrill-rid. What a pleasant surprise and Dolph my hats off to you; you acted your ass off a came up with a masterpiece of a movie!

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