| 15 November 2008 (USA)
Colin Trailers

Our hero Colin is bitten by a zombie; he dies and returns from the dead. We follow him as he wanders through suburbia during the throes of a cadaverous apocalypse.


Instant Favorite.

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It's a mild crowd pleaser for people who are exhausted by blockbusters.

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At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.

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It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.

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Sometimes you feel you miss something, this could be the case with Colin. Made in 2008 at the dawn of the whole low budget indie movie journey Colin claims to have been made for $50. It was the first ultra low budget British movie, I guess it should be given some praise for shining the way.Beyond the above fact I just don't get it. The story I could not find, the effects were good but the image quality and storyline were completely non-existent. I really did not like the film, in fact I hated it, not a bit a lot. It's a really bad film, it's an absolute tragedy in the sense that the maker believed that the badness was acceptable for the amount it cost. It's really not. It's a slow boring painful watch, maybe it gave been a good short, but it's an overlong feature and one that's hard to bare.

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I enjoyed 'Colin'. I love conventional 'bite and chase' films but I found this ultra-low budget, slow-paced effort intriguing and moving. I don't want to get too analytical but I thought 'Colin' was pretty bold to allude to such heavyweight social issues as family disintegration, urban decay, violent crime and despair. Now this doesn't exactly leave a lot of room for laughs but 'Colin' still managed to inject a sliver of humour in there as well.All in all, a thoughtful production. The sad reality is that it would almost certainly never be green-lighted as a major film because of its pace and tone so I suppose the lesson is: enjoy these little gems - in all their rough-edged glory - whenever they shuffle along and grab you.

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If I could go lower than a 1, I would. This movie has absolutely no point. It's so awful. My friends and I watched this movie for an hour- way longer than we should have- expecting something to happen, but absolutely nothing happened.Do not waste your time and your money to watch this movie. It's literally a camera following a zombie while it walks around town and someone occasionally gets eaten.We tried to figure out the plot but the film gives you no information about anything. The only reason I know his name was Colin is from the name of the movie.

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After reading reviews on here for this movie I got quite hyped up to watch it. I was lucky enough to record it on television and save myself a good £8. The movie cost £40 to make apparently, but it looks like it was made on £5. I honestly cannot work out what cost £40! There is no lighting in the movie and most of it is darkness. The camera shakes throughout the movie, which yes helped to make Cloverfield good, but it did not work here.I am a huge zombie movie fan and this was more of an insult. The main character get ill before he turns, yet you see another infected person who is infected for what I can guess to be about 2 days, showing no signs of sickness and she just turns. Continuity?????Granted that this movie was an independent movie, it is nothing more then a movie you would make as a joke with your friends. The acting is terrible, including when one of the actresses smirks whilst saying that there is a zombie in her bathroom and the main character almost laughs. It really is a horrible movie. Good try but nothing I'd pay to see. Do NOT buy this movie. You will regret it.

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