Cold Weather
Cold Weather
| 13 March 2010 (USA)
Cold Weather Trailers

A guy who moves back to Portland, Oregon becomes involved in the mystery of his ex-girlfriend's disappearance.


The greatest movie ever!

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I wanted to like it more than I actually did... But much of the humor totally escaped me and I walked out only mildly impressed.

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a film so unique, intoxicating and bizarre that it not only demands another viewing, but is also forgivable as a satirical comedy where the jokes eventually take the back seat.

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It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,

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Very slow, boring movie. Not well written at all. There were two saving graces for the movie. One that it finally picked up about the middle of the movie. Secondly, the acting was fairly good. But taking about lack of creativity. This writer must have never written anything before. I don't mean to sound so critical but I agree with another poster here. It was one of the worst movies I've seen. What surprised me most about the movie is that it was not rated, which I thought mean decent. It wasn't a decent movie that a family could watch. There were at least 6 F words and lots of other profanity. There were frontal shots of women stripped to the waste. That may be OK for the bulk of the population but it wasn't what I expected for a non rated movie. Do not waste your time on this slow, boring, poorly written movie.

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To say that this film gets off to a slow start is an understatement. At least at the beginning, it's about as exciting as a trip to the grocery store.Weakness # 1: There are these long pauses that should have been edited down to a more normal transition between scenes. Either the director doesn't know how to edit, or he thought there was something artistic about the pauses. If the latter is true...he doesn't get it. This film could probably be shortened by a good 20 minutes without missing any of the action.Weakness # 2: Cris Lankenau. He's an actor? Someone thought he could carry the lead role in a film? No. Just no.Weakness # 3: Scintillating dialog like, "How's your milkshake", which then leads to a couple of minutes of follow-up dialog.Weakness # 4: The ending...well, it does end (thank god!). But it's more like they ran out of disc space and just stopped.Weakness # 5: I have become quite enamored with the acting and screen presence of Raul Castillo. This film did NOTHING to advance his career. His part is close to being irrelevant. If you want to see Castillo in a really good film, try "Amexicano".I can honestly say that this is the WORST film I have ever seen.

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Sometimes I get films from Netflix and I have no idea where I got the inspiration (or lack of) to rent the film. My renting "Cold Weather" (what's the title supposed to signify?) must have been inspired by the NY Times reviewer Manohla Dargis whose opinions I've come to trust. Well I think I have to reevaluate my Dargis trust factor. There are several other "professional" reviewers who also liked this film but for the life of me I cannot understand why.I like independent films but "Cold Weather" left me cold. It was like the Hardy Boys meet Portlandia without the comedy but with unintended laughs at just how amateurish this film is. I have a great tolerance for slow moving thoughtful films and with films that leave you hanging at the end but the four main actors seemed without talent and I got tired of scene after scene of sleeping actors and telephones ringing. If this film is your cup of tea I do not mean to offend but I will stay away from Aaron Katz films in the future.

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This film was described by Spin Magazine (in a 3-and-a-half star review) as a mystery that takes its time. I'm all for that. But did it have to take SO MUCH time to resolve a mystery that was UNINVOLVING and BORING? Just another bunch of aimless 30-somethings in the damp upper Northwest who apparently never shave or wash their hair, mumbling their way through life and never doing anything even remotely interesting. Believe me, I've sat through plenty of quirky indie films with little complaint, but I was literally shouting at my TV screen when this DVD ended. An hour and forty minutes of my life utterly wasted. I will avoid this talentless filmmaker like the plague for the rest of my days. SKIP THIS MOVIE!!!!!

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