Cold Heart Canyon
Cold Heart Canyon
R | 01 July 2008 (USA)
Cold Heart Canyon Trailers

In L.A.'s Laurel Canyon, Karen has a dream that her sister Heather is in danger, but Heather seems safe enough, having just moved to a remote spur of the canyon to distance herself from her ex-husband. She's a writer, and she's soon met several men - Marcus, who helps her the day she moves in, neighbors Daniel and Marisa for whom she cooks dinner, and Michael her landlord who cleans her pool weekly. Daniel warns her away from Marcus even as he makes a play for her and invites her to participate in sexual escapades - some enjoyable, some not. Then it becomes clear that Karen's anxiety dream was prescient. Who can Heather trust, and does she figure it out too late?


To me, this movie is perfection.

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Memorable, crazy movie

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Great Film overall

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One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.

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First up, I do not want to rate this film, and I will let everyone to look for themselves what the others rate. I am pretty sure that this film won't get any higher than a two stars rating.Come on, this film isn't worth to be commented upon at all. The acting is, at its best, mediocre and wooden. Even the main actress did not carry her character well. The policeman is realistic, but still has an amateurish aura in his acting.The film did have a twist. But it was not hard to figure out who the real villain was. Like, d'uh.And what is it about the flashback ?? The editing was so poor, it made sorority film student look like Steven Spielberg. The flashbacks were so poor, I felt that my DVD player is spoiled, that it rewinds back at its whims.Overall, not a film I'd recommend others to watch.

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David Motolo

Like the dude from Sweden wrote. I rented Cold Heart Canyon to watch with the GF. Thought it was going to be a movie that was a thriller with nudity. Nada on that. It failed at being a soft-core erotic movie or even D list thriller. All I can think is that the mind that made this movie was dazed and confused about what they wanted this movie to be. It was way obvious while watching this disjointed plot try to be interesting. It was so bad. There were no sexy parts. The plot was a joke. The lead star was not hot at all. I thought a rule when making thrillers was your main star should have sex appeal. Sharon Stone in Basic Instinct. Gina Gershon in Bound. Denise Richards in Wild Things. No sizzle only fizzle here. Not worth watching. Big pass on Cold Heart Canyon.

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Having seen the lead actor, Will Lupardus, in a superb short at a film festival in Boston ("Westsider"), I was looking forward to seeing this feature-length "erotic thriller" at my local Blockbuster, since I do not recall it being given a theatrical release (at least not here in a "small market" like Los Angeles).A director's talent or lack thereof, can be noticed immediately in this amateurish piece of digital video embarrassment. The film is about a woman (Aubrey Caldwell) leaving her cheating husband to "find herself" in some deserted location (supposedly the hip Laurel Canyon but it looks more like some hellish spot in Woodland Hills). Once there she meets a leering pool boy (whose point in the film is completely meaningless), and, more importantly to the plot, a kinky couple (Lupardus and sexy, South African girlfriend Lee Anne Davis).After a ménage à trois (implied but never shown) the much older (by at least 15-20 years) and not-so-good looking Aubrey makes a play for twenty-something Lupardus. Lupardus explains he is into her (why??) but she must respect his "special needs." None of this makes any sense. There is zero chemistry between the two leads. The actors look confused like they have no direction. The script does not help matters either as there is no dialog that explains the attraction.The end of the film (which I won't spoil because I'm sure you can't wait to check out this cinematic masterpiece), makes little sense as well. An effeminate male character from the beginning, who looks like he's reading lines off a cue card, makes another appearance which is supposed to explain things but only irritates. Maybe if the director bothered to shoot in more than two locations it might help. This isn't good enough for the worst Cinemax late night entry. There is a little nudity -- none by the South African hottie and, hilariously, none by lead Caldwell, which makes you wonder -- why bother making a pseudo-porn without the porn? For masochists only. Seriously. Don't judge Lupardus by this film. I've seen him in better work. Look out for "Westsider" which had a great script and a real director.

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This movie is boring. A lot of the scenes could have been eliminated because they just didn't add to the element of the movie.There were far too many pointless, long scenes of driving along the twisting canyon roads that failed to reinforce the plot. Instead, they just made me want to get up and fix myself a snack until the story started again.The flashback scenes were totally confusing. Were they edited out of place? It sure seemed like it and failed to reinforce the main plot line.There were some nice eye candy scenes in the form of gratuitous nudity which probably saved this movie from being a total washout.I get the impression that this made-for-TV flick was padded with these extra scenes in order to tack on an extra half hour to classify it as a major picture release instead of an hour long feature meant for the small screen.It didn't work and instead ended up with a direct transition from the cutting floor to DVD.Don't pay for this if you don't have to .

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