NR | 15 March 2013 (USA)
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Jasna, a beautiful teenager, leads a crude life in post-war Serbia. She goes on a spree of sex, drugs and partying until she finds love and tenderness in a harsh environment.


Brilliant and touching

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This is a tender, generous movie that likes its characters and presents them as real people, full of flaws and strengths.

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This is a must-see and one of the best documentaries - and films - of this year.

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Beulah Bram

A film of deceptively outspoken contemporary relevance, this is cinema at its most alert, alarming and alive.

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Alucard Venom

What can we say about this movie? From a country that was huge cinema- titan back in the day (60s-70s) Serbian cinema is reduced to this?Majority of this movie is pretty bad. First of all, it's really boring. 100 min movie tend to drag itself and it looked like it was 5h long. There's no plot. My apologies to director\writer of this movie, but you're not a "smart" writer if you leave plot shallow as this one and just decide to throw in bunch of explicit sex scene to shock your audiences. All it does is make your "story" more shallow. There's no real message in this movie except "teen girls of modern Serbia are idiots".Next, we come to settings. There are like two sets in this flick. Girls house, and one other building that was used pretty much for everything (School, hospital, classroom, other girls\guys apartments). I swear, I lost track of time and space watching this movie. Every set looks way to similar. Characters: None of the characters are interesting. They are all pretty shallow and undeveloped. Director tried to make some sympathies for lead character buy throwing (unnecessary) subplot of girl's sick father, but everything pretty much falls on it's back since by the time that happens (somewhere at the end of the movie), lead character pretty much ruins every part of her life that you have zero sympathies for her and you really don't care what happens to her next. on the positive side, acting was surprisingly good for bunch of unknown actors\actresses. Lead actress Isidora Simijonovic was pretty good, it's not her problem that script and the other aspects of the movie are horrible. She did a descent job for a unknown actress and some scenes would be even worse if it wasn't for her acting skills. She's also pretty (which is never a bad thing). Support cast of older actors are also good. Sadly, we would probably never heard of her again, which is a shame.Some direction and editing were nicely spliced. There's noting outstanding, but basic textbook direction was fine. Now, the scenes themselves are not very interesting. Clips from girl's life are not very interesting and sex scenes themselves were not all that shocking at all (they were just explicit in terms of what's seen on screen, porn-like).In the end, sadly, it's just another one of "sh(l)ock" movies from Serbia. my main question is, how the heck did this got financed by Serbian Ministry of Culture? Did they even read a script? Maybe it was connection that worked behind the scenes, who knows?

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I've already watched a couple of movies about crazy teenagers (Thirteen, The Babysitters, series Skins) but this is probably most explicit and closest to me because come from a similar environment. I especially liked the music, Folk Music has never sounded good like in this film, according to that put the right thing in the right place. Young actors have done a super job and the director for whom I've never heard before had done excellent mix between footage from a mobile device and movie camera, I was not so painful to watch as usually After I've seen the Serbian movie and "Život i smrt porno bande" which gave me nightmares I was a little scared of the new Serbian Brutale but still not even close that hardcore though the very real and tragic.

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I saw this film as part of the Rotterdam Film Festival 2012. I fail to see any reason for the many enthusiastic reactions I heard around me during and after the screening. About 80% of the film could be told in 5 minutes, since nothing really happens that should take so much of our time. Moreover, visualizing all this is not giving us any new insights. Maybe "the others" did not see the same film??I find that I had every reason to score a 1 (lowest) for the audience award when leaving the theater. Contrary to what I usually do, I did not wait for the end of the Q&A. I just eagerly wanted to get into the icy cold outside, rather than listening unwillingly to all those warm and positive comments towards the film makers.

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Pavle Rudic

This is undoubtedly one of the worst movies I have ever seen. It wasn't ''I wasted my money on this'' type of bad, it was more like ''When is this torture going to end, I want my mommy'' bad. It's supposed to carry out a message. I didn't see any message. All I saw was a young couple having sex for most of the time, and every now and then they showed how the girl's father was ill and the boy was a hooligan. Then it was back to the sex again. This movie doesn't even have a plot. The film is about 90 minutes long. It took me about 150 minutes to watch the whole thing because I was easily distracted by things on the internet, because I watched the film on my computer. The characters are also empty and you can't really relate to them. It's totally disgraceful and I was lost for words when I read it won an award at some film festival. Friendly peace of advice, don't waste your time on this, it's a pointless, poorly shot film.

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