NC-17 | 10 August 2005 (USA)
Chaos Trailers

Two girls heading to a rave take a detour to score some drugs, only to find themselves brutalised and violated by a psychotic gang.


Highly Overrated But Still Good

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Expected more

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Tells a fascinating and unsettling true story, and does so well, without pretending to have all the answers.

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Kodie Bird

True to its essence, the characters remain on the same line and manage to entertain the viewer, each highlighting their own distinctive qualities or touches.

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But that is still not saying much about this film. I'm not even sure where to begin. I guess I'll start with the "message" at the very beginning. As others have already said, it was a very lame attempt by the filmmakers to justify the content of their little film. Very lame. If you're gonna make a somewhat violent film about rape and murder, then just make the film and leave it at that. There was absolutely no reason to try and pretend that it was made as some sort of message to parents and kids about being safe from murdering rapists. They could have just said, "don't walk through the woods with a stranger while trying to score drugs" and not even bothered with trying to make a film out of it. While it is not the worst movie I have ever seen, or even the most disturbing for that matter, it is not worth watching either. I wouldn't recommend it to anyone. Some people can't resist the temptation to see what all the "controversy" is about (myself included), but I can assure you it's not as disturbing as some would have you believe and it's just not really worth the time. Pass.

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Denizens and die-hard supporters of films heralding from the golden age of Grindhouse would be foolish not to see the glaring similarity between David DeFalco's "Chaos" and Wes Craven's 1972 epic of technically wobbly brutality, "Last House on the Left" (in itself responsible for a fair share of imitations): in both films, two thrill-seeking teenage girls are left to their own devices and run afoul of a gang of psychopaths who proceed to defile and murder them; seeking refuge from their heinous deeds, the group winds up staying in the home of one of the girls' parents, who proceed to dish out their own brand of Grand Guignol vengeance against the attackers. While Craven's film still holds up today as an unsettling exercise in human brutality (juxtaposed against a banjo-twangin' soundtrack and dopey humor) that condemns the very acts it most explicitly portrays (by presenting them in such a rough, unglamorous light), DeFalco's artless, subtext-free imitation leans heavily on a BS opening crawl that plays the "based on a true story" card to justify its wretched, pointless existence (comparatively, last year's slick Hollywood remake of "Last House" better understood the fine line between authentic horror and prurient titillation). Having read several reviews of "Chaos" prior to seeing it, I was wondering if its extremes would authentically shock me; while the torment visited upon our clueless teens is indeed horrific, the lack of purpose matched with DeFalco's leering camera renders the rapes and murders as nothing more than queasy adolescent jack-off material. The film culminates in a moronic conclusion where what little logic the film possessed is completely jettisoned in favor of implausible shock value that is less shocking than outright cynical. The one thing that keeps "Chaos" from being a total waste of film is Brandon Trost's ("Halloween II") deft cinematography; it's a shame it wasn't applied to a better project.

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This movie is exactly like Last House On The Left. So much so that as it moves along you would think that you were watching the Wes Craven classic. The only difference is that they changed some parts around. You know a quick revision but not enough to not recognize the movie they are stealing from.The story is basically two naive girls on their way to a rave mistakenly walk into the clutches of the dumbest and most ugliest people ever captured on film. They are tortured and killed and the three idiots oops I meant criminals go to the house of one of their parents. Sounds familiar? It should.The acting terribly unconvincing. I never once believed those girls were in danger but I do believe that they might have had a bad case of the runs. The villains were stupid and pathetic and this movie even has a campy subplot involving idiotic cops just like Last House On The Left! Seriously, this movie is really bad and gives low budget cinema a bad name. There are some low budget movies out there that are good and are made with heart but this is not one of them. The director(David DeFalco) is this fiasco should be forced to watch his own rubbish till his eyes bleed. Honestly, Batman and Robin was scarier than this slop. Lets hope that this mangy dog doesn't inspire more hacks to be hacks because low budget cinema doesn't need anymore than it already has. Two thumbs down.

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Claudio Carvalho

Emily (Chantal Degroat) and her friend Angelica (Maya Barovich) go to a rave in the woods, and when they arrive, they meet a stranger called Swan (Sage Stallone) that promises some Exstasy for the girls. They follow him to a cabin of his friends into the forest where they meet the sadistic gang leaded by the psychotic Chaos (Kevin Gage). The girls are abused, tortured and raped in a night of nightmare and murder.The unpleasant "Chaos" is one of the most brutal and disturbing movies I have ever seen. Michael Haneke's "Funny Games", for example, is better and more elaborated while "Chaos" is raw but absolutely realistic. Every now and then we see sadistic cases, for example, in the news in Rio de Janeiro. This low-budget movie has a non-original story, but the difference is that it is very well acted and believable. The dehumanization of the character Chaos is impressive, the terror of the two girls is amazing but the conclusion is stupid, with the racist officer shooting Emily's father. In my opinion, this polemic movie is underrated in IMDb; there are very few horror movies so realistic like "Chaos". My vote is seven.Title (Brazil): Not Available

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