Nice effects though.
... View MoreBeautiful, moving film.
... View MoreThe film was still a fun one that will make you laugh and have you leaving the theater feeling like you just stole something valuable and got away with it.
... View MoreGo in cold, and you're likely to emerge with your blood boiling. This has to be seen to be believed.
... View MoreI dint even know this movie existed until it was played during a journey in the bus. When I saw Tusshar Kapoor I thought in my mind lets make fun of this movie and enjoy. No wonder this movie flopped, it has every ingredient for a flop movie: 1.)Tusshar Kapoor(that too in lead) 2.)Weak script 3.)No memorable songs(not a big issue though)It doesn't take long to tell a flop movie from other. The first five minutes can tell you(most of the time this has been proved right for me). But the reason it is worthy of writing a review is, its not bad. The moment you drop your expectations to zero, this movie will surprise you in unexpected ways but once you start liking it and your expectations soar, it kicks them to the cold hard ground.You might say why would I watch a movie if I expect nothing from it. Fair enough, but if you find yourself in a situation like mine, where the other option you have apart from viewing the movie is sleeping, you can give it a try, you will be entertained. Otherwise, buying this movie and watching it may disappoint you.The comedy is great it worked for me. I enjoyed the movie. Chandni's father is hilarious. There are many hilarious moments which you would not have expected. Overall a sweet movie nothing more than that.
... View MoreThere are two types of movie watches - serious ones where you focus on everything throughout, and fun flicks where you sit back and enjoy. That's the way I classify my experiences and likes.Char Din ki Chandni fell into the second category, and my hopes weren't too high. The past few years have seen the same lot of jokes being rehashed over and over again, the same trashy sequences, non-existent story lines, and the run of the mill Priyadarshan movies - Golmaals, Dhol, Dhamaals, what have you.But as the movie progressed, the watch wasn't really laborious. Yes, some rehashed jokes, but the quantity of 'cheap' jokes a lot lesser than the non-stop farting, 'bajana' statements usually encountered.The acting was EXCELLENT, whether from Mukul Dev, Kher, Puri, Tushar or Randhawa. Nowhere was it overdone. And the satire on Rajasthani royals very actual.Watch this; you don't need to leave you brain behind like for the other trash these days. Come out and forget it.For the sheer pleasure of enjoying the time, I rank this movie an 8 on 10 - yes, a lot higher than for other Bolywood comedy trash.
... View MoreJust like I rated, the movie is awful! In the good ol' days, audiences in some places were known to rip cinema seats, and to throw things at the screen if they were offended by the film they were watching. Beware, multiplex owners; that tradition is likely to be revived this week with 'Chaar Din Ki Chandni'. This appalling comedy, directed by Yamla Pagla Deewana's Samir Karnik is possibly the worst film you'll see this year and we're only in March right now. It's a total waste of time. The movie is too long, it seems to never end. Everything that was happening made no sense and was unfunny. I tried to laugh but I couldn't. The songs were also not very entertaining except for one. The movie was not entertaining in any manner. Acting, songs, dialogues, nothing was entertaining. This exhausting film saps you of your energy, and your will to visit the cinema again anytime soon. I felt in some way it was exactly like the movie "Yamla Pagla Deewana". I wouldn't suggest this movie to anyone. If I were to honestly rate it, I would rate it 0/10, not even 1. Chaar Din Ki Chandni is - Two hours and thirty minutes of your life that you're never going to get back again.
... View MoreOn a serious note what I do in order to rate movies is that I start with 5 and then keep deducting as the movie progresses where ever it seems flawed. But the sole purpose of watching movies like Char Din Ki Chandni is to sit back and continuously make fun of the movie and everyone involved with it. I don't even bother to rate them leave alone writing a review. But but but! this time we actually enjoyed the movie. There were a few really unusual things which happened :1. The theatre was housefull, usually we are the only ones watching the movie besides a few couples occupying the corner seats. Wait a minute! they too don't really watch the movie, do they?2. We laughed at something which was meant to be funny, usually the smiles and roars come when something goes terribly wrong and the moments the filmmakers believe to tickle our bones just invite yawns and sighs.So yes director Samir Karnik's Char Din Ki Chandni is a good film even though anyone you'll ask will just say negative things about it which is of course what I too would have done.Review in a while.Kulraj Randhawa ♥ ♥, Tusshar Kapoor :P the only flaw :PMe - 2.5/5Audience- 3/5
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