Cat and Mouse
Cat and Mouse
| 03 September 1975 (USA)
Cat and Mouse Trailers

A jaded and charming police inspector is assigned along with his cheerful partner to a case involving the mysterious death and/or suicide of a wealthy entrepreneur. The chief suspect is his enchanting wife who was aware that her husband had a mistress. It is also possible that the dead man may be the victim of a radical terrorist group.


disgusting, overrated, pointless

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Clever and entertaining enough to recommend even to members of the 1%

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It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.

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Bluebell Alcock

Ok... Let's be honest. It cannot be the best movie but is quite enjoyable. The movie has the potential to develop a great plot for future movies

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Cat and Mouse is one of the best detective films I've ever seen. I agree with the poster who suggests this would be a great film for someone to restore and re-release. As it is written and directed by the incredible Claude Lelouch, I am surprised that it is unavailable. I'd love to be able to buy a copy of it, so I can stop searching every old video retailer in every city I visit, hoping that I'll find this jewel.The photography is excellent, as is the pacing of the film. As the viewer, you're both rooting for the "Lechat", the detective (Serge Reggiani) to solve the case, and, at the same time, you hope he doesn't.The beautiful, sophisticated and classy Michele Morgan is perfectly cast as the wife of the murder victim.

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A rich bourgeois has died:is it suicide or murder?As he cheated on his wife ,and was about to divorce from her,the lady (Michèle Morgan) is the main suspect.Claude Lelouch,who is ,at least to my eyes, a minor French director ,is at his best when he tries his hand at light thrillers or comedies ."Le Chat et la Souris" recalls "le Voyou" ,with its construction which looks like a puzzle ,its screenplay "à Tiroirs" and even the movie in the movie trick .Lelouch really plays cat and mouse with the audience as Detective Lechat (sic)(Regggiani) does with his still attractive suspect (or is it the other way about?).There are plenty of funny scenes and some witty lines ("you see this distinguished lady riding a motorbike?");and the nail in the Rum Baba in the chic restaurant is a good idea to provide the detective with the final clue (so to speak,for "nail" is "clou" in French).Objections: there are not enough scenes where Reggiani and Morgan are together ,and the scenes of the detective's private life (and his assistant's ,played by Philippe Leotard)get in the way.This film accounts for the difference between Lelouch's world and ,say ,Chabrol's. The latter ,in his best works ,ferociously attacks the bourgeoisie.Lelouch,on the other hand ,makes sure the bourgeois moral is intact.Thou shalt not covet other people's possession.

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Tony Rome

I found a copy of this film, released on video in 1981. The film has not been re-issued on any other format. The film should be restored, with a director commentary. The film has one of the most clever plots ever to be displayed on film. I certainly do not want to spoil the plot for any interested viewer, so I will say little in the plot. The scene where the detectives are trying to time driving from Paris to the countryside is a gem. Brialy and Aumount are at their best. This film is just as enjoyable as another Lelouch film "Robert et Robert" which is also very hard to find, but still out there. Hopefully criterion or anchor bay will restore these classics and make them available for future movie going generations.

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This film has stayed near the top of my recommendation list since I first saw it in 1976, in spite of the fact that I haven't seen it but once since then, when I found a copy on Betamax (remember Sony?). The storyline is an interesting and romantic mystery between a detective and the femme fatale suspect. The many plot twists and turns are only bettered by the wonderful cinematography and mr. LeLouch's delicious direction through the streets of Paris and the countryside of France. I have seen many "foreign" films the past 30 years, and this one has continued to hold a fond place in my memory. There is so much dreck on video, and so many pleasant little films for the over-twelve audience have simply slipped through the cracks and disappeared into the mists of time. A real shame for those of us tired of seeing endless scenes of carnage and violence...

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