Canoa: A Shameful Memory
Canoa: A Shameful Memory
| 04 March 1976 (USA)
Canoa: A Shameful Memory Trailers

A group of students arrives in a small town during a hiking expedition. Once there, the local priest accuses them of being communist agitators on the run from an army crack-down against student demonstrations in nearby Mexico City and rallies the townsfolk to lynch them. Based on a true story.

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Admirable film.

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if their story seems completely bonkers, almost like a feverish work of fiction, you ain't heard nothing yet.

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Robert Joyner

The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one

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Kien Navarro

Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.

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A person is able to change its judgment, a mob is already executing the sentence. In this movie, innocent people were judged as guilty of communism, which in certain places, is almost a declaration of allegiance to the devil. And the sentence was carried..There are no surprises on this film. From the first moment you saw the cover, you knew there was going to be murder. The main point of the movie is the way the murders occur, and for what reasons.You can see ignorance and fear at its peak here. At the front you will notice the liquor bottles in the hands of the killers. You will see the crowd with no mind of its own, but blindly charging against those the priest accuses.I personally find the scene where the mob enters Lucas's house the most terrifying. Several people start beating the young men, while their partners, who'll soon be victims, look at them, evidently terrified, noticing that they won't be able to do anything against the insane rage the villagers carry.They are dragged like animals, and then beaten by the entire crowd, who humiliates them, all the while yelling "Communists!" at them.This movie is sickening, but a must-see. It shows, very clearly- perhaps too clearly- the terrible dangers of fanatism, fear, and above all, ignorance.

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alfonso teja

Reading so much praise to this movie makes me feel that I'm in the late 60's or the early 70's again. Director Cazals has done some good movies, but no master piece at all. So Canoa's not what many of you say it is.First of all, remember that this picture was produced by Conacine, with money from the Government. It was not censored. Never. And tough it has some brilliant achievements (like Salvador Sanchez' as the narrator), the true is that the Mexican government used some historical events in a very tricky way to present the army as the savior of the remaining students that were not killed by the mob. Of course the catholic priest that appears in the movie is hateful, despite the wonderful job of actor Enrique Lucero. But the movie's big point was to distract people from the social reality that politically speaking was very explosive at that time. So the soldiers make the good ones, when the people was hurt by the recent genocide in Tlaltelolco's ground. And Cazals knew it all the time. Not a bad movie, but you have to consider this, as it is presented as "a part of history", but it has other sides to it.

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This Film takes no concessions, it is certainly one of the most powerful films in cinematographic language, I've ever seen.Felipe Cazals has done an extraordinary job, previously to Canoa, he did a great documentary about the feelings of the mexicans regarding the foreigners but especially those who were involved in the Mexican life in one way or another.Cazals maybe tried to input that same kind of documentary-style to Canoa which makes the film more special since it doesn't follow the traditional standards on editing and screenplay.Highly recommended film that is not for those of weak guts, it has some violent scenes but it don't fall onto morbid stuff.Also, I highly recommend Felipe Cazals' films (except those of Rigo Tovar ones). it is certainly one of the greatest mexican filmmakers ever.

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This film is part of the beginning of the New Mexican Cinema, based in a true story and made like an example of the uncertain time in Mexico after 1968 and how can be influenced a entire town against a group of people whom their only sin was; be a student.

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