| 02 November 1990 (USA)
Bullseye! Trailers

Spies force two British con men to pose as look-alike scientists peddling cheap-energy fusion.


What a waste of my time!!!

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I am only giving this movie a 1 for the great cast, though I can't imagine what any of them were thinking. This movie was horrible

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Amazing worth wacthing. So good. Biased but well made with many good points.

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One of the best movies of the year! Incredible from the beginning to the end.

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This film is a masterpiece - putting two of Britain's best and best loved actors together. Great comical storyline, typical Roger Moore charm and comedy with Caine bouncing off him contributing as much humour and quips throughout. Loaded all the way through and a must watch.

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A lot of people who have seen this film will wonder why 10 out of 10.However, having watched this film almost 12 times I never tire of it. Ridiculous quotes and incredibly bad acting from all involved make it so much fun. And this is what movies are about right? Simple setup - Roger Moore and Michael Caine's ex-partner conman characters are almost identical to two partnered scientists - HOW CONVENIENT! And so they set up a plan to steal the scientists secret diamond stash all the time bumbling through some goofy moments in order to set up the crime.Written by the creative team behind the dire TV sitcom "Birds Of A Feather" I was surprised the film has some quick witty one-liners. It also has some cringe inducing scenes including what I believe is Roger Moore trying it on with his own daughter. Michael Caine is the first to point out some of the terrible films he's made so you can't really have a go but his accents are hideous.All in all I recommend this film to anyone who just wants a laugh even if it is at the expense of two fine actors."Has anyone ever said you look like Mel Gibson?" Baddie shakes head. "I'm not surprised."

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Yes, this film has been put together really badly It also has some terrible editing (1967...(moore mouths eight! Look closely, you will see!) Make-up is bad Directing is amateurish However, the film did entertain me. Caine and Moore must cringe when they ever stumble on this! But the tackiness was what made it great. The film tries so hard to be American in parts and it does fall flat on its face, but if someone like Quentin Tarantino had done it, it would have tied your brain in knots...In summary, this is a film for simpletons everywhere. Give it a try, yes It will probably make you cringe, but in one way or another, it will make you smile...Rather like Portugal getting knocked out of world cup. This film is Marmite...You either love it or hate it

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Rakesh Kumar

Pairing Roger Moore and Michael Caine must have thought to be a great Idea. Probably inspired by The Man Who Would be King, where Caine was paired with another ex-Bond, Sean Connery. Bullseye didn't have benefit of larger scale epic-like canvass of TMWWBK, as it didn't want itself to be taken seriously. Did Bullseye work?Yes and No (God, we all hate this kind of answer). No, because most of the time, the jokes fall flat on the face. Yes, because Caine and Moore (as usual) are always great to watch. They play a pair of conmen and a pair of treacherous scientists. Keep an eye on Moore, always known as a great ad-libber. Unfortunately only this two guys are the only reasons to watch the movie.Bullseye takes the premise of impersonating (this time two of them) and adds twist and turn, moving from a caper flick to espionage. While it tries hard to be a comedy, most of the time you see some humourless farce in an inconsistent progress. I quickly lost interest in the story during the first half an hour and just sat through the rest watching the dynamic duo of England. Being a Bond fan, I was especially delighted to see Moore playing off his Bond persona, even throwing lines like, `For England'. Ring a bell, Bond-fans?There is Sally Kirkland, who provides some personal agenda to the ageing conmen, while also providing a bit of flesh here and there. She looks positively old and attractive at the same time. But her character does nothing much but to be in between Moore and Caine, and helping them with their con. That's all. I checked out Michael Winner's (the director) past record, and was surprised to note that he directed the more seroius films like the Death Wish films and The Big Sleep (a supposedly sequel of Farewell, My Lovely). While the former was successful in its own way, the latter killed nostalgic-noir delight began by Farewell, My lovely. He later went on to direct many bombs, and regarded generally as a horrible director. Wonder how he managed to find job for so long. It is so evident in this film. Whether it's him, the script or his crew, the movie failed to amuse many at that time; it will still fail to amuse many now. Bullseye is something the film couldn't achieve.

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