Boy Eats Girl
Boy Eats Girl
R | 02 August 2005 (USA)
Boy Eats Girl Trailers

A boy declares his love for his girlfriend, only to die the same night. He is brought back to life by his mother as a flesh-craving zombie, who sires more teen undead while trying to control his, er, appetite for his beloved.


Absolutely Fantastic

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A lot of fun.

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Robert Joyner

The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one

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Billy Ollie

Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable

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Since starting The Walking Dead, I've been on a bit of a zombie craze, and decided it was time to check out and old movie that had a really interesting cover. Unfortunately, the cover is the only interesting thing about Boy Eats Girl. This was a low budget, independent film, made in Ireland, and boy does it show. The story centers around teenage Nathan, played by a much older guy, who is having girl problems. Nathan is all worried about his female trouble, when he has a fatal accident, or at least one that should be fatal. His mom, not wanting to let go of her son, uses an ancient book on voodoo to bring her son back. The story was very typical for this kind of film, however the budget was so low that parts of it looked like an episode of Goosebumps. Technical I suppose the movie is still considered rated R because of gore, even when the blood looks like V8 juice, but this film is anything but scary. Boy Eats Girl, promises a zombie film for the ages, but it's more laughable than anything else. The film is a mess of mumbled line and some of the worst effects I have ever seen.

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Summary: A mother brings her son, who died in a drunk accident, back to life using a voodoo ritual. The bad thing is, he develops a taste for human flesh.Review: Irish zombies, for a change. Fun to watch a high school lovers quarrel in a zombie environment. Of course the teens are played by actors in their mid-twenties, good old Melrose Place style. It's hard to tell, actually, if this movie takes place in Ireland or the US. I noticed back in 2002 that the Irish are getting more and more influenced by the yanks, it seems that trend continued. High school prom, cheerleaders etc. Better look to the UK for influence. Acting is OK, editing good, special effects very good. Especially the scene where Samantha Mumba takes down the zombies with a harvester - memorable! Btw, what's up with Samantha, it looks like she's growing a beard, dark shadows around her mouth.Highlight: The HarvesterNotable Actors: NoneGore Level: 4/5

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...with the only thing of note about it being that it was made in Ireland, and given the over(t)ly earnest attempt to imitate American cinema/TV, its Gaelic origins hardly matter.If "Boy Eats Girl" really had a $5mil budget, the bulk of it must have gone to one of its ostensible leads, pop singer Samantha Mumba, who had a moment in the sun in a smallish part in the mostly-wretched 2002 remake of "The Time Machine," and apparently came away from the experience with the idea that she's an actress. She's not, and her casting in this bit of romzomcom dross is ample proof of that. She qualifies as a pretty face with a certain zaftig appeal, and, I'm sorry to say, not much more.The rest of the cast doesn't fare much better, and as is always the case, the blame must be placed squarely where it belongs, on the inept shoulders of the screenwriter, although I suppose the questionable efforts of a visionless director might also be to blame. The listless, threadbare plot, such as it is, focuses on a pathetic pretty boy who can't seem to score with the girl of his dreams and opts for suicide to relieve his miseries (apparently, he's never heard of masturbation). Mom resurrects him, though, thanks to a handy-dandy book of spells she's stolen from a nearby church, only she somehow overlooks a missing portion of the potion and ends up with sonny-boy as a slowly degenerating, infectious dead thingamabob who soon spreads the zombie meme to his classmates. The ensuing mayhem, delivered with all the finesse of a hamfisted school boy, features little in the way of hilarity, virtually no suspense, no horror, no pathos, and certainly nothing in the way of a fresh take on the genre. There's plenty of gore, which is eventually released in such paroxysms of spew and rubbery body parts that this viewer could only suspect that someone was trying desperately to make up for the paucity of everything that had gone before; none of it works on any level at all.I'd give "Boy Eats Girl" (said title, btw, being an insultingly brazen example of misrepresentation) an even lower rating if it weren't for a certain level of professionalism concealed within the thing. The cinematography is passable, if derivative (pointless dolly shots that do nothing to advance mood or plot, for instance), and the sets and locations, costumes, and so on are miles ahead of most exploitation cheapies, but none of it is of any avail. The best intentions still end up you-know-where.Boredom viewing only. Utter waste of time otherwise.

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Paul Andrews

Boy Eats Girl is set in an Irish town where a woman named Grace (Deirdre O'Kane) renovating a Church finds a hidden crypt & some ancient Pagan books on Voodoo rituals including the resurrection of the dead, initially the find doesn't seem significant but comes in very handy after her teenage son Nathan (David Leon) accidentally kills himself while drunk. Nathan is brought back to life unfortunately the process has the unwanted side effect of those brought back to life craving human flesh & those who are bitten also become flesh eating zombies, can Nathan sort the mess out he has started & end up with his childhood sweetheart Jessica (Samantha Mumba) before the entire town are turned into zombies?This Irish English co-production was directed by Stephen Bradley & is a sort of Zom Rom Com mixture of Dawn of the Dead (2004), Shaun of the Dead (2004) & maybe a touch of Casablanca (1942) which works better than it sounds overall but isn't anything outstanding. I do have to say that I love the title Boy Eats Girl, it's a clever pun & play on words that any cheap low rent Newspaper headline writer would be proud of! The script by Derek Landy isn't as much an out-and-out comedy as Shaun of the Dead was since most of it's comedic moments are one-liners or people reacting in silly ways to certain situations they find themselves in like someone taking an umbrella out of a golf bag to protect himself by accident rather than a golf club like his friends, the romance element is alright but a little corny while the horror aspects are OK with some decent blood & gore although it's not an overly dark film. I didn't like the clunky & contrived way Nathan is killed & then brought back to life, it sort of feels like the makers came up with the clever title & then came up with a story to fit it using various awkward ideas. I'm not too happy about the happy ending either where the hero gets the girl, the bad guy is killed & a cure for being a zombie is rather luckily found by complete accident. The film moves along at a reasonable pace with the last twenty minutes or so providing a fair amount of zombie action & it's not a boring film by any stretch of the imagination but not that much really happens when you think about it.Director Bradley does OK, it's odd to see a film set in Ireland let alone a horror film with flesh eating zombies. The Irish accents may put some off which is fair enough because I found them a tad irritating on more than one occasion, it's well made but doesn't really have much style. The special effects are actually pretty impressive & the zombies are of the fast moving type rather than the slow shuffling variety. There's a fair amount of gore here especially at the end, there are a few bites, some splashed blood, a gory ripped-off head, some intestine eating, a high heel stuck in a zombie's eye & a cool sequence where a pack of zombie's are sliced up with a wood chipper with guts, heads & severed limbs flying all over the place.According to the IMDb this had a budget of about $5,000,000 which sounds like a huge amount considering what ended up on screen, there's no big name stars, only one sequence with any real special gore effects & no big action scenes or set-pieces. Shot in Dublin in Ireland. The acting is alright but rather predictably Samantha Mumba who is better known as a pop singer is terrible & you know your in trouble when she's the 'name' in it.Boy Eats Girl has a wonderfully amusing title, unfortunately the film isn't anywhere nears as imaginative, funny or clever & it's as simple & straight forward as that. It's worth a watch if you like horror comedies but isn't anything brilliant whichever way you look at it. Good but not great.

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