Born Free
Born Free
| 26 March 1966 (USA)
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At a national park in Kenya, English game warden George Adamson and his wife, Joy, care for three orphaned lion cubs. After the two larger lions are shipped off to a zoo in the Netherlands, the smallest of the three, Elsa, stays with the couple. When Elsa is blamed for causing an elephant stampede in the nearby village, head warden John Kendall demands the young lion either be trained to survive in the wilds of the Serengeti or be sent to a zoo.


Waste of time

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Pretty Good

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Beautiful, moving film.

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The acting in this movie is really good.

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Reno Rangan

I thought I dreamt about these lions when I was a kid, but when I came to know about this film that made me realise I actually saw this film when I was a very young to remember anything. It was a few images remained in memory, that's how I tracked it. So while watching this now brought back those scary moments. Yep, I was scared like hell, like the character Kendall from it was. Childhood is like a dream, until we re-encounter those things we held, met, seen, which wakes up our memory after a long time and becoming adults.I really enjoyed watching it, because I love animals. But what I did not like was harming the animals. I don't think animals were harmed while making this film, and they even smartly censored story/scene that consists harming/killing them. Actually the film was inspired by the real story, in that, the animals were killed and that is what this film depicted, yet disappoints from that perspective. The time has changed, now it is different, we learnt our lesson, so I hope we focus on protecting this magnificent animal to be born free and to be wild.The Africa was very beautifully portrayed. One of the best films on the wild animal theme I've ever seen. It was a documentary style narration with a little story from the human couple. Hats off to the real Joy and George Adamson. It won a couple of Oscars in the category of music and song. But I think it deserved more than that. I can't believe it is rated PG, but I scared watching it as a kid and I believe the young children with the awareness of the true nature of the lions would do the same. But still highly recommended for all ages. We have now 'Duma', 'Two Brothers' and many more, but this film is something special and you will know it after a watch.8/10

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I have not seen this movie since guess 1984.When I first saw it I was taken on a ride with emotion, because I love the wild, I was born in it!The Movie is from 66, but I remember watching it more than 10 times! If I would look at it now, my mind, my heart has been changed. Adults think they know everything because they are older and experienced. Tell young children they are weak and have so much to learn. All is true, but when you are young, things are much more clear, than adults give credit for.I grew up from my 3rd month to seven years on the Great Island of Borneo, Sarawak Malaysia. My experience growing up with wild life, and nearly undamaged nature. Has always been the best blessing of my life.Wondering off, and visit the local bush Indians, look and learn. The best thing these Malay Islanders showed me in life, is that I can be happy without money.This movie in my time was a true great movie.Looking back to review again? No, my memory, and my experience then counts!9 points!

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(Mild Spoilers) The true and unforgettable story of Elas the Lioness that the film "Born Free" is based on. After being rescued brought up and nurtured with the milk of human kindness in Kenya by British game warder George and his wife Joy Adamson, Bill Travers & Virgina McKenna, a grown up Elsa was later set free in the wild to live free and fend for herself. Having her parents shot and killed when they attacked game warder George Adamson Elsa together with her two orphan sister lion cubs were adopted by Adamson and his wife Joy as family pets. It's when Joy's beloved pet Rock Hyrax Pati passed away that she became very attached to the cute lovable as well as mischievous Elas. By then Elsa together with her sisters were starting to get a bit out of hand in tearing up the Adamson house and its surroundings. Slated to be sent to live out her life together with her two siblings at the Rotterdam Zoo in Holland George makes the fateful decision, with his wife's Joy urging, to keep Elas-the runt of the litter-and later train her to live on her own in the wild as nature intended her to. Something that up until that time has never be done with a domesticated lion and could very probably end up cosing Elsa-in being unable to either care hunt and fend for herself-her life!Touching and heart warming film with Joy and George Adamson trying to get Elsa back to nature and at one point almost killing her by doing it. Wanting Elsa to live free as God and natured intended her to was not as easy as at first thought by Joy who couldn't accept to idea of her living out the rest of her life as a caged animal in a zoo. Step by step Elas got the hang of it in being left out in the wild by the Adamsons sometimes for days at a time until she finally was able to care for herself and live free like she was meant to. In the end he final test for Elsa was her being sent out to be accepted by her fellow lions in the wild. It's there where she was challenged by a fierce alpha lioness who felt Elas was a threat to her standing in the pride. In what look like a fight to the death Elsa held her own with the lioness showing, both Joy & Bill, that she indeed can survive the brutal law of the jungle: Survival of the Fittest!***SPOILERS*** The very moving conclusion of the movie "Born Free' has both Joy and George returning to Kenya to see it their Elas is still there and, after not seeing her for days, get the biggest surprise of their lives! Not only has Elas survived she's now a proud mom with a litter of little Elsa's of her very own!

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Neil Doyle

But if you aren't an animal lover, this tale about a lion cub adopted by a game warden (BILL TRAVERS) and his wife (VIRGINIA McKENNA) might be too hard to digest. For anyone who has ever felt the pain of separation that comes from parting with a beloved pet, the film will win a special place in your heart.Vistas of African scenery (filmed entirely on location) and the very effective, insinuating musical score of John Barry are added compensations for a well-acted story about the taming of a lovable lion cub, its eventual growing up into a lioness (called Elsa), and the separation that comes when Elsa must be set free to take her place among the wild animals.The early scenes with the young cub (two other healthier cubs were sent to a zoo after the game warden had to kill the parents), are amusingly depicted and perhaps the most arresting part of the story. But the final scene is cloaked in the kind of sentimentality that has echoes of "Lassie Come Home" with Barry's score emphasizing a final reunion with Elsa before the "Born Free" theme hammers away at the emotions.Summing up: A nature film that animal lovers will adore.

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