Boobs: An American Obsession
Boobs: An American Obsession
| 09 February 2010 (USA)
Boobs: An American Obsession Trailers

We call them by a hundred different names: boobs, knockers, jugs, hooters. We wonder if they're real or fake, too small or too big, too exposed or too covered. And every year Americans spend millions of dollars on breast enhancement, from push-up bras to surgery. Why is our culture so captivated by this particular part of the female form? "Boobs: An American Obsession" is a revealing, humorous, often poignant investigation involving everyone from anthropologists to porn stars as we explore our culture's fascination with breasts.


You won't be disappointed!

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The greatest movie ever made..!

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This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.

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Staci Frederick

Blistering performances.

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Somebody once told me, awhile back, that America was the only country that viewed female breasts as sexual. While I do not have any evidence to back that statement up, it cannot be denied that most Americans ( particularly men) have some sort of fascination with this part of the body. I was hoping this to be more of a direct documentary on what the fuss was all about. Why? Why do we care so much about them, what is it about them that makes men go crazy, why are women so obsessed over the size of them, and wanting to surgically alter them. While a few of my questions were answered, this documentary just seems to go all over the place with their material. To me, it just seemed like an excuse to display an array selection of bare breasts. While I'm certainly not against it, I'm not for it, either. I think men need to appreciate the female as a whole, and women should be more centered on how they feel about themselves as a whole, instead of obsessing over the beauty that God gave them. When we were kids ( I'm talking to all you guys out there!), and you had that crush on that eight year old girl that never seemed to share the same class as you, did you care about her breasts? NO! Because she didn't have any, probably, right? So what changed? What is it, in our brains, that overrides such thoughts? That a person can be great, thick and then, be outgoing in personality, regardless of what her bra size is? I don't think this was a bad documentary, just steered clear from what I was expecting. I could have done without Tom Arnold, but that's just me. Worth a look? Why not. Weather your impressed or not, you should at least enjoy other peoples opinions and voice over the issue. Lots of commentary, lots of humor, and of course, lots of boobs. 5 out of 10 from me. PS: I don't like calling them that. They're "the girls".

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Harriet Deltubbo

This is not a great movie, but the cinematography is bare. I really like this type of film. I will never understand the hate for this movie. I found it to be sensational. It's an amazing work and everything I had hoped for from an artistic standpoint. After reading some of the negative reviews on here, I just have to say that some people really don't get it. Unfairly dismissed by some as confusing, I have made the decision to award this film a rating of 7/10. From an artistic standpoint, it holds its own. No matter what any of the critics write, this film is utterly fantastic, a cinematic treat you'll cherish.

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I saw this film at a private screening just before it was released and it is a very well done, informative documentary with great "visuals". As much I as enjoy the subject and thought I knew a great deal about it/them, the producers chose very interesting ways to look at "Boobs". Seriously, the interviews were fantastic, from regular women to amazing porn stars you get to hear and SEE why women and men are so obsessed with this body part. But it's not all just about Boobs as a sex object; the film looks historically at men and women's obsession with size. It is a must see for anyone who has them or loves to look at them … now who does that not include?

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