Body Weapon
Body Weapon
| 01 January 1999 (USA)
Body Weapon Trailers

While investigating murder cases involving masked rapists, Officer Ling herself is raped and her husband murdered by the suspects, on their wedding night. Rather than relying on her fellow police officers to solve her case, Ling chooses to use her own body as the weapon to take revenge on her violators.

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Gripping story with well-crafted characters

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It's fun, it's light, [but] it has a hard time when its tries to get heavy.

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I am only giving this movie a 1 for the great cast, though I can't imagine what any of them were thinking. This movie was horrible

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This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.

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"Naked Killer" is one of my favorite guilty pleasures to come out of the Hong Kong film industry, so when I came across "Body Weapon" - which was made by the same people - I of course thought I would be getting more of the same. Unfortunately, this effort is a real disappointment. It somehow manages to be even cheaper than "Naked Weapon", with few "wide" shots and endless shots with the characters' faces jammed close to the camera. Much worse, however, is that the movie isn't that much fun. While "Naked Killer" was crazy, hilarious, and somewhat upbeat, this movie is slow (especially the first 30 minutes), mostly sombre, and kind of downbeat. There's not much entertainment in seeing a woman brutalized sexually and getting an STD in the process. The only real entertainment comes from a few sequences involving martial arts duels, though they are just okay and not exceptional. Stick with "Naked Killer" instead.

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What a total waste of Vincent Zhao! He should NOT have done this movie! I daresay this one killed his movie career, relegating him to TV for a decade! Yes, that is how bad this movie is. The people behind this movie should be glad that Vincent Zhao got to do True Legend after a ten year break from the big screen. If he didn't, that would have seriously damaged their karma.This thing called Body Weapon is everything a movie should not be. It's a sleazy, cheap, totally offensive cringer of a career killer.If you enjoy seeing poor Vincent Zhao embarrassing himself, if you want to see HK cinema fail, if you hate decent films, then by all means watch this movie! If not, then do yourself and Vincent Zhao the favour of NOT watching this 'thing'!

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I like HK action movies. jaw dropping choreographed fight scenes, larger then life explosions, nail bitting chase sequences and over the top stunt work. If you like HK action movies just like me. THEN DON'T WATCH THIS FILM!! It featured none of the above. It's just a grotesque, boring, voyeuristic, badly acted film with some fight scenes. LOW BUDGET is the key word.I suggest you watch a real HK film, instead of a poor wannebe.

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I was hoping for some great displays of Wu Shu from Chiu Man Chuk - I was sadly disappointed. This is a shame because although there were glimpses of his talents, he was severely restricted by this material. This "material" involves an opening gang-rape scene which leaves an unpleasant aftertaste in the mouth. This refuses to go away throughout the film.I could go into further depth about why this film is crude, nasty, voyeuristic and exploitative (in an amateurish way), but due to the shallowness of its premise and its flimsy plot, it doesn't deserve a fuller review.This is a sub-standard HK Category III film and should be avoided by martial arts fans at all costs.

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