Bloody Murder
Bloody Murder
R | 12 September 2000 (USA)
Bloody Murder Trailers

Julie McConnell is one of a dozen camp counselors working to re-open a summer camp when a series of murders and disappearances begin commited by a hockey masked killer who may be the urban legend killer Trevor Moorehouse. When Julie looks into the murders by herself, she finds that she may be the killer's next target when she gets too close to some dark secrets of the camp which may lead to the killer's identity.


The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful

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Roy Hart

If you're interested in the topic at hand, you should just watch it and judge yourself because the reviews have gone very biased by people that didn't even watch it and just hate (or love) the creator. I liked it, it was well written, narrated, and directed and it was about a topic that interests me.

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One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.

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The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;

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Just a lame Friday the 13th rip off. I mean come on look at it. It's a killer wearing a hockey mask where have I seen that before? Oh yeah from Friday the 13th do we look stupid! Plus it also rips off Halloween with the jump suit the killer wears and not just those 2 movies it also rips off The Texas Chainsaw Massacre cause the killer uses a chainsaw. So that shows you how lame this movie really is because it rips off 3 horror classics. And Friday the 13th ripped off Halloween so Friday the 13th ain't original either. This movie sucked the hard one. I mean come on we have had ENOUGH rip offs of Friday the 13th, Halloween, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, etc. Its funny to see after 20 years after the horror classics were made that they are still ripping them off! Wow! And the ending of this movie made no sense at all! Like when you find out who the killer is! The killer's name even sounds cheesy. Trevor Moorehouse! Wow! Bloody Murder=horrible peace of crap movie

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Let's face it: this movie is a downright ripoff of much better slasher movies,those including 'Halloween' and 'Friday the 13th.'Will somebody please tell the director how a good movie should be like?And will somebody tell him to show some grisly murders without cutting the screen black when someone encounters the killer?This movie is just so ridiculous,that you can't help but laugh at how silly it is.I haven't even finished the movie,but if I get another chance to see it,I'll probably try,since I saw this movie on Fearnet for free.So if you're looking for a good spooky time,then this is most certainly not your movie.

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Wow. Just wow. I did not realise a slasher could have no redeeming qualities, but I suppose you discover something new everyday. Usually when it comes to evaluating slashers I am very, very lenient because as long as there is enough gruesome (and inventive) murders and some gratuitous nudity it's all good. To be honest, I do not think I have ever seen a slasher that has not had either. Unfortunately, this happens to be the first, as there is nothing redeemable about Blood(less) Murder. The acting is laughably bad, and I mean really, really bad. Forget the slashers of the 80's (which were notorious for poor actors), this bunch are embarrassing. The script is stupid and sounds like it was written by a deaf monkey. However, my real beef with this movie is the complete lack of blood and nudity. There are around 6 deaths, half of which are off screen and the rest consisting of some object being thrown at them as they stumble around moaning (with a tiny amount terrible looking blood around the wound). Although the counselors (oh yea, I have not explained the plot, just refer to the plot summary of Friday the 13th and you will be fine) are nubile 18 year old's, there is but one brief, albeit clothed, kissing session. To top this off, the film is 100% serious and this is what makes it truly horrendous. Bloody Murder is the type of movie to watch in a "bad movie marathon" whilst drunk because it is really a dismal addition to the slasher genre.0/5

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"Bloody Murder" is a decent if unspectacular slasher entry.**SPOILERS**Arriving at Placid Pines summer camp, Julie McConnell, (Jessica Morris) Dean, (Michael Stone) Tobe, (Patrick Cavanaugh) Jason Hathaway, (Justin Martin) and Whitney Chambers, (Tracy Pacheco) are greeted by Patrick, (Peter Guillemette) and Brad Thompson, (David Smigelski) as they prepare to open up the camp. Trying to ignore their bad history with each other, they go about setting it up, and are soon introduced to Drew Zemke, (Crystalle Ford) his main assistant and become friends. When they're all invited out to play a game of Bloody Murder that night, it brings out all their feelings toward each other instead and things become uneasy around camp. When they soon start to disappear, their strained tensions don't agree on the belief that local legend Trevor Moorehouse is the cause of the events, until they realize a masked slasher is loose around camp and soon fight to get away from the maniac.The Good News: When this one wanted, it had some good stuff. The mystery angle over the killer in here is a really nice touch, as there's a lot of well-done tricks done in here to throw doubt on the identity. The back-story, clues gathered from the chasing and all the personal history used manage to make it worthwhile as it casts a lot of doubt and is done really well. Even at the end, when it pulls them all out and really uses it's expectations to generate some good stuff from the mystery identity. Perhaps one of the film's best scenes, though, is the Bloody Murder game. Despite being a game played by kindergartners, there's some good stuff to this. Taking place at night in the middle of a forest is the best, offering up plenty of suspense as they travel through the fog-enshrouded tree-lines, and with the trampled twigs and leaves giving off a sense of isolation, and the sequence where the prank comes out and is revealed generates some tension, especially with the killer emerging from behind the trees of the unsuspecting victim makes it really nice. The scene detailing the theory about the killing over the course of activity while a movie distracts the others is also a novel idea brilliantly executed. This one also works nicely for the incorporation of the campground setting slasher. From the scenes of them in the camp setting up their own to the different ways they get interrupted by the killer's actions, with the camp setting and the way it plays out like the older slashers from before, there's a lot to like from how this one plays around with the camp-setting. The last plus here is the fact that the film has a really strong finale. From the twist at the lake where the killer is revealed to the way it still uses the identity-twists to the action-packed chase through the woods and the confrontations all come through nicely, it all works nicely and come together for a satisfying conclusion. These here are the film's good points.The Bad News: There was some considerable flaws to this one that hold it down. One of the biggest and most obvious is the fact that, as a slasher, this one considerably lacks many of the most basic requirements for a slasher film. The killer in here is a joke, on several levels. Besides having a mask that is a clear rip-off of another, more popular slasher mask and isn't even hid very well, the basic body design is a big step. The killer is scrawny, small and barely imposes any kind of physicality over the women, let alone the men. Though it's done that way to throw the identity into doubt, watching a killer running around who barely looks bigger than the women in a slasher doesn't really throw his terror into any good will. There's also the fact that killer has some of the lamest kills around. Impaling with a garden trowel in the back, shooting arrows into the back and stabbed with a knife off-screen are all we pretty much get in here, despite having more inventive knock-out scenes where one is whacked in the back of the head with an oar and a gunshot are used to knock them out but not to kill, and they would've helped some but not much, which here reveals two more big slasher-specific misses that this one has. The body count here is really atrocious, as all those kills comprise the film's entire amount of deaths, a paltry amount in here. This one really needed to knock off some more instead of leaving so many alive, which would've allowed for maybe a creative kill or two, and solved the other problem, the film's criminal lack of gore. These aren't bloody at all, and we really don't have too much at that when we get them. This one also could've used a little bit of nudity or a sex scene, as the one we get isn't revealing. These are the main slasher related flaws here, and in conjunction with the dull beginning because of the lack of kills to generate excitement, comprise all that's really wrong with the film.The Final Verdict: While this does get entertaining at times, the fact that it really doesn't have all that many slasher motives manages to knock it down considerably. Really only recommended for the most hardcore, forgiving slasher fan or those that enjoy the backwoods sagas, while those who aren't should heed caution.Rated R: Graphic Language, Violence and a clothed sex scene

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