R | 24 December 2002 (USA)
Bleed Trailers

A naïve young girl desperate to fit in with her new boyfriend's tightly knit crew learns that membership may be deadly. Upon arriving at a party with her new boyfriend, Shawn, desperate-to-fit-in newcomer Debbie learns that the friends have formed a mysterious brotherhood nicknamed "The Murder Club." As Debbie accepts her invitation to join the mysterious club, a murderer who seems to take the group's name to heart begins killing off members one by one.


A different way of telling a story

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Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.

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The movie is wonderful and true, an act of love in all its contradictions and complexity

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The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one

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Enjoyably movie from Full Moon (at the time Shadow Entertainment). It has some solid gore and a good little story. There are some nice twists and turns as the movie goes on, and there's never a dull moment. Debbie Rochon is good as always and there's even a cameo by Lloyd Kaufman. Anyone who says this movie is terrible is lacking intelligence. This the worst movie of all-time? Wow, I'd really hate to see what they think is the greatest movie of all-time. Most people that dislike Bleed are the types that have sensitive stomachs or have no liking for low budget films. Generally, they're the worst critics of all-time. Ignore the negativity and watch Bleed. If you like slashers, gore, and Full Moon movies, you'll like Bleed.

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Chris Smith

Sadly, more downs than ups. The plot was pretty decent. I mean, nothing out of the ordinary, but it had a story, unlike the other modern horror flicks. The other good thing was the cast. I'm not saying that the acting was good, because it wasn't, but every actor/actress was hot and attractive.One of the downs are that the movie only become exciting after the first 40 minutes or so. The rest was quite boring. Another down (or you could consider it an up if you want) is the excessive nudity. All 4 girls were topless for a few minutes, and all the guys showed their butts for a long time. It's not that I'm against nudity, but this was a horror movie, not 'The Dreamers'.Unless you're very desperate to watch some guy take off his swimsuit and run around naked for a few minutes, or watch a girl get naked for no reason, or you're a die-hard fan of Debbie Rochon, than this is the movie for you. But if you're looking for a good horror movie, stay away.

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Dr. Gore

*SPOILER ALERT* *SPOILER ALERT*Debbie Rochon shows up and gets topless. That's all you really need to know about "Bleed". Julie Strain's breasts have a fifteen second cameo near the beginning of the movie. I just watched "Blood Gnome" the other day and she did another topless walk-on in that flick. It's no longer a question whether Strain will get naked. The question is, "How long will her breasts stay out to play?" Even in both movies combined, she was on screen for less than 5 minutes. Her name is enough to rope in the drooling B-movie fans like myself. Strain's breasts are in big, bouncing demand. (Drool, drool...)Debbie Rochon is the star of this one and she gets topless on many occasions. That was nice. The rest of the movie was pretty lame. Rochon thinks she's in a "Murder club" but the would-be club members are keeping a secret from her. I won't spoil the big surprise here. Besides, who really cares what these idiots are thinking or doing or saying? What's important in life is naked breasts. Am I right? Can I get an amen?

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Ok, when i rented this last night, i had read some pretty bad reviews for it. But for some reason...i had to see it, why, i dont know. With no expectations for this being a good movie, i started watching it. That was my first mistake...The film starts off with two guys going home from a party (Dressed like Women...?) well one guy dies (Very gruesomely *Is that a word?*) then the guys Girlfriend calls, for some reason she's been out in her backyard topless waiting for him, then she dies as well. We move onto a young girl named Maddy, who has just gotten a new job at a Highrise Building. Obviously theres an attraction between her and her boss, but we expect that. Well they get to know each other (When i say that, i mean it they have sex their like first night of knowing each other) and sooner or later, he invites her to his friend Tillies pool party (I use the term Pool Party loosely, since its all just a sad excuse for a porno) and she goes. Everyone gets naked, blah blah blah. They tell Maddy about some Murder Club, where they go through 3 levels, the third level being...Murder...well obviously they were joking with her, but she takes it seriously, and kicks the sh*t out of some girl in a parking garage. They all keep it from her, that the Club was fake, until people start dying for real...but who could it be?Dont be fooled by the cool artwork on the cover, this movie is bad. The only thing that actually made me wanna watch this was Laura Nativo. The entire thing is like one big Porno movie, with a killer added in for fun. Strange Mix, i know. But i must say, some of these people die in sick ways. We have a girl getting her head bashed in, a guy getting his intestines cut out, a very gory slit throat, an electrocution (I have something to say about that) a knife through the neck, a girl getting her brains bashed in against a pillar, and an axe in the back. About that electrocution...Laura is in the pool, until her boyfriend pops out scares her, and dies. Well THEN the Killer cuts open a wire (Might i add Laura is still in the pool with about 45 seconds to get out) and slowly walks towards the pool (Laura is still in there, just screaming help) and then throws the wire in. The whole sequence of the Killer walking to the pool took about a minute, which would give Laura just enough time to get out, and run. But we cant blame Laura Nativofor bad blocking. The acting however was alright, Sean was weak in the beginning and gradually got better. Maddy was ok, shes a good actress, not the best though. Chris should be funny in his movies, thats the only way his acting works. Tillie was good as the bitch, while Laura was good as that innocent girl. I forget everyone else, and i guess thats a good thing. This movie is REALLY bad, if your into softcore porno/slasher movies, then this is for you. Everyone else, id say the only reason to watch this is because of Laura Nativo.I give Bleed 4/10 only because Laura Nativo, and it kepy my interest at parts.Also did anyone else notice the striking resemblance to the cover of Darkwalker and the cover of Bleed? *Different Weapon and Different Killer Thought*

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