Black Dawn
Black Dawn
R | 13 February 2006 (USA)
Black Dawn Trailers

Jonathan Cold returns, this time he goes Undercover to stop a group of Terrorists before they bomb Los Angeles.

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Great visuals, story delivers no surprises

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There is just so much movie here. For some it may be too much. But in the same secretly sarcastic way most telemarketers say the phrase, the title of this one is particularly apt.

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Amazing worth wacthing. So good. Biased but well made with many good points.

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If I can start by saying something really positive about this movie: it doesn't waste any time in telling you it's terrible. The opening sequence is a really misguided attempt at being artsy, almost like the director didn't know he was making a Seagal movie yet. "Black Dawn" is a sequel to "The Foreigner", which essentially means they were too lazy to come up with a new name for the character Seagal plays in every movie (see also: "Under Siege 2"). They keep up that lazyness in every other aspect. The fight scenes are typical for recent Seagal releases: confusing cuts, extreme close-ups, because that way we won't know it's a fighting double. Every time Seagal fights (granted, that's not often in this movie) he suddenly loses 40 lbs. and has real black hair instead of that weird spray-on hairdo, all the bizarre jump cuts in the world can't hide that. The most hilarious scene is the one where Seagal's on a 'moving' truck though: worst green screen ever, it makes the infamous train scene from Jean Claude Van Damme's "Derailed" look state of the art.P.S: It's nice to know the news can actually show a picture of the corpse when they're reporting a murder, great for the ratings. I'm pretty sure you can get in trouble for that.

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Steven Seagal wears a suit and tie for the entirety of the movie. Unfortunately for him, this doesn't help to hide his huge bulk. I spent most of the movie thinking about how fat he's become since the last Seagal movie I watched (which must have been "Hard to Kill").The basic plot of the movie is revealed very early. This is no surprise to anybody. What is a surprise is when there's a gunfight scene and a dozen characters appear who have no other part in this movie and kill each other. Even Steven Seagal has two partners who appear for 1 minute at the beginning of the movie, then 1 minute halfway through the movie, and both are killed only 2 minutes later.The special effects are distracting. There's a scene where the two main characters are sitting in a helicopter on a roof. Except it's not on a roof, it's in the studio and the foreground looks washed out and Steven Seagal's tie flickers due to the blue screen.The DVD cover shows Seagal wearing a black leather jacket - which he does not wear in the movie - and his face has been photoshopped to look younger and thinner than it actually is. The back of the DVD shows Seagal holding two guns crosswise - a technique he does not use in this movie - and indeed it's a younger, fitter Seagal holding those guns, wearing that leather jacket.The "special features" stank too. "Making of Black Dawn" can be summed up as "let's show the main characters filming the helicopter sequence" and Tamara Davies laments that she finds it hard to feel tension when she's sitting in a fake helicopter on the set. Somehow I'm not surprised. And the best she can say about director Gruszynski is that he is "convenient".The "Interview with Steven Seagal" contained some flashed scenes which would have been better off in the "Making of" title. The rest of it wasn't an interview. There was no interviewer, there were no questions. It was Steven Seagal rambling. It sort of devolved into various pictures of Seagal doing humanitarian work in the 3rd world. I'm not quite sure why.Five trailers on the DVD showed 5 Sony movies which, if truth be told, looked much better than this rubbish. Some were Seagal movies, some were Wesley Snipes.This movie isn't worth buying; isn't worth renting either. Seagal should lose some weight and train up before acting again, if he wishes to be the star of an action picture.

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At the beginning I would like to say, that I'm a big fun of Seagal and his movies.But not this one. I'm sorry but Seagal is too fat in this movie ! Too fat for an action star. In that shape he can't play super secret agent, but only a Santa Claus. Anyway the worst thing in this movie are fight scenes.Seagal is doubled in fight scenes by another actor. It is very sad for me ,because I practice martial arts and I admire Seagal's Aikido abilities . I think that he is cheating his fans doing something like this. Blacdawn is very boring, small budget B-movie .What else? Bad acting and horrible story. And the finale of this film with helicopter and a bomb....NO COMMENT !!

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After seeing Submerged on TV and saw a couple of other Steven Seagal movies like Today You Die and Into the Sun, they were a lot better than this. This is another sequel from the great one since Under Siege (Which I never knew about Seagal making this sequel) from the 2003 movie The Foreinger and that one was better than this and I can't believe what crap this movie is. Don't get me wrong Steven, I am a fan and this is my 2nd worst movie from you and I hope you will comeback in a movie where it is better than this but I still hated this movie for the rest of my life.I give this 2/10

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