Bigfoot: The Lost Coast Tapes
Bigfoot: The Lost Coast Tapes
R | 26 October 2012 (USA)
Bigfoot: The Lost Coast Tapes Trailers

Sean Reynolds, a highly acclaimed investigative journalist (who strongly believed in paranormal phenomena), destroyed his career when the most watched episode of his reality show, based on paranormal phenomena, turned out to be a hoax. Sean saw a news report on a "Bigfoot Hunter" (Carl Drybeck) who claimed to possess the body of a dead Sasquatch. He believes Drybeck is a phony and decides to create a new show that reveals people's paranormal claims as hoaxes. Sean assembles his old film crew and heads to Northern California's "Lost Coast" to meet with and interview Drybeck. Obsessed, Sean is staking his comeback, his life and the lives of his documentary film crew on proving Drybeck's claim to be a hoax.

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Perfect cast and a good story

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One of the best films i have seen

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The film was still a fun one that will make you laugh and have you leaving the theater feeling like you just stole something valuable and got away with it.

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Asad Almond

A clunky actioner with a handful of cool moments.

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A group of filmmakers go to make a documentary about a man who claims to have body of a Bigfoot but they find themselves in real danger.To director Corey Grant's credit Bigfoot: The Lost Coast Tapes is one of the better made POV films, in the vain of Bigfoot County of the same year but even with its real life Bigfoot hoaxer Rick Dyer style element at the beginning it never manages to suck you in like REC, Exists, Devil Pass to name a few. It's not a budget issue either as similar films Grave Encounters and The Tunnel for example manage to pull it off it. For some unexplainable reason it just lacks that je ne sais quoi.Writers Bryan O'Cain and Brian Kelsey have all the element there it just never feels the full package. Naturalistic Drew Rausch is notable as Sean Reynolds, the producer who'll do anything to get the money shot and the rest of the cast are pretty convincing including Rich McDonald along with Ashley Wood who deserve a mention. Energetic actor Japheth Gordon scree time is minimal as he has the oomph to put the much needed spark into the proceedings.It's not a keeper but Grant's offering better than many of SYFy Bigfoot films, hopefully a sequel or remake would correct and inject that much needed Bigfoot magic.

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I normally avoid appraisal of a film solely on entertainment value as the vast majority of movies I have recently consumed entertained me on some level regardless of how base or brief the excitement generated. However, every now and again a film comes along armed nicely with the oomph to thrill despite either the subject matter, expected premise or both.New horror releases these days may be abundant but not their quality - heck, even their classification as horror often takes a stretch of the imagination. Thus finding an actually spooky movie also with the ability to entertain is a treasure less and less likely to be discovered.With more than a small amount of gratitude then I must positively recommend 'Bigfoot: The Lost Coast Tapes' to horror fans adrift like myself in the doldrums of decent spine-tingling flicks worth watching. This film comes loaded for Sasquatch with a cast of fun and convincing characters played by pleasingly capable actors, a premise that while not wholly original successfully sets the stage and builds suspense, and a twist that alleviates the disappointment of thinking you know how it will all turn out. The plot overall and twist in the third act very nicely distinguish this film from a sea of sameness and stale ideas plaguing so many other horror efforts these days.Against the norm then based on entertainment value alone,'Bigfoot: The Lost Coast Tapes' hits for a very solid seven out of ten. The build up, throughout which is sprinkled a few hilarious scenes, will please most horror fanatics and the personalities of the four main characters and their host especially, will connect many viewers to the story through their well paced descent into the unknown.While we have a standard shaky shoulder cam setup here, the four investigators headed out into the spooky place this time around are on a mission to debunk rather than prove real the subject of their expedition. I found this take fresh and entertaining compared to so many other very similar found footage films that absolutely take themselves seriously and aim to force the viewer to believe whatever proof of the supernatural they are out to catch on camera.Also refreshing is the not too stereotypical individuality of each of the four main characters. Yes, there's an over zealous director who insists every moment of the expedition must be filmed, and yes he is out to secure a network deal for a weekly show with the whole reality television pilot documentary he is filming.There's a cameraman too who comes off as slightly fearless, a sound man who fulfills the scaredy-cat (a role made famous by Bill Paxton in 'Aliens'), and there's also a pseudo psychic female who performs rituals to sense and ward off dark energies. However something original has been written into each of these well tread roles, interesting enough to make them fun to sit with through the film.The highlight of them all is addled Bigfoot expert 'Carl Drybeck' played extremely entertainingly by Frank Ashmore whom I had never come across before but hope to see in future films. He's a bit of a wild man recluse who for decades has been pursuing Sasquatch and within the scope of the film has finally secured the holy grail: an intact Bigfoot corpse.As the set up unfolds and build up ramps up 'Bigfoot: The Lost Coast Tapes' effectively conditions the viewer to expect a tense but fairly generic outcome and then slams a home run with a very fresh twist and finale. My thinking is viewers who thought the entire film would be all Bigfoot all the time until the end were likely feeling somewhat let down. While I was expecting a Sasquatch showdown in the big dark woods, the reveal did not fail to please, and if you're willing to proceed to its climax with an open mind, this film will not let you down.Seven out of ten for an entertaining experience throughout, plus one for a pants on fire type of scene and references to Scooby-Doo the original and a great performance by Frank Ashmore; Ashley Wood is also quite easy on the eyes and her countenance nicely compliments the whole effort.

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This movie tells the classic story of the viewer waiting for something interesting to happen. It's hard to explain how incredibly boring this movie is. The acting is horrible, full of over dramatization especially by the main character. It tells the story of how an angry sceptic documentary maker pays a lot of money to see a big foot body and ultimately finds out that big foot is here to protect us from some inter-dimensional bad guys that kills all his friends. You hold on after about a half hour thinking that you just might get to see a scary big foot. Nope, just shadows running through the obviously smoked machined in fog. (Seriously, you can see the streams of fog coming out of the machine; they didn't even wait for it to dissipate) There, I saved you an hour and a half, you're welcome.

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Yet another found footage horror/thriller/mockumentary?. Except this time, it's about Bigfoot. Yesh, a group of friends, led by a pompous douche, set out to prove a guy that claims to have a sasquatch body as a liar and a fake. They get a bit more than they bargained for.This movie was..., for lack of a better word, different. As compared to all the found footage crap that the market is being flooded with now days, this one isn't all that bad. Granted, it's not all that good, but it's not terrible. The acting isn't too bad for most of the movie. It did get kind of stupid towards the end. Example, 2 of the guys leave with their host to see the body. They beg the lady of the group to say indoors, no matter what. Then, they implore her that if she hears anything, run outside, across the f***ing yard to get a gun that she admits to no even knowing how to use. JUST GIVE HER THE F***ING GUN TO TAKE WITH HER BACK INSIDE!!!! Anyways, the characters were unlikable. The chick is just a kook, but she is very, very hot. The cameraman is a douche. The host is a douche. And the sound guy is just f***ing annoying. I will admit, that this movie did turn out a bit unexpected for me. It's nothing shocking but it's different. Coming into this, I had 2 expectations for how this movie would play out. 1. The guy claiming to have the sasquatch body is either part of an elaborate hoax, or some kind of cult that is set on killing these people. 2. Bigfoot is just a dick who is out to kill. How it actually turned out was completely f***ing different. Again, it wasn't scary, thrilling or..., I can't even take it seriously but it was different. Overall, I'd suggest this movie, but only if you don't really give 2 s***s about plausibility and just want something different from all the other found footage bulls*** that is out there now. Granted, this movie might fall right into the s***ty range of all the other s***ty found footage movies for most other people, but I liked it because it's odd.

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