Bermuda Triangle
Bermuda Triangle
G | 04 April 1996 (USA)
Bermuda Triangle Trailers

After a strange storm in the Carribean causes a boat to sink, a family finds itself stranded on an island in the "27th dimension".


Best movie ever!

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Brendon Jones

It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.

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Sarita Rafferty

There are moments that feel comical, some horrific, and some downright inspiring but the tonal shifts hardly matter as the end results come to a film that's perfect for this time.

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One of the film's great tricks is that, for a time, you think it will go down a rabbit hole of unrealistic glorification.

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i have always been a believer in natures healing power....yes its only a movie but to me I believe....when the boy had a diabetic attack the Indians on the island used natures leaves to heal him.... mom thinking it was temporary she realized nature wiped out his diabetes for good....just saying that governments spend billions of dollars on medicinal research when the cure for all illnesses lays there in the amazon....and many people will agree with me is that they don't want the cure for some diseases that rake in billions for corporations they ant to keep the cure locked to say...."we billion dollar pharmaceutical companies and medical research companies will make no more money if we release cures for cancer,diabetes,m.s.,"....I don't hear much about it but a doctor in Colombia cured a lady with parkinsons disease it was so bad she couldn't even hold a cup of water she would shake so violently she went to doctor and whatever he did cured her....and Michael j. fox suffers from it...there's an example

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Great family fun.After their boat sinks in a storm a family of four find themselves stranded on a desert isle, with a community of quirky characters including a lovely part for Jerry Hardin as the town mayor. The families biggest problem is the young son who has diabetes and needs insulin, unfortunately its on the boat at the bottom of the sea. He also has a tendency to wander off and makes friends with a native boy and together they have some fun adventures. The daughter isn't left out either and makes friends with and has some truly spectacular scenes playing with dolphins.Something to be enjoyed by children young and old.

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This is one of the most extraordinary movies I have ever seen.The poor rating only shows that not too many people have had the opportunity to enjoy the Bermuda Triangle. The acting is excellent, as well as the direction, the photography, etc. Many other movies have been based on this topic but, in my honest opinion, this is the best. I'm wondering why this movie is so difficult, almost impossible, to obtain. I have tried and critics choice video and neither one of them has it at this moment. It happens that many mediocre movies are available in both VHS and DVD and ironically movies like this are completely ignored. I strongly recommend the Bermuda Triangle if you ever have the opportunity to see it.

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This film comes from the writers of "Cocoon 2" and tells the story of a family that gets lost in the Bermuda Triangle. Finally we're told what the secret of it."Bermuda Triangle" is a cheap tv-show with an almost perfect sreenplay and an average cast. The film keeps us excited to the very last and maybe inspired writer/director Gary Ross to create the world of "Pleasantville". 8 stars of 10.

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