Bail Out
Bail Out
R | 28 February 1990 (USA)
Bail Out Trailers

A bail bondman hires three L.A. bounty hunters to protect a wealthy heiress, after her ex-boyfriend with connections to a drug cartel is murdered. When the heiress is abducted and taken to the cartel's Mexican hideout, the trio heads south to rescue her in time for her to testify against her ex-boyfriend's killers.

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There are better movies of two hours length. I loved the actress'performance.

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Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.

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An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.

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The Hoff is on fire in this hilarious action comedy. Not only is his acting Olivieresque, but his fashion sense is also second to none. 'Bail Out', funded by sportswear company, Head, is undoubtedly one of the most spectacular films in cinematic history, peaking towards the finale with the Hoff's triumphant celebration after shooting down the evil helicopter with a flare gun. The 'two arms aloft' ecstatic cry leaves many would-be cinema goers wondering how this genial colossus of a film was ever taken straight onto VHS format. And Thank God somebody had the sense to bring Bail Out to the future generations when they decided to forward it onto the more modern DVD format. Also praise be to Tesco for not only displaying Bail Out on it's shop floors, but also for pricing this masterpiece at the CRRRAAAZZZZYYYY price of 97 pence. All Hail 'The Hoff'! Best line- 'Hit the road f**k face!'

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Apparently when David Hasselhoff read the script and saw his on screen partners would be a Hispanic character and a token afro American he thought "my god i can feel the on-screen chemistry already!" - HE WAS WRONG! DEAD WRONG! When you see this film you really just want to say "gee Dave music really is the best career for you!" this film is unbelievably confusing, for starters its never explained why Hasselhoffs character is called Whitebread! AWESOME!!! The film is described as an action comedy which it is in a way, Hasselhoff wandering around trying to save some bint from drug lords whilst waving a pistol around like its a sock is some of the best unintentional comedy ever! The only explanation for Linda Blair agreeing to do this movie is that the priest didn't do a good enough job! as she must have been temporarily possessed by the demons of straight to the 99p bin in asda, ironically i bought this movie for 2p less in tesco, i could have spent it on something far more entertaining like a bath mat! all in all you should see this film if only to see Hasselhoffs awesome guns!

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Cast:Linda Blair, David Hasselhoff, John Vernon As you watch this film you can see how bad Blair's work has gotten. This action flick stars Hasselhoff as a cop who is hired to protect Blair from bad. If any one wanted to protect Blair from bad they would tell her not to do this film! 0* out of ****

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Quite possibly one of the worst movies ever made. the fact that it stars david haselhoff and linda blair should already tell you something about this stinker. basically, haselhoff plays a bounty hunter trying to keep blair alive to appear at a drug trial. very minimal acting from all involved, but you do get to see haselhoff in a teal jumpsuit, and playing tennis in a white hairband. only worth watching to laugh at.

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