Babylon 5: The Lost Tales - Voices in the Dark
Babylon 5: The Lost Tales - Voices in the Dark
| 03 September 2007 (USA)
Babylon 5: The Lost Tales - Voices in the Dark Trailers

This latest installment of Babylon 5 is in two parts: the first, is about an entity that has possessed a worker. It wants to be exorcised but Col. Lochley prevents the priest & sends it & the host both back to Earth. The second is about Galen trying to dupe President Sheridan into assassinating the future Centauri President to stop him possibly attacking Earth in 30 years time.

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Sorry, this movie sucks

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Instant Favorite.

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Best movie ever!

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This movie feels like it was made purely to piss off people who want good shows

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The Lost Tales could never have really lived up to fan expectation. Two major actors have since passed on and no network or studio would be intelligent enough to fund such a scifi fan favorite.Understandably, the effects and budget were minimal. However, the writing was also minimalist. Not a good thing. It felt as if the whole idea could have been better produced, directed and written by the fans. It's a shame that JMS and company couldn't have showcased their obvious talent better.I was a huge fan of B5 and now am NOT of Lost Tales. There was just so much that could have been done better. I can't recommend this one to any fan of the franchise.

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The Lost Tales series (and I do hope there are more) are meant to be a series of short stories compiled together at roughly the same point in time. In a way this reminds me of a compellation by Ray Bradbury. It is not epic, it is not action packed, and it is not meant to be. It's about the characters and to approach the universe in a different way from the regular series or movies. I gave this 10 out of 10 for this reason, but also in anticipation that the rest of the short stories are done on par with it in theme, feeling and writing.If B5 is the TV equivalent of Lord of the Rings in terms of an epic SF series, then Lost Tales will be the equivalent of Martian Chronicles.For what it is, I loved it.

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Most reviewers here seem to be expressing extreme disappointment with Babylon 5: The Lost Tales - Voices in the Dark. These reviewers EXPECTED Babylon 5 as if the show had never shut down in 1998. They expected something of that level, and that is the problem, EXPECTATIONS. Well folks, a lot of the stuff needed to make something like that (the sets, CGI, wardrobe and props, etc.) NO LONGER EXISTS at Warner Brothers. It is GONE (destroyed, lost or sold off, respectively). Combine that with JMS wanting only to do some small short stories in an anthology format, NOT long arcs right now, AND Warner Brothers OBSESSIVE COMPULSIVE TIMIDITY (always in TEST-THE-WATERS mode) when it comes to allocating money to ANY new Babylon 5 project, especially a new material Direct-to-DVD venture, and this is what you get. Given all of the above, I do not think JMS and Co. did a bad job. Not great, but not bad either. However, what B5 needs is a huge shot in the arm, something to revitalize that universe, and this low budget DVD of two 36 minute B-stories, with Warner Brothers still not deciding whether there will be more, isn't it.And no, the G'Kar and Franklin tribute/mention does NOT cause a continuity problem.Spoiler for the B5 TV series below.....In 2271 (Babylon 5: The Lost Tales - Voices in the Dark (2007)), G'Kar and Dr. Franklin and Londo are alive. "Beyond the rim" has two meanings: 1. Death and the afterlife. 2. The Rim of Known Space - the limit of what has been explored thus far. Beyond that limit lies the unknown. JMS used this as a double entente, and gave a nod to Andreas Katsulas and Richard Biggs in the sense of meaning #1, and in the story used it in the sense of meaning #2 regarding G'Kar and Franklin going exploring. 2262 - G'Kar and Lyta leave B5, and go off on their adventures together. 2264 - G'Kar and Lyta come back. Lyta to see Garibaldi. 2264 - The Telepath War. Lyta and Lennier die. (Crusade Writer's Bible) 2265 - Legend of the Rangers To Live and Die in Starlight. G'Kar is there.2267 - Dr. Franklin is on quarantined Earth, due to the Drakh plague. Crusade begins.2268 - The cure to the Drakh plague is found in year 2 of Crusade.2271 - Would have been Crusade's 5th year. B5-TLT-Voices in the Dark DVD2278 - Londo & G'Kar die (In the Beginning).2281 - Dr. Franklin is on Minbar, for the last get together before John Sheridan dies in Sleeping in Light. So, the little tribute to Andreas and Rick doesn't ruin ANYTHING.And BTW, this is **NOT** the worst B5 ever. That dubious distinction belongs to the B5 Legend of the Rangers pilot "To Live and Die in Starlight" (a.k.a. TLaDiS). I gave the B5-TLT DVD 6 stars, and was being charitible in giving TLaDiS 2 stars.

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If you're a B5 fan, you will really enjoy this! It's obvious that JMS had a budget, but I think he did a great job with it. Lochley's story was really great new territory for the series and brought up some great points about religion in this world and even had a really cool revelation about it. Sheridan's story set up a potentially great new character in Prince Vintari and set up a dilemma for Sheridan that was very well done. It was also cool to see Sheridan and Galen interact. If I had any complaints it was the music. I couldn't believe it was Christopher Franke. I loved the work he did in the B5 series but it just didn't seem as good here. Regardless, it was a great start to what I hope turns into bigger and better future B5 productions!

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