| 08 July 2005 (USA)
Aurore Trailers

After the sudden death of her mother, Aurore Gagnon is abused by her disturbed step-mother as her town remains in the silence followed by her death. Based on a true story.


Plot so thin, it passes unnoticed.

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Absolutely Fantastic

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The movie is wonderful and true, an act of love in all its contradictions and complexity

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Cissy Évelyne

It really made me laugh, but for some moments I was tearing up because I could relate so much.

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I can't believe there's people that would rate "Les Boys" higher than "Aurore"... I mean, Les Boys is a classic Quebecois and yet is really bad.To watch Aurore is really moving, I saw it on theater and everybody was crying, tissues where coming and going, and people had to stand up, run outside and cry it all out a couple of times. For all movies i've seen in theaters none of them has had such impact in the viewers as Aurore has. People wasn't afraid to show tears cause everybody was crying, boys and girls equally.It has a very strong content and I think it was really good in all sense cause it made the viewers feel the real pain and captured the real message. Needless to say, at the end of the movie, the exit was pretty much like a funeral.. no talking, only tears and people started to leave quietly.

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Yes it's a good movie, but many of scenes it wasn't complete, example: during the chattering between 2 characters, the fade appear and this is the scene change.This story is normally longer, Luc Dionne could easily make a 3 hours time of movie with the same context.I was very disappointed for the music, Michel Cusson should be practice before to compose a music for a precious movie. In this time, Luc Dionne should to hire Yoko Kanno or John Williams, anyway the masters of the movies musics. Not only the spectators will applause but will cry the Aurore's martyrdom during the movie and after.Sorry for my English... i did my best

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I really want to give a 10 out of 10 on this movie! But unfortunately I can't. This is a great movie that lacks just a little something. That little something is violence. No I'm not a sadist and I don't like violence in films, but this is a movie about torture and we don't see any of it. It's only implied. It's sad to say, but this story isn't complete without it. Having the camera pan off while we hear Aurore being tortured made this movie miss something. It almost made it appear cheesy. They could easily have had the audience squirming in their seats had they shown just a tiny glimpse of the crazy torture that La marâtre imposed on Aurore. I just feel it would have been a bit more realistic had they shown a tiny bit of it.Hélène Bourgeois-Leclerc did a MAGNIFICENT job interpreting the evil step-mother. Actually, she's not evil, she's crazy. Hélène definitely carries the whole movie! I actually felt sorry for her because she's so demented. I hated the step-mother in the original film because she was just plain mean and enjoyed torturing Aurore. But in this new version Hélène made the character out to be more human. She actually believed that by torturing, hum, I mean disciplining Aurore she was fulfilling her duties as a parent. In her mind she wasn't doing it to be mean. She didn't mean to kill Aurore and the other kids. She's just so totally crazy, that's all. It was an excellent job on Hélène's part! Bravo Hélène!! I had no feelings towards the father in the original movie, but found myself surprised to be hating the father, Thélesphore Gagnon, in this movie. I've liked Serge Postigo in everything he's done in the past. This is the first time I hate his character. He did an excellent job in this movie! Bravo Serge! And what can I say about Marianne Fortier who played "Aurore". Those EYES! My goodness! The child acts with her eyes! Beautiful job for her first time around! And I'm not saying that because we share the same family name.The rest of the actors were really good. As usual. We all know and love all of them from so many roles in other movies and from TV.I just hope that the powers that be are smart enough this time around with the DVD to remove their blinders for once and think beyond the borders of the province of Quebec by dubbing the movie in English, so others who don't speak French in Canada and the US can enjoy this beautiful gem of a movie.Great film! Go see it! Well worth it!PS: Aug/05; I went to see Aurore for a second time. It was ever better the second time around! Dec/05; I now have the DVD and have watched it several times. I love it more and more every time I see it!

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This is a must-see movie! Aurore is simply one of the best movie from Quebec. It is most touching and you need to be some sort of psycho not to feel anything after seeing this movie. The acting is amazing, the setting is realistic and the story is incredible! The way the movie was made was just like if the producer was showing you paintings, moment after moment, and sharing a part of a story that should be known by everyone! By the way, this is a true story that did happen to Aurore Gagnon, who is commonly known has " Aurore, l'infant martyr (Aurore, the martyr kid)", and for a very good reason. Anyways, this movie is simply great. Finally, this movie deserves it's 10/10. Again, two-thumbs up and continue this amazing work!

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