What a waste of my time!!!
... View MoreExcellent, Without a doubt!!
... View MoreA clunky actioner with a handful of cool moments.
... View MoreIt is interesting even when nothing much happens, which is for most of its 3-hour running time. Read full review
... View MoreIMDb reviewers strikes again by the degrading quality of ratings movies. This movie is miles better than almost all critically acclaimed Western horrors in the last few years. Staying true to the Asian root, the movie explores the theme of curses and it's working. When a cursed is placed, two holes are created is the basic idea here i.e when you place a curse on someone, you get equally influenced by the curse because it links you and the one you cursed for eternity.The plot is great with a very nice twist at the end. You end up not sympathising the protagonists at the end, but some might differ. Characters are complex unlike most Western horror (which are awfully full of shallow rehashed characters). The scares works as well, with lots of supernatural jumpscares mixed in with gore and torture images, although they are rather creepy than scary. The performance are decent. While the movie could've done better by filling in a plothole or two, it doesn't take away from the overall excitement of it. Highly recommend it, 9/10.
... View MoreThis is a Thai horror film that was simply fun to watch. A group of friends visit an old teacher of theirs who lives in the jungle. We see through flash backs that terrible things happened to them in the past at their school. Their beautiful teacher seems to have become a homicidal devil worshiping witch. Not only is she able to conjure the dead and cast spells that will make your stomach turn (think fish hooks and reptiles + soft human flesh); but she also seems to have a predilection for torture using a blow torch. Let the mayhem begin! If you can find it online, download the trailer of the movie and watch it...its one of the best horror trailers you will see. And the movie itself is just as fun. What else can I say about this movie? Interesting and unpredictable storyline. Beautiful jungle scenery. Hot (but evil) Thai babes. Gratuitous gore. What's not to like guys? Watch this one and have a blast!
... View MoreI've been intrigued by Thai Voodoo for the longest time, not that I would want to be on the receiving end of it, but it makes you wonder the amount of clout and (real?) ability of these medicine men who put hexes and curses on your behalf, for a small fee. And it always seem that what they do to you, from simple artifacts like a voodoo doll, can inflict so much pain onto your real self with just a simple needle poked on a right position on the straw doll.Art of the Devil 2 is not a sequel, in that it has no relation to the first (which I am now intrigued to watch as it stars Chai-Lai Angel Supaksorn Chaimongkol), although they deal with the same supernatural forces in Thai lore. It tells a story of a physically attractive model teacher, Ms Panor (Napakpapha Nakprasitte), and her group of students, one of whom she is a stepmother to. However, as with all misunderstandings, it stems off with what the eyes see and the ears here, and the mind believing. With black magic in the works, things are never what it seems, as the group of students revisit their teacher a few years after a tragic and shameful incident happened in school. Why, you'll never understand, but we need something to have them all put together to get something going.This movie has plenty of gory moments which offers some good scares, given the disgusting things that happen to the victims of the hex. If torture scenes in Syrianna and Hard Candy made you squirm in your seat, then your stomach is up for more churning, given the previous two films did it more psychologically and with off-camera scenes, whereas here you're not spared the visual details, leaving none to the imagination, even if certain shots might look cheap and unrealistic. The gore grips you right from the start, giving you a hint that if you can't stand what you've just seen in the first few minutes, you won't be better off for the rest of the movie.In an environment where almost everyone is not as innocent as they seem, keeping secrets close to their hearts, and the usage of black magic to achieve their individual desires and objectives commonplace, it perhaps served as a reminder not to dabble in the black arts, either as a practitioner or an end user, as there are always warnings of ill fate that befall upon them.Unlike the Sixth Sense with its slick execution, script and delivery, Art of the Devil 2 had a rather satisfactory ending, but with the final stroke of the pen in creating the finale, it presented itself with a major loophole that seemed to have glossed over what transpired earlier, which is a big no-no in trying to force audiences to accept the "new truth".However, if your intention is to get some scares, then this movie still delivers, if you'd be forgiving to the ending.
... View MoreART OF THE DEVIL 2 is another one that I had to watch as an import VCD with no subs/dubs as the U.S. release doesn't hit til next month - so anything I say about the film is based strictly on what I "saw" - as I have no idea what anyone was saying. Also, this is about as "name only" for a sequel as it gets - as far as I can tell, this film has nothing in common storywise with the original ART OF THE DEVIL, other than the title...The story centers around a group of kids who have a sorcerer cast a spell on some guy cuz he's a dick to them. When homeboy starts pushin' fish-hooks through his skin, his ol' lady decides to get even by casting some spells of her own. The kids take a little vacation to a shack on the waterfront - and this is where the "action" happens. There's a decent amount of gore, including the previously mentioned fish-hook death, and a particularly decent leg-blowtorching-to-flesh-removal that is pretty choice. There also seemed to be some sort of "twist" to the ending that I didn't understand...Overall, AOTD 2 seems to be a pretty decent film, similar in vein to the 80's era Hong Kong sorcery-horror joints, but WAY better. There seemed to be a few genuinely creepy moments, and the gore was pretty heavy, though not as much of an all-out bloodbath as I was expecting from the trailer. I'll be interested to pick this one up when the U.S. release hits to see if the storyline measures up to my expectations...8/10
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