Are You Scared 2
Are You Scared 2
R | 10 February 2009 (USA)
Are You Scared 2 Trailers

Dallas, Andrew, his girlfriend Taryn and Reese compose of the DNA Team in an Internet game where the objective is to find treasures in hidden caches. While searching the last treasure to beat the game's record score, they are chased by two psychopaths controlled by the sick owner of an underground site that is filming their movements and they have to fight to survive.


Lack of good storyline.

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Just bad

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Best movie ever!

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One of the best movies of the year! Incredible from the beginning to the end.

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c b

The idea of them geo-caching and having Tony Todd (AKA the Candyman) in the movie was a good idea but once they got to the house all intelligence disappeared. Well, actually it was stupid to cast Kathy Gardiner in the movie. Her acting was HORRIBLE!!! EVERYTHING she said sounded like she was reading. One of the maniacs was especially annoying with his mumbling and gibberish talking. With movies like the Blair Witch, which was also a low budget movie, You can make a good scary movie with a low budget and a lot of creativity. But basically just like everybody else said. This movie was terrible. I did like the giraffe and wild animals in the movie. Not worth spending any more words one it. This Movie Sucked!

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A director really has to work hard to make a movie this bad. I really can't blame Tony Todd, as this was probably a chance to make a few dollars for two or three days of work. Thankfully, he had to interact with only one of the other actors.Everything the other reviewers have written is absolutely true. These kids basically wander around in a (relatively) small building, completely oblivious to the fact that they can go look out a window to see where they are. And how lost can you get when there are stairwells with exit signs all over? I actually know something about geocaching, and I'm guessing that the director might be a geocacher himself. How do I know? Because virtually all of the geocachers are tall and good-looking, and their girl friends have big boobs. This is not true in the real world. (Bring on the flamers....) The giraffes were a nice touch, though.Not recommended.

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Claudio Carvalho

Dallas (Tristan Wright), Andrew (Chad Guerrero), his girlfriend Taryn (Andrea Monier) and Reese (Kathy Gardiner) compose the DNA Team in an Internet game where the objective is to find treasures in hidden caches. While searching the last treasure to beat the record of the game, they are chased by two psychopaths controlled by the sick owner of an underground site that is filming their movements and they have to fight to survive.The direct-to-video "Are You Scared 2" is a messy, sadistic, stupid and annoying movie that uses all the clichés of the genre. The story begins without any development of characters or explanation of the silly GPS game. The dialogs are terrible, and the character Reese is irritating. Most of the situations are ridiculous, like for example Andrew deciding to return to the control room, or kissing his girlfriend while having a psychopath on their tail. The edition is awful, with scrambled images and unusual camera angles. I am just scared with the possibility of a sequel of this crap. My vote is three.Title (Brazil): "Armadilhas Mortais 2" ("Mortal Traps 2")

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Messy film about a bunch of people using GPS to find a hidden treasure as part of game. They are unaware that they have been set up by a killer who is filming there every move. One of the worst films I've seen in quite awhile. Its construction as a series of video feeds really doesn't work since results in a these oddly connected series of scenes from unnatural angles. It would help if there were a real sense of a story, but its not really there. Its more a plot synopsis that looks to have been written illegibly on a torn envelope so the resulting film is utterly incoherent except in the broadest of terms. Its stupid people in peril. I'd like to say that the gore effects are good, but I have stress nothing else in this film is.

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