Angel, Angel, Down We Go
Angel, Angel, Down We Go
R | 19 August 1969 (USA)
Angel, Angel, Down We Go Trailers

The overweight debutante daughter of the world's wealthiest couple falls in with a gang of tripped out, skydiving pseudo-reactionary pop stars, who take their beliefs of the American ideal to profoundly impossible heights.



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Each character in this movie — down to the smallest one — is an individual rather than a type, prone to spontaneous changes of mood and sometimes amusing outbursts of pettiness or ill humor.

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The storyline feels a little thin and moth-eaten in parts but this sequel is plenty of fun.

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This must be one the greatest, least recognised trash films of all time. It has such a strange mixture of truth and pretentious phoniness that it is in a class of its own. What Hollywood film of the time (or now even) would dare show anything as pornographic (for Fat Amerika) as Holly Near's binge eating scene at her birthday party? Yet the incredible tackiness of it all perfectly illustrates the tackiness of late 60s rock culture, even if it gets all the details wrong, oh so wrong. I love it, it's one of my top ten all time favourite films.

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**Spoiler Alert**I've been watching Jennifer Jones since I was in grade school. I clearly remember the Saturday night I watched "The Song of Bernadette" with my grandmother on television. As a kid in Catholic school, taught by nuns, it left quite an impact. I mention this mostly cause I've had a life-long respect for Jennifer Jones and have made every effort possible to see as many movies of hers as possible. To say I was curious about "Angel, Angel Down We Go" would be the understatement of the year. I appreciate trash as much as the next movie-lover..but this one really tested my patience. Its mean-spirited, its long-winded, its cinematic nonsense. I can't imagine what in the world possessed Jennifer to do this movie cause its, by light years, the worse movie she's ever been involved in. I have a feeling she was having one of her parties and Roddy McDowall and maybe even Lou Rawls was there and someone spiked the punch with acid and they all made a pact to do this movie as a lark. Either that or she lost a bet or owed on the landscaper but there had to have been some unexplicable reason why this movie...maybe Lana Turner was there was said that doing the "The Big Cube" wasn't worse than some of her marriages and so Jennifer figured what the hell, no one will ever see it. A biography I have of hers said she clearly did it for the movie, since AIP was paying stars like Vincent Price a lot for doing the movies he was making for them, and let's face it, you gotta eat..I got a laugh or two. She mentions "Gone with the Wind" and it IS one of the only movies I can think of where the hairdresser, Sydney Guillaroff, is mentioned. But her death scene was just as unpleasant as her death scene in "The Towering Inferno", and its just not bad enough to be good. I forgive you, and I think Showtime Beyond for unearthing it, and I am very glad I got to see it, but obviously it was not a lot of fun for me.Speaking of "The Big Cube"..hey Showtime, how about it?

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the review in the "Psychotronic Encyclopedia Of Film" had me looking for this one, for years. Finally found it in 2003, and wouldn't you know, it has ended up on USA cable here a year later. (Showtime Beyond is really exhuming the hard to find AIP stuff regularly) So, what to say. The casting is positively bizarre, with Jennifer Jones, modeling the same outfit she later wore in "Towering Inferno"; Protest singer Holly Near as her troubled fat-girl daughter; Charles Aidman as the rich, secretly gay, father; Jordan Christopher as the freaky rock singer/producer,currently working with his new band "The Rabbit Habit" featuring Lou Rawls (who never sings?), and Roddy McDowell in his freakiest psychedelic film. It starts with Christopher appearing to be a liberating force, but by the end, the drug use/criminal activity leaves no one liberated, and some dead. It's fairly pointless overall, but there are some classic moments to be treasured. Favorite dialogue award goes to Jones, with the classic:"In my heart of hearts, I'm a sexual clam", though Roddy's mini-rant about sexuality, ending with his description of being "turned on" by a carrot comes real close. Hardly classic, but rewarding for the curious! Good companion piece to similar epics from that time, from "LSD, I hate you", on back to "Skidoo", and "Gas-s-s-s, or it may become necessary to destroy the world in order to save it!"

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An weird night of moviewatching commenced with this...thing, which popped up on a lesser Showtime channel at four in the morning. (Really, how disparate was the collection of movies I saw last night? In order: Gerry, The Joe Torre Story, Cult Of The Damned, and Ghost Actress. Who needs Hollywood blockbusters to be entertained?)I kept notes during CotD, but, uh, damned if I can codify them into something resembling a review. But I'll try. Prepare for a nonsensical commentary.The movie opens with some hippie-dippy narration not unlike the voiceovers in, say, Radley Metzger's Score. (That's what it reminded me of, at least.) Or maybe CotD was trying to be like Valley Of The Dolls or something. Jeez, my mind's already wandering.The only other movie I knew Jennifer Jones from was The Towering Inferno, and, yes, I agree with another user comment here: She's wearing, like, the same evening gown. Everybody: "We may never love like this again...." Okay, maybe this movie gave me a contact high.The supposed fat girl here leans more toward Hollywood Fat like Bridget Jones, rather than Reality Fat like Tracy Turnblad.The band's first number for some reason echoed early Pink Floyd (their "Piper at the Gates of Dawn"-era). I don't know now if that's true, but that's what occurred to me at the time. This movie wasted no time in making my mind all mushy.Took note of the typical AIP production values: The stilted line readings, wobbly camera-work, slapdash editing, McScore, reliance on the zoom, muffled ADR, cheap Foley, and interest in brutish men and loose women.The dialogue can be so hilariously bad that every other line could be used as a shining example of drug-infused hippie-era screen writing. My favorites:"Your breath stinks. I dig it.""You are a fat girl, idiot! I don't know why anyone would touch you.""Fat girls are the remembrances of things past.""I never really thought of having a profession, but, boy, have I dabbled."Okay, that last one is classic; I'll have to add that to the numerous Showgirls quotes I can't help but slipping into conversation.There was another line that was oddly familiar. One character uses the phrase "polymorphously perverse." Was this a popular way of describing someone back in the day? This is the third time this week I've heard this phrase (Annie Hall was on TCM again, and it was used in American Splendor, which I rented a few days ago), so what's the dealey-o?Should I attempt to summarize the plot? About a half hour in I gave up trying to follow it. I don't think it matters. Digital cable's synopsis identified this movie as a crime drama. There may have been a crime, but I sure don't recall any drama.What was up with the naked guy behind the pool table? Was there some correlation between the nudity and the balls being knocked around? I'm not complaining though; the movie seemed to have a surprisingly healthy interest in the male body and gay men, although the "homo S&M sex = death" scene at the end negated this supposed progressive depiction of alternative sexuality.There's a user comment here that used Beyond The Valley Of The Dolls as a comparison, which was what got me interested in this movie in the first place. Alas, CotD lacked orgiastic pop bliss of the Russ Meyer classic; it instead had the pseudo-serious vibe of something like Psych-Out. Oh well. But this did have one or two things in common with BVD, like references to Naziism. But that's all I can say about that. And the lead guy was all Lance Rocke during a moment on the beach. Again, I don't remember how; at this point I'm just copying my notes.So, back to Jennifer Jones. She had a Joan Collins thing going on for a bit there, but I zoned out through most of her scenes. When I re-engaged myself in the movie in a last-ditch, futile attempt to figure out what the hell was going on, she was pawning her bracelets to buy cotton candy. Which is when I realized either the movie left me behind or vice versa. Was she brainwashed into denouncing materialism? Was that the crime? IS that a crime? Beats me.Hmm. I guess that's about it. If I ever watch this movie again, maybe I should either pay more attention or pack a bowl first.

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