American History
American History
| 01 January 1992 (USA)
American History Trailers

American history, from Columbus landing and found that George Bush becomes president. College Film by Trey Parker.


Let's be realistic.

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There is just so much movie here. For some it may be too much. But in the same secretly sarcastic way most telemarketers say the phrase, the title of this one is particularly apt.

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This is a must-see and one of the best documentaries - and films - of this year.

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One of the film's great tricks is that, for a time, you think it will go down a rabbit hole of unrealistic glorification.

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I think this was Trey Parker and Matt Stone's first film.You can find this in its entirety on youtube.South Park is my favorite television show, I also liked Team America and BASEketball, Cannibal the musical was alright as well and I haven't seen Orgazmo yet.Im sorry but this one just sucks.It's basically a 5min short about American History.It's not really funny and you can barely hear the narrator.Big fans of Matt and Trey's work should check this out, but it is fairly bad.It came out the same year as the first Spirit Of Christmas(aka Jesus Vs Frosty) which introduced the South park kids.Now that was miles better!3/10

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This short film was co-written by Trey Parker of South Park fame. It's amazing to see that just a year or so after this very, very rough film Parker made CANNIBAL: THE MUSICAL (though released three years later). The difference in quality of the two projects is astounding--like comparing a painting by a 3 year-old to a DaVinci painting!! The film consists of a Japanese student narrating a rather sketchy and only occasionally silly history of America in only five minutes. As I said, it's not all that funny and the graphics appear to be very, very, very crude approximations of the South Park style of cut-out animations.The bottom line is that this isn't a particularly good short film, though it is worth seeing if you are a Parker fan and are dying to see some of his early work. However, I really think you'd be better off watching the cannibal musical or watching Parker and Stone's short YOUR STUDIO AND YOU. American HISTORY is rather slow going and not exactly something you need to see!

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For those who are unaware of the story behind this short film, the 'narrator' of it is Trey Parker's college roommate, a foreign exchange student, who Trey just asked to tell his interpretation of what he knew about American history. Trey just recorded that audio and then made a very basic animation to go along with it.It's not supposed to be a hilarious joke that was purposely concocted, but instead just an interesting/amusing piece. It's sorta along the same lines as other bits people have done from time to time having kids explain things as they understand them, but with a foreigner instead.

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It is well documented that anything affiliated with the creaters of southpark is a trip. This is of course a definite. I liked it. Not too many people know about it though. Find some footage. I think it's pretty sweet *ss.

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