| 19 March 2016 (USA)
Alienated Trailers

After seeing a UFO, a man and his skeptical wife are forced to confront their relationship issues.


one of my absolute favorites!

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Disturbing yet enthralling

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Married Baby

Just intense enough to provide a much-needed diversion, just lightweight enough to make you forget about it soon after it’s over. It’s not exactly “good,” per se, but it does what it sets out to do in terms of putting us on edge, which makes it … successful?

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Haven Kaycee

It is encouraging that the film ends so strongly.Otherwise, it wouldn't have been a particularly memorable film

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Tony Imbruglia

I don't normally write reviews but I am compelled to write one for this excellent movie. Firstly I must say that I felt like I was having an out of body experience witnessing my own life to the letter from afar. This movie was so close to the bone it was almost therapy.Brilliant script, brilliant acting, it is NOT a SCi-Fi movie at all but a movie about a couple with differing opinions and outlooks on life.It is quite slow in the first half but after I realized what I was witnessing on screen, I became fully Immersed. In fact, I need to watch it again. So should everyone.Now it's time for my wife to watch it. She plays the lead actress very well. I want her to watch it alone as I don't think I could sit through it with her because the dialogue is so close to our real life experience. So eerie to watch your own life unfold in front of you.

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This film is pretty intense. Its not at all a feel-good movie. Its better. Its an honest movie. The way we sometimes don't even consider our partner's feelings is sometimes scary. At the same time, Paige could have been a little more supportive. I won't give way the end but those that saw it know why. This is why I think we should always respect each other's feelings. The language may be a little harsh for some. Especially the fights because they can get intense and verbose. But this kept me interested. It wasn't just some stupid alien movie. It was about way more than that. Thanks for not insulting our intelligence.

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the opening credit sequence in this film was well done and kind of foreshadowed the themes in the movie. a possible alien invasion? abduction? i wont give it away but you decide when u see it. but what the credit sequence did not foreshadow was how funny a lot of this movie is. the audience was in stitches, which was odd when u consider the subject matter. i think the scene in the bathroom between paige and nate was the funniest scene i have seen in all year. it was so disrespectful but true to his character. i thought about that scene long afterwards and how self centered we sometimes are without even knowing it. kudos to the superb writing and the brilliant performances by the cast. when this film is released nationally i am going to purchase it for sure.

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Doug Skinner

This is a movie labeled as a Drama & Sci-Fi Thriller, but what that label fails to mention is the subtle humor that permeates the entire film. The humor is dry and dark, but should not be overlooked because it breathes life into the characters. This film is an artists rendition of a troubled relationship with Aliens as a back drop that feels at once real and believable.The dialogue is very strong and the actors play off each other very well. Taylor Negron is an interesting character that brings balance to the tension between the leads.I've thought about this movie a lot since I watched it and would like to see it again. It a relief to know that movies with depth and feeling can still be made without million dollar budgets.

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