A Throw of Dice
A Throw of Dice
| 04 January 1930 (USA)
A Throw of Dice Trailers

Two neighboring kings addicted to gambling, Ranjit and his cousin Sohat, vie for the same beautiful young woman, Sunita, daughter of the hermit Kanwa.


This Movie Can Only Be Described With One Word.

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Best movie ever!

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Kaydan Christian

A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.

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It's a good bad... and worth a popcorn matinée. While it's easy to lament what could have been...

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Horst in Translation (filmreviews@web.de)

The 1929 black-and-white film "Prapancha Pash" is probably India's most famous silent film. It is over 85 years old and actually a British/German/English co-production. The actors are all Indian, the director (Franz Osten) is German and the writers are a mix of everything. Language in here is British, at least in the version I watched. Luckily it is not Hindi, because that way it would have been really difficult to understand for me. And I may have missed crucial parts, which would have been a pity as this is a pretty decent watch from start to finish. Yes the characters are either evil or good and there are no real shades in-between them, but that is not a major problem. The story is really simple for the most part and this helps the film a lot. Envious relative of kind prince wants to commit a murder in order to get power (and later also get the girl). Beautiful woman and prince fall in love. This film is really easy to follow and I liked the writing and acting here. Seeta Devi is gorgeous. Shame she did not manage to get a career in sound film. One big downside here is that the film is in black-and-white. You don't see the colorful palaces and bright costumes of the protagonists, which is quite a shame. As for the sound, you may listen to a decent melody that was added later on or watch it in silent as it was originally done. Whatevery you choose, go watch it. I am generally not the biggest silent film fan, but this one was a positive surprise and it is a shame there aren't many more famous silent films from Indian. Thumbs up for "Prapancha Pash".

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Re-titled a "Throw of the Dice" (and appropriately subtitled "A Romance of India") for American consumption, this late-term silent film was doomed to failure as it did not feature Greta Garbo or Charlie Chaplin in the non-speaking roles. But, its dreamy production values and international flavor played well in theaters not equipped for sound, and audiences in India were understandably receptive. The story begins in the Indian jungle, where pretty Seta Devi (as Sunita) has been secreted by a hermitic father.You will immediately see that hiding the fetchingly-attired Ms. Devi from society isn't going to last because the area also serves as tiger hunting grounds for two ruling cousins - "Good King" Charu Roy (as Ranjit) and "Bad King" Himansu Rai (as Sohat).In the opening hunt, the latter shoots the former "accidentally on purpose" with an arrow. The former unexpectedly recovers, due to the tender loving care provided by Devi. So, if he is to steal nubile young woman from Mr. Roy, Mr. Rai must take more drastic measures, which he does. The cousins' mutual affection for gambling advances the plot to predictable results. Irony exists in the line, "I know from your horoscope that gambling will bring you unhappiness." The film's main strengths are its beautiful locations, sets, and costumes. All of this will probably bore you, if you're not familiar with silent films.***** Prapancha Pash (8/16/29) Franz Osten ~ Seta Devi, Charu Roy, Himansu Rai, Modhu Bose

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When I began watching "Throw of the Dice", I was immediately taken by the wonderful quality of the print--something you don't usually see on a film that is 81 years-old! Clearly, the recent restoration was a smashing success--as was the nice musical score. As a result, the film is well worth seeing--though I must admit that the story did seem to have some problems as it was a bit silly and hard to believe. After all, who is THAT stupid?! The story is about two cousins--each who is a king in an Indian kingdom. One is evil but hides it very well--and he intends to destroy his cousin and take his kingdom. First, an arrow is deliberately shot into the unsuspecting king during a hunting trip, but he manages to survive--and fall in love with the local doctor's daughter. Next, the doctor is murdered and the good king is framed...but that plot, too, in undone when the man hired to do the killing admits his deed as he himself dies. So, the wicked king decides to cheat the cousin out of his kingdom as well as his new fiancé through the use of loaded dice. How all this is resolved is for you to see when you watch the film.As for the third plot to steal the kingdom, it's all very difficult to believe--especially that anyone would be stupid enough to fall for the evil king's plan to get his cousin to gamble away his kingdom. It all has a mythical quality about it and I assume this is probably taken from some ancient Indian folk tale. But, despite this being the weak point in the film, the rest of the movie is so lovely that I think the plot can be overlooked a bit. The film has wonderful cinematography, costumes, composition and beauty--it really is a work of art...and a work of art any silent film buff needs to see.

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Igenlode Wordsmith

I suspect the number of (living) people who have seen this Indian silent picture may have gone up a hundred-fold in the course of the last few hours: London's Trafalgar Square was packed to capacity with what we were told was a 10,000-strong crowd, all present to see a free open-air screening accompanied by the London Symphony Orchestra in the premiere of Nitin Sawhney's new score for the film. The turn-out was nothing short of incredible for any silent film, let alone for such an obscurity, and the event was clearly a wild success.As for the film itself, it's a highly-coloured epic based on a classic Indian tale, and reminiscent of the works of the brothers Grimm or the stories of Scherezade. There is trickery and romance, rival princes, a wise hermit, a beautiful daughter unfamiliar with the outside world, palaces and jewels, henchmen and loyal followers, kidnapping, disguises and an army on the march. There is even the apocryphal cast of thousands -- with elephants! The new score is well done, and is in a sufficiently 'Western' style to be accessible to a European audience while containing an Indian flavour in the solo voices and instruments: the LSO performance was admirable, and was in fact the best live orchestral synchronisation I've yet heard. The actors are both good-looking (where appropriate) and talented, and there is some impressive wildlife footage at the beginning and sophisticated editing at the end.What I didn't get, to be honest, was any sense of emotional depth: this is a simplistic moral or fairy-tale style story with a great deal of plot and little space for characterisation. It's all on the surface, and a very attractive surface it is too; but that's all there is. The film is entertaining and technically excellent, with lavish production values thrown into the bargain. It never got me involved on any more intense level, though.

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