R | 14 May 1994 (USA)
A.P.E.X. Trailers

A time-travel experiment in which a robot probe is sent from the year 2073 to the year 1973 goes terribly wrong thrusting one of the project scientists,into a plague ravaged alternate time-line whose war weary inhabitants are locked in a constant battle with killer robots from the future.


A Major Disappointment

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This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.

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It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.

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This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.

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Anthony Bannon (bannonanthony)

I only just saw this film yesterday after picking it up from a charity shop. The cover, which showed one of the really cool-looking APEX robots from the film caught my attention immediately. When I watched the picture, I was not let down. In some ways, I guess the plot could be seen as a bit of a TERMINATOR rip off, but there's more to it than that. Time travel is a reality in a Utopian future but only robots, known as APEX units are sent to avoid messing up the time line. But when one APEX sterilisation unit nearly kills a family in 1973, a guy called Nicholas Sinclair travels back to stop it.The alternate future that Sinclair returns to after accidentally altering the past is truly hellish. An unknown virus has decimated the population and to cap it all, the surviving humans have to battle with the APEX robots. People infected with the virus are shown no compassion whatsoever. Soldiers infected with it are sent on suicide missions. This particularly rattles Sinclair as the woman who was his wife in his own time line is such a person.Sinclair struggles to set things right while facing hostility from some troop members and attacks from the robots. For a low budget sci-fi movie, this picture is very good. The action scenes are handled brilliantly and the acting from the ensemble group is very good and the robots are a very menacing threat.There were no real big names in the cast but the cast that the film does have are great in their roles. I don't like how much of a jerk they made black soldier Taylor (troop leader Shepherd is forever telling him to shut up) but I guess no film is completely perfect. I intend to try and see some more of Mr. Phillip J. Roth's films to see what they're like. I must say though that I am glad to have APEX in my possession.

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This confusing sci-fi entry is a mixture of clever ideas (the main character turns out to be the key to the spreading of a deadly virus) and logic loopholes (when the hero finds himself in the "alternate future", the other characters seem to have known him for years; so where is the other version of himself - the soldier - that apparently has been living there all this time? How can two labs communicate when one of them isn't supposed to exist?), but the production looks as slick as the budget will allow, and there are plenty of explosions for those who like them. (**)

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This is billed as a time travel paradox movie - it's really a poorly thought out cardboard shoot-em up. It's full of inconsistencies and even the supposed paradox is flimsy at best.Berserk robo fans might [at 2am on a stormy night] see something in it but science/sci-fi it ain't.

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Jonathan Horner

Wow! Hold the phone! This is one BAD movie! I bought it for £2.99 in the b-movie section, I suppose you can't ask for much, but this takes the cake!A.P.E.X stars a load of useless actors who I've never heard of before. The evil robots which get sent back in time look like something out of the Power Rangers! Also, the robots I.Q is very low, they stand there in the line of fire getting shot to pieces and don't even attempt to eliminate the enemy! Plus they have really, really bad aim!The group of marines who are sent to kill these evil robots are useless and don't look like professional soldiers at all. They simply stand there in the middle of the carnage which is riddled with evil robots and have a conversation! Oh yeah, and there's one really annoying soldier who has a very serious attitude problem.If your a really big die hard sci-fi action movie fan then you may, like this movie, otherwise forget it!3/10

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