96 Souls
96 Souls
NR | 03 June 2016 (USA)
96 Souls Trailers

A university research scientist, about to lose funding and status, has a lab accident and discovers he can see people's true intentions -- making his situation even worse.


Overrated and overhyped

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Janae Milner

Easily the biggest piece of Right wing non sense propaganda I ever saw.

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Matylda Swan

It is a whirlwind of delight --- attractive actors, stunning couture, spectacular sets and outrageous parties.

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I enjoyed watching this film and would recommend other to give it a try , (as I am) but this movie, although enjoyable to watch due to the better than average acting fails to add anything new to its storyline that is all too familiar to these types of movies.

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"96 Souls" is captivating from start to finish. The lead scientist at a university lab has his hands full as he deals with personal disappointment and heartbreak at the same time he is fighting for support of his unprecedented research into light-based identification of scent. His life turns upside down when an accident in the lab inadvertently provides the breakthrough he is seeking and more. This low-budget thriller uses simple, but effective special effects to illustrate the "hallucinogenic" quality of his formula – it literally alters one's perception of reality. There is unexpected humor in this film, which doesn't detract from its message about the importance of not abusing potentially exploitative information for harm. It is also a meditation on love and loss, as well as personal redemption. Jack's discovery transforms him as readily as it transforms his field of study. Toyin Moses deserves special recognition for her performance as Bazemint Tapes. Her scene in the mental hospital's music room is both poignant and revelatory, and the young actress is convincing throughout the film. This nicely-written film serves a main course of entertainment with side of morality tale.

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I really enjoyed this picture! This movie is timely as the story line addresses medical ethics during a period when science continues at an amazing speed to make astonishing advances in all areas. This is classic sci-fi: a scientist conducting an experiment is suddenly jolted into a bizarre new realm due to an accident in his lab. Although initially intrigued, he soon realizes that his data needs more research as his visions become terrifying. Unfortunately, those in the pharmaceutical industry who fund the scientists hear about his latest discovery, and our hero has to protect his research from being used for malevolent purposes. Thus begins a tug of war between the forces of good and evil that keeps the viewer on the edge of his seat. There are many twists and turns that lay ahead, as well as some terrific new characters going in and out of the fray. "96 Souls" is a film unafraid to ask big questions and for that reason alone is totally worth seeing.

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The beauty of this film is it has depth (a turnoff for some fanboys). You see a work-focused scientist, Jack, have his perception altered to be able to see the soul of certain people he encounters, whether rich or poor. It reminds us that the soul, not our exterior, is really who we are.The dialogue is realistic, different from typical sci-fi, with a little humor thrown in. (This type of exposition is preferable to what we heard in Dr. Strange). One character, Basement (a very talented actress), wins over your heart. Jack's decision to help her appears at first as self serving, but the journey leads to a human discovery as important as his scientific discovery. If you can switch from the typical way today's films come across and let it work on you, your mind and heart will be engaged to understand its powerful message. I'd like to see future work from the very diverse cast and filmmakers.

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Very short review on this one. The story starts out okay with an interesting concept (being able to visibly see odors), but then devolves into absurdist directing and not-so-special "special effects" that have no sensible or reasonable basis. What starts out as science fiction quickly become science slop. Oddly, this happens at the very same time the theretofore reasonable script suddenly explodes in a blast of profanity. It makes one wonder if they completely changed directors and writers 20 minutes into the work... and decided to throw decent writing, reason, acting and good directing out the window in favor of shock schlock. What began as a reasonable premise becomes unbearably ridiculous-- at which point I decided to waste no more of my time than already spent on this spud.

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