3 Braves
3 Braves
G | 12 November 2015 (USA)
3 Braves Trailers

Three Braves is the story of three extraordinary children who rise from the most unlikeliest of places and save their town from the evils plague it. Equipped with courage and super powers,11 year old Amna, Saadi and Kamil battle against the odds and stand up to injustice to restore peace and harmony in their once thriving community And live a very happy life.


hyped garbage

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At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.

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Kien Navarro

Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.

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Rosie Searle

It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.

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Pakistan's first ever-animated movie is a pathetic fail. I got the CD of this movie from a shop after hearing many reviews about it. They were all saying it was the best movie ever and stuff like that, and I was curious to see it. I regret it. The plot is unoriginal and badly written. There is no chemistry between the characters. The characters have no development whatsoever, the animation is terrible and the characters are awful. Saadi is the main character but a poorly developed one. All he just does is boss everyone around and upset his mother. He is the smart one of the three Bahadur but he is so useless. He has the personality of a rock. All you need to know. Moreover, his power is super smarts. I MEAN, SERIOUSLY. SUPER SMARTS? Is that the best you can think of? There is Amna. AMNA IS THE BIGGEST MARY-SUE OF ALL TIME! I HATE HER SO MUCH! She has the power of super speed. However, she is always mean to everyone and repeatedly beats up Kamil. And she tackles a bad guy by running around him and the bad guy just lets her attack him.-_- Where's the creativity? The worst is Kamil. Someone needs to shut that retard up now. He has the ego that can be seen from space. He never shuts up and always brags about how great he is. When you see him, you will feel like throwing your TV out the window. He has the lamest power, super hearing. That will not help you much in anywhere. His jokes are not funny. You will often feel like punching him in the face. Anyway, the main plot is about the person named Mango who gives his soul to a demon for powers. Then he takes over the town he lives in with them (how original). It is a waste of time. In the battle scenes, they do nothing. The comedy is stale. The action is horrible. In one scene, they beat up a guy by throwing a ball on his head and instantly the villain tumbles and is defeated. I MEAN, SERIOUSLY? IS THAT HOW YOU BEAT SOMEONE UP? AT MY SCHOOL, ONE KID DESTABILIZED A TUBE LIGHT BY THROWING A BALL AT IT. I hate this garbage. It needs to burn in hell. You will regret wasting your time on this

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Salman Qazi

While animations nowadays are entertaining for viewers of all ages, this one may only appeal to my seven years old. The biggest plus is that no one thought that such good quality animation can come out of the Pakistani film industry. However, that is all that it is - an animated film from a "poor" industry that has decent animation. There was no story worth its salt, the characters were weak and the outcome was fairly predictable all along. Many scenes seem laundered from other similar movies. Action sequences were extremely unimaginative. The whole "Kamil Dada" banter was not enough to provide the mandatory comic relief that has become an essential component of all animations. Avoid if you are serious about what you watch, however, if you have time to kill, go ahead and watch this one but do not expect much.

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A typical "good vs evil" story for the kids. Mimicking those childhood stories that we had here in Pakistan in 90's. Evil and Good both start in the same place, then face off against each other and the evil is defeated eventually.Animation of the film is average, and filled with sponsors titles, which is not pleasing at all, but may be that was the back up plan if the crowd does not turn up. From a kids perspective a nice movie to watch, at least worth the ticket. And for the first animation movie made in Pakistan it was a nice effort and a sequel may be on the way.

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Farooq Ahmed

what do you get when you give three kids superpowers without any explanation and remind the audience of your sponsors after every ten seconds... "3 Bahadur" Despite it's quirks though 3 Bahadur is a very fun and interesting movie for all ages and is definitely worth buying the cinema tickets for. Set in the not so cleverly named town of "Roshan Nagar", the story follows three brave friends (the intelligent and curious Saadi, the bossy Amna and the humorous Kamil) who, after getting superpowers for no special reason or explanation, attempt to rid the town of the evil "Mangu" who has terrorized the entire city by use of his dark magical powers and has started a mafia which rules the area. The story makes sense because all of the three children have their individual scores to settle with the thugs and they do so rather brilliantly. Technically flawless, the movie's jokes and references are all fun and easily relatable. Sheraz Upal has really outdone himself with the music, both songs are just what you want in a kids' movie, catchy and full of life. The only thing that troubled me about 3 Bahadur though was that some action scenes (for the likes of Disney and Pixar) were a bit too graphic and loud but other than that 3 Bahadur was a good watch.

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