22 Bullets
22 Bullets
NR | 24 March 2010 (USA)
22 Bullets Trailers

Charly Matteï has turned his back on his life as an outlaw. For the last three years, he's led a peaceful life devoting himself to his wife and two children. Then, one winter morning, he's left for dead in the parking garage in Marseille's Old Port, with 22 bullets in his body. Against all the odds, he doesn't die...


An absolute waste of money

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What a freaking movie. So many twists and turns. Absolutely intense from start to finish.

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This is a must-see and one of the best documentaries - and films - of this year.

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Cissy Évelyne

It really made me laugh, but for some moments I was tearing up because I could relate so much.

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There is something about the revenge movies...Perhaps it taps into some primal hunter and protector in all of us. Even after centuries of so-called civilization, we are still creatures of instinct.And here comes a very well done, albeit not very original revenge thriller. There is nothing here we didn't see before, many, many times. Nevertheless it works. Excellent pacing, well choreographed violence, good character actors, and, of course a sense of justice done. Something we do not see very often in real life. The bad guy these days not only gets away with murder, but usually runs for office and lecture us about patriotism. Maybe that's why this flick works so well. Like an old-fashioned western. You run the villains out of town and ride into the sunset.

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Well, i tried: i watched it for one hour. But even if it was good to meet again with the Berrys (father & daughter), i couldn't endure more this crap: Still, it has everything to be interesting: Marseilles is indeed a city know for its gangsters, its executions. Berry father has an eye for the camera. It's a true story. But, the pace of the movie is too slow, as flat as a dead man heartbeat. The story, full of useless characters, is very hard to follow and the flashbacks not really informative. The cinematography is just awful as it's yellow anytime, everywhere. The Godfather is felt in each frame but here, the stakes, the production are just cheap and there's really nothing "prestigious" about those kingpins. The biggest difficulty is the cast: everyone makes a face, everyone feels unhappy, so it makes me unhappy. In fact, the first hour is the silent confrontation between a hypochondriac boss and another convalescent that lies in a bed. After, it's the usual revenge by the guns against bad, bad gangsters by a philosophic killer! It's not a surprise that it was awarded the Gerard of the Worst movie of the year and probably of the decade!

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Lars DM

The reason I decided to watch the film was mainly the participation of Jean Reno. However, the overall taste fell below my expectations.The most disturbing issue in the movie is the existence of roles (actors) which offer nothing to the plot. For example, would it make any difference in the story if Jean Reno had only one wife or none instead of two? Do you actually remember the name and the participation of the third member of the three children which then comprise the mafia gang?Moreover, the movie seems very predictable and Jean Reno very old for this kind of story. However, he is the one who survives from this bad and indifferent movie.To conclude, I think that there is nothing to remember from this film which seems to count only on the leading actor. Disappointment!

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Jean Renos character would probably not even smile at 50 Cents near-death experience. That wouldn't even be considered a scratch in his book. But apart from this (useless?) trivia, there is so much that you can find in this movie. Jean Renos characterization for once. The story and the other characters too.Of course you could say that this is romanticising an evil person a bit. But then again, this is a movie. You cannot try and apply rules of real life to it. Other movies with criminals involved might have been worse in that regard. And after all, there are experiences in life, that are truly life-changing. And if what Renos character has gone through does not count, what else does? It's not all drama though, there is a good portion of action to be found here. And very well shot (no pun) and acted out. The end could not have been any other. At least not for me. Highly recommended

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