| 28 November 2003 (USA)
...ing Trailers

Follows the life of a young woman who has become reserved and indifferent to the world as a result of her chronic illness deformed hand and quietly portrays the unconventional, yet endearing relationship between mother and daughter as well as the development of Min-ah as she is befriended by the high spirited and carefree photographer Young-jae who moves into their apartment complex.


Memorable, crazy movie

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Captivating movie !

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This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.

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Jonah Abbott

There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.

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It started out very promising for the first 20 minutes or so. Lonely 'different girl' looking for her place in the world and the meaning of love. But the pace slowed and the content became ever more obvious and the music ever more annoying. Still I wanted to like it Even when we soon find that the girl has some unnamed, possibly fatal disease, I hung in there. I thought maybe my wife was enjoying it for the romantic element. But no, her reaction was the same as mine: this is bad and getting worse. Maybe it is a cultural thing as I say. A tearjerker is one thing, but to have outright BAWLING while the soppy music wails up - you need a strong stomach for saccharine to enjoy this film. I rarely write comments on IMDb, but felt I had to counterbalance the praise found here. This film is pretty awful, IMO.

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refresh daemon

So the title of the film, I'm guessing, has to do with the present moment, as in how you use the suffix "-ing" to make a verb in the continuous present tense. The story uses a popular Korean melodramatic cliché terminal illness (don't worry, it's not a spoiler because you learn it early on) as a means of exploring human relationships and the value of life.All this is done with fairly slick directing and cinematography, with a touch of lame CGI and a surprisingly attractive soundtrack. The protagonist shifts over the course of the movie, but is primarily a sickly young high school student, acted naturally by the lead sister of Tale of Two Sisters. She is moody and withdrawn, but early in the film encounters a young man who stubbornly refuses to let her be.Of course, there's a little love story involved, but surprisingly, the love story is a smaller factor than the the young Mina learning how to appreciate the life and the people in her life that she has. Another wonderful portrait is the relationship between Mina and her mother, Misuk, who she refers to by her first name (an astounding device, as few Koreans would ever call their parents by their first names).The film still suffers from a little manipulativeness and the humongous cliché of the terminal illness, but despite it, manages to be breezy, cool and at the same time poignant. The ending of the film drags a little and the recent Korean desire for "twists" even seeps its way into the film (M. Night Shyalaman, what have you wrought??), but the film still carries enough weight and an excellent atmosphere that keeps it enjoyable, despite these problems.And did I mention that I simply adore the soundtrack? Where can I find Korean music like that, rather than the overglossed pointlessness that is Kpop? I might have to make another purchase from Yesasia.com.Good. 8/10.

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One of the few asian movies (that I know of) that will appeal to a wide audience. ...ing is truly an unforgettable movie.The story's about a lonely girl whose illness kept her from making friends. Now in her teens attending school is about the most socializing thing she does. And even there she sits quiet in class. Her mother, knowing that her daughters decease will kill her sooner than later, keeps encouraging her daughter to live her life to it's fullest, getting a boyfriend and having fun. As one day a young photographer moves in in the flat under them and falls in love with her, she slowly learns to come out of her shelf...The story is quite simple but it's really well written with GREAT characters and funny ideas and translated professionally onto the screen. It almost feels like an Hollywood movie if there wasn't the fact that this is much more wittier and more original than Hollywood will ever be.If you're in for a heartwarming movie and prepared to shed some tears watch this movie. I highly recommend it!

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It's not often i cave in to pressure to see a movie, but on this occasion i did. I decided to give this baby a go, and boy was i not disappointed!!! ...ing tells the story of Mina, a young girl who is very sick and loveless. Mina struggles to cope with her life and loneliness after being in hospital for most of her life. Then one day a young man moves in to the apartment below and Mina and Jun become good friends. Although Mina is still insecure and distrusting, she finds a friend in Jun and their friendship blossoms, much to the delight of her friends and her mother.This movie is a bitch! It tears with your emotions horribly. One moment i was happy, the next i was genuinely about to burst in to floods of tears. This movie carries a simple romantic story, but is executed on an almost masterly level. From the moment the movie opens with it's beautiful acoustic opening song, through each and every beautiful camera shot, to the powerful ending; ...ing is an emotional and exhilerating rollercoaster. It's engrossing, addictive, highly watchable and overall an incredible movie. Pure and Simple. ...ing is proof that Asian cinema is in a league well and truly of it's own. It offers some of the best acting and directing talent and has it's own unique style that simply cannot be replicated or remade ANYWHERE else (are you LISTENING America?).Quite simply - and i feel pretty bold with my labelling here - ...ing is a modern day masterpiece. To call yourself a movie fan and to go through life without watching this would be dealing yourself the greatest, most catastrophic dishonour ever.One of the most unmissable, engrossing and frankly brilliant movies i've ever had the pleasure to see. To the director of ...ing, Eon-hie Lee, thankyou. Thanks a million.

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