True Blood
True Blood
TV-MA | 07 September 2008 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Rio Hayward

    All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.

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    Sabah Hensley

    This is a dark and sometimes deeply uncomfortable drama

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    This movie feels like it was made purely to piss off people who want good shows

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    It's a good bad... and worth a popcorn matinée. While it's easy to lament what could have been...

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    It's trully ment for teenage girls that like guy's like skarsgard or the complete opposite in this case "bill". This series is not even close to reality and full of sex and "drugs" abuse (shots of vampire blood). The story line is a complete mess hard to follow. And thThis is just the worst show HBO ever created IMO

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    I liked the first few episodes. Then I started to notice a theme: Most of the female characters are constantly behaving immaturely, having tantrums or getting frightened, until a man (such as Bill or Sam) calms them down. A female character who defies this stereotype gets killed off fairly quickly. Yes some of the male characters are also jerks, but at least they can get through the day without having fits, plus they seem to have their own homes. Women in their late 20s live with their parents and I finally had too much when a female character who I think was supposed to be around 17 or 18 behaves like a three year old. I think Alan Ball thinks this is what women are like. He should be ashamed of himself.

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    everything what you desires is present in this bizarre, provocative, eccentric series. the love, the hate, the friendship, the revenge, the sentimental complications, magic, vampires, atmosphere of South , lovely characters, dark demons, shocking events, romanticism and essence of Gothic stories. each as ingredient of a total show. because it is more than a cult series or media phenomenon. it has the virtue to be a kind of mirror. for dark side of viewers. for discover of new and interesting actors. for the science of detail and status of time trip. and, sure, for the art to transform a trend in refined manner.

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    I was hooked because of the first season of this show, the southern grit and nastiness was entertaining and enthralling to watch. Even the second season was at least amusing to watch, the dumb and pretentious aspect of it worked at least when it came to the amusement factor. Even the Light of Day Institute arch was watchable. Then they introduced the fairies and fairyland and it became really lame and silly. Even the characters started off fairly interesting and amusing started to get way too idiotic and dis- likable. This is a vampire drama, but they all started to get way too darn pretentious and whinny the whole time. While not being able to make up their minds and leading people on and on until even the characters seem to get tired of it. I wasn't all that fond of Sookie the main lead from the beginning but she was alright. Then I just wanted someone on the show to punch her in the face. On the last season I think the writers wanted to wrap things up in a way where she somewhat atones for her hypocritical, pretentious and whinny ways during the whole show. Despite the nudity in this, it's really a fantasy show for women and teens, with good looking vampire males constantly trying to win her affection, regardless of how she acts towards them. Even fans of the show was so over her after few seasons in and they probably really wanted to give this character a chance. I am being a bit more harsh on Sookie despite there being a lot of annoying characters in this show because she is the main main lead after all. And although she is the central character her presence was almost unnecessary in a lot of ways. The final season at least try to get to the roots of what made the first season really good. But just didn't have the momentum to make it end with a bang. I thought it was a alright wrap up at best but nothing really noteworthy. Overall, this is a show I wouldn't really recommend because it basically has one really good season and the rest being mediocre or just plain awful to sit through. It's not a terrible show but there is shows that are way more worthwhile out there.6/10

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